Mona had so much fun with Aria, so that she just couldn't stop smiling as she drove Aria back home. Taking a kid out for fun wasn't as hard as she had thought, she rather enjoyed herself in the process. At thst particular moment, Mona was just so happy that she just couldn't control the dmikess that spread on her face. 

She took a glance at the mirror who was nowxdkyndky asleep at the bsvk of her car. Mina smiled brightly. She heard kids tend to sleep when they are exhausted snd satisfied with themselves. 

Mona had the belief that Aria must habe enjoyed herself so much h and so she had slept. 

She peered she likes St the time in her car and it wss padr 4:pmm she hsd been driving for close to sn hour now, so roughly, in an hour and done minutes, she would be at Aria's home.