25- early stage, second step.


After using the strength that was dwelling inside him, Adel quickly got the hang of it due to his experience of already achieving the stage in his past body.

Though he was inwardly excited, as he started thinking:

"Before, it took me two years at the very least to cross from a stage to another, yet here I am already in mid step on just around three days here..."

Adel sighed, as he realized the true significance of cultivation techniques. His past one was modified by him, and at it would've at least taken him a year to cross one stage with the newly modified version when he reached the sixth step.

But he knew that the current cultivation technique was exceptionally unique. After all, he understood that even if he were to cross the entire plane, and the first one too, he wouldn't come across such a powerful and unique technique.

He shook his head, while he finally entered the space inside his mind using his consciousness...


As soon as he entered, he was met by an incredibly thick enclosing of the three energies.

He shorty started infusing his body cells with the surrounding Ki; making it more and more powerful.

The first step was like a small foundation for the next step -- the second step.

As it nourishes one's body with Ki to temper it to a center degree.

Though Adel used the Ki to temper his cells into becoming more powerful.

After all, the second step used Ki to temper the body. While Adel already had done this due to his strength being at the early stage of the second step, but that was a completely different thing.

The first stage consists of nourishing the body with the small amount of Ki one can sense through the connection with the pathway, thus sensing more and more from the surrounding as they break through higher stages until the high stages, where the energy one would feel would greatly differ.

As the more potent the energy one senses in the cultivation pathway, in the high stage of the first step, the more powerful their spells might be.

But Adel didn't pay much attention to this matter, as he knew he would leave this plane. Hence, even if the energy he sensed here was more potent, it wouldn't make the spells any more powerful in the elementary plane.

Since it used a completely new energy that--was the Chi energy. So, even if he felt a more potent energy through the pathway in the first step, it wouldn't matter.

That is the reason why he paid more attention to make his battle experience fused into his body more from his soul. It is to nourish the body's instincts and make them reach a higher level before stepping on the next step.

The first step as said previously, would nourish one's cells to make them powerful enough to bear the Ki energy after the following breakthroughs.

But Adel wanted to do something different. He knew that he had a special bloodline within him that gave him some unique abilities, that he assumed the mind-door was one of them.

He wasn't sure, it was but an assumption, after all. So, he wanted to make his blood purer through the breakthroughs of the following steps, hence unlocking more abilities.

If what he'd assumed was true, then that meant that the skills, powers, or abilities he could gain from his bloodline would require him to also refine his blood whenever he wanted to make a breakthrough in the body cultivation system.

Therefore, Adel had his body stronger than its strength on the cultivation system, making it useful when he stops cultivating on the body cultivation pathway.

And it was also because the [Five Elements Transcendent Body] technique required him to only eat S tier pills to progress, different than progressing his body's prowess through using treasures.

Or, of course, by using the [Primordial Cosmos] technique and advancing it slowly by the percentage of energy sent out to his body.

Even though S tier pills were extremely hard to concoct, even limited in all the 4 stars' of pills, he believed with the knowledge he'd gotten from the mind-door, he'd be able to make such pills with ease when he progresses in the future...


As for how he was going to refine blood, it was of course through consuming pills that were capable of such feat. He'd gotten various ingredients from the book he'd read previously, thus his stay on the second step beasts' tunnel had another reason: to gather herbs that were unidentified by the alchemists as alchemical herbs and use them to concoct the numerous pills he knows of.


Adel finally shook his head slightly, before he slowly started circulating the [Primordial Cosmos] technique.

A pit slowly showed itself on top of Adel's head, as all the surrounding Qi and Nao, even a little bit of Ki were madly rushing into Adel's body, in the Skull that was residing within.

His dantian quickly got a breakthrough, as he soon after entered the early stage of the second step.


His dantian was slowly getting nourished, until it expanded into x10 times the size it was, leaving Adel dumbfounded since this shouldn't be the case...

Remembering from his past body, only after reaching the fourth step would one's dantian reach the current size he had.

But he just tossed the matter to the back of his head, forgetting about it and moving on to his soul cultivation system...


The energy on the top of the skull was being compressed to incredibly pure drops, before all the existing energy went towards his soul, making his soul being nourished x2 times the amount it was, giving him even more soul energy...


Adel felt a faint shackle break from his soul, as he looked back at it and seeing that nothing happened.

He went to his mind-door, and saw what the shackle was...

The Espush plant was growing at a faster rate, but still at a slow pace. He let out a sigh as he realized it wouldn't reach the next upgrade, but he shook his head remembering that it didn't matter since it at least saved him some time...

He shook his body off the dust, before he headed towards the tunnel, wanting to leave. He realized he'd missed Katrina, and had a faint connection to her through a faint line that was making the two attached somehow...

He didn't know what they were, but just possessed a feeling that it was something he wouldn't know any time soon, only after he foots onto the fourth step will he have some vague information about it...

Besides, his mortal body was too hungry presently. So he just casually looked for a high stage second step beast that seemed to be at the body cultivation, which took him around half an hour, before he headed towards the end of tunnel, remembering the promise with the beast, and that it was 27 hours until he leaves the area...


Author's Note:

Alright, final chapter.

This doesn't mean this novel won't continue, it will!

I'll post it again in wsa, so stay tuned.

Nobody as of now is paying attention to it, so... }