The All-Conquering System

It was my twelfth birthday, when my whole life was turned upside down with the acquirement of something I deemed impossible.

Lying in bed late at night, I suddenly felt a sharp headache and while aching in pain in heard the message.

[System loading....

Loading successful

Initiating system]

After that my headache went away as quickly as it came and I opened my eyes. Then a great surprise awaited me as I looked at the weird looking blue screen in front of me. No matter how I looked away it followed my vision. Even closing my eyes didn't help as the screen still showed.

So seeing it wouldn't go away I decided to just inspect it to see what was going on. So I looked at the info on the screen. I tried talking to it, but unlike some stories I read there was no response.

[The All-Conquering System:


Missions (1 new mission)


It was these three and inventory wasn't even accessible. Looking at the message behind missions I wanted to open it. Immediately after wanting it a new screen opened. It seemed I could control the screen with my mind.

[Mission screen, 1 new mission]

[Main mission (1):

Look at your status screen.]

It was only this bit and naturally I quickly left the mission screen and opened the status screen.

[Status screen:

Name: Jake Hanson

Age: 12

STR 1 (Indicates your physical strength)

AGI 1 (Indicates your speed and mobility)

INT 5 (Indicates how smart you are)

VIT 5 (Indicates your health)

STM 1 (Indicates your stamina)]

It was only this small amount of information, but something told me this screen could unfold endlessly. Then after closing the status screen I received a strange *Ding* sound in my head.

[Mission completed:

Main mission (1)

Reward: (Basic tutorial package)]

Without waiting around I immediately opened it and a large amount of text appeared in front of me.

[Basic tutorial:

Welcome to the The The All-Conquering System, which will transform you from a puny kid into the greatest human being. The road will be hard and hellish, but with hard work and the guidance of the system you will make it. Your status screen shows your basic attributes, which will grow as you increase your strength and intelligence. You will be able to do this with basic training, completing missions and more ways will be unlocked in the future. New attributes can also be unlocked. Now as you are still to weak to do anything the first mission will be given.]

[New mission - Intro mission

Increase all your basic attributes till they reach 5

Reward unknown.]

I sighed as the screen left my vision. I immediately noticed that I could summon and unsummon it at will. I still didn't know what to make of it, but it couldn't hurt to try it, after all my life wasn't that great at all.

My parents had suddenly disappeared when I was young, leaving me to be taken care of by my mother's friend.

At school I wasn't popular, yet I had some friends I hung out with occasionally. But I always felt my life had no spice to it. So getting this sudden system it seemed things would finally get interesting.

Slowly my eyes closed as I drifted asleep, only to be waken up by a sweet voice.

"Jakey, it's morning get up, breakfast is ready."

I opened my eyes and the first thing I checked was whether the system screen would appear, or whether it was just a dream.

Seeing the screen appear in my view I understood it truly was real. Having acknowledged that, I got out of bed and after getting dressed I went downstairs where a sweet aroma was coming from the kitchen.

It was Saturday and my birthday, so knowing my step-mother, I knew there was to be quite the luxurious breakfast.

As soon as I arrived downstairs I looked at the birthday garlands hanging around the house. I smiled knowing I was well taken care of in this house.

"Oh Jake good morning and happy birthday."

I turned around and looked at a middle-aged man, who was already starting to bald on his head.

"Thanks Mr. Wiler."

He seemed a bit upset as he said: "Come on you call Layla mom, but not me dad? Ah well can't rush things too much I guess. Well come on my wife has surely cooked up a good breakfast."

My now step-dad, Harry, then walked by me on the chairs and went into the dining room. He was the man of the house, having adopted me along with his wife after I lost my parents. I was grateful to him and he isn't bad, but I never felt much of a connection to him. On the other hand his wife.

"Jakey, happppyy birthdaayyy," A lovely voice shouted behind me.

Smiling I turned around and looked at the absolute stunner of a woman. It was Layla, my step-mother. Looking at her beautiful full brown hair, gorgeous face and curvaceous body I gulped. Even though Layla was wearing an apron the full shape of her breasts was visible through it.

I was only twelve and shouldn't be interested in these things yet, but for some way whenever I saw her my dick twitched and I wanted to do nothing more than to push her down and play with her amazing body.

For some reason I am far more adult in these things than other boys my age, who still don't care about the female body, but I always went into heat seeing this gorgeous woman.

Layla moved close to me and hugged me tightly, allowing me to get a feel of her amazingly soft breasts as she pushed them into my small chest.

After a bit she broke the hug and I smiled looking at her happy beautiful face up close. What I wouldn't give to make this woman mine. Then suddenly I heard it again in my head *Ding*

"Come on Jake, I made your favorite breakfast."

Looking at her wide hips and meaty ass from behind I almost couldn't resist anymore and let the message go for now, as I followed Layla into the dining room where a full kitchen table was set up with a total of 5 plates.

I sat down on the decorated seat, after which Layla happily put the food on my plate.

"Nina, Olivia, come on down already!" Layla then shouted hard upstairs.

Not long after I looked at the entrance to the dining room, once again feeling my dick twitch as my two older sisters entered the room.

Nina the oldest was 17 and had the same face and body type as her mother, being super beautiful, full brown hair and an amazing rack and ass, while Oliva the other sister, was way more flat, like completely flat and even though she was only 15 and had still some time to grow, it didn't seem like much would grow on her body anymore.

That didn't take away her natural beauty though as she too was a stunner. Living in the house with these three I considered heaven and hell, living with three absolute beauties, yet having no chance to make them his.

*Ding* *Ding*

Two more sounds bounced in my head which I quickly shoved away, as my sisters congratulated me on my birthday.

Nina smiled as she aggressively rubbed my head, "Congrats you little spurt, you're finally growing into a man huh."

"N-Nina don't treat him so roughly," Layla said caringly.

Nina smiled and sat down after which a soft voice was heard, "Congratulations Jake."

I smiled looking at my left where Olivia sat. These two were polar opposites no just in body types, but personality as well.

Where Nina was hot and outgoing, Oliva was cute and introvert.

"Thanks," I said after which we began eating breakfast. After breakfast ended Layla began cleaning up the dishes as she said: "All right remember tonight we're gonna have a celebration dinner so everybody be home at six."

Everyone dispersed immediately. Harry went to watch TV, Layla did some housework, Nina left the house to meet up with friends and Olivia went to her room.

I too headed up the stairs as I went into my bedroom not being able to wait anymore what the messages were about.

I immediately opened the screen.

[The All-Conquering System:


Missions (3 new mission)


Naturally I opened the missions screen.

[Mission screen - 3 new missions

- Intro missions (1)

- (1 new) main missions (1)

- (2 new) side missions (2)]

I then immediately clicked on the main and I was astounded on what I saw.

[Main missions:

1. Enslave Layla]

I couldn't contain my curiosity and clicked on the mission.

[Main missions - enslave Layla.

Your interest and want for your step-mother Layla has reached the peak. Make her your slave and have her obey your every command.

Objective: Have Layla reach 100% obedience.

Rewards: A slave who will obey your every command. Main quest completion reward. Additional reward will be given at all intervals 25%, 50%, 75%.

To increase obedience complete subquests.

subquest 1: touch her breasts for more than 5 seconds. Reward: 5% increase

subquest 2: kiss her lips. Reward: 5% increase in obedience

subquest 3: see her naked body. Reward: 5% increase in obedience

more subquests will be added after completing other subquests.

current obedience: 10%]

[Obedience: The manner in which a person obeys you. At 0% they will not even give your words and thought while at 100% they will unconditionally do whatever you say. The higher the obedience the more they will follow along your words, no matter how perverted or weird they get.]

I was stunned looking through the information the mission gave me. Turning the mature woman who had looked after me like a mother into a slave? And looking at the perverted subquests I expected it would only get naughtier.

I thought back to Layla's beautiful kind smile as she took care of me, trying to cheer me up no matter how sad I was. From when she adopted me to right this morning she always tried to make me as happy as possible. Turning her into a slave? there was no way I could do that to her.

But as soon as I thought that I imagined her hot naked body lying underneath me. Her mouth breathing raggedly as she was out of breath, bucket loads of semen leaking out of her pussy as she happily smiled having just been fucked into oblivion by me.

Immediately my dick stood up erect, showcasing it's might incomparable to any boy my age. Gulping I began to jerk of to the thought of fucking Layla and I came within minutes as plenty of semen filled the towel I quickly grabbed.

All doubt left my mind as I steeled my mind and gathered my resolve. There was only one way for me to go. And that was to turn my beautiful step-mother into my exclusive sex slave. I wouldn't be the kind boy I always was. In order to succeed I would be as evil as needed.