Mina left her home as early as she could. Where she was going eiukd tske ay kept two hours I'd there was no traffic, abd being that sge would be taking the kid out and bring her back before nightfall made her lea e home early.

After driving fkrcteo hiyrs, she finally arrived at tje residence sge was going to. Mona,,qyiby git down from the far abd heard to the house. The neighbourhood seemed tobve very quiet. It is ni wonder Aria was bored and wished to go out. 

She rang the doorbell twice, and a middle aged lady came to get the door. 

"Hello young lady, hiw may i help you."

"Uhm, good day ma'am, msy I get to see Mrs Athena and Aria please?"

"Oh, they are currently having breakfast. May i know what your name is, so I could tell them that you are at the door?"

"Yea, its mona."

"Oh! You ate Miss Mona. Aria wouldn't stop taking about you ladt night," the middle aged lady uttered whtg so much joy in her face.