A naked woman

As soon as I concluded that I got a happy smile on my face. I wouldn't look back anymore nor would I care what would happen. From now on I would follow my own desires and at the moment that was to completely tame Layla and make her mine.

Having come to that I looked at the side missions I received and a wide smile appeared on my face.

[Side missions:

1. Enslave Nina (locked until 50% obedience with Layla has been completed.)

2. Enslave Olivia (locked until 75% obedience with Layla has been completed.)]

I couldn't look into them yet, but I knew they had to be like the mission for Layla. Smiling I imagined my future with all three family members serving me as sex slaves.

Just thinking about it made my dick hard again and once more I jerked off, only now Layla's naked body was joined by Nina's and Olivia's.

After jerking off once more, it was time to start on the intro mission, after all if a main mission was to enslave an insanely hot woman, I couldn't wait to receive more of those.

So changing into some comfortable work-out clothes I went on a run, which immediately made reality come face down on me, as I was exhausted after running just a kilometer.

It seemed the 1's in all Strength, Agility and Stamina were not for show as I had to stop running and walk home while I was sweating like crazy.

Still I didn't give up and as I got home I went to my room to do activities like push-ups and sit-ups. Reality came down on me again as with these exercises, I couldn't even complete a few of each.

I lied on the floor in my room huffing and puffing as I had lost strength in my entire body. Never had I known working out was that hard. But there was no way I would give up. I would make full use of the system and get strong, while acquiring beautiful women as my own.

Having caught my breath I stumbled out my room into the bathroom to take a shower. As I opened the door I was perplexed by the sight in front of me.

Long beautiful legs, wide hips with an insanely meaty ass, a beautiful back and wet brown hair.

Then the naked woman turned around and it felt like I had the best day of my life.

Two huge soft breasts, seemingly defying gravity hung from her chest, as her tight belly with cute belly button looked right at me, a little below was a beautiful slit with a few hairs on top.

*Ding* *Ding*

"Eeehhh, J-Jake, t-turn around please," Layla said nervously looking at Jake check out her full naked body, not hidden by anything."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here. T-the door wasn't locked either."

"I-it's fine, I must've forgot by accidence. J-just wait outside for me please, you can shower after."

I then left the bathroom with a big smile on my face, after all I had just looked at the amazing body of Layla fully naked as she had just finished her shower. Her ass, pussy and breasts, everything was shown to me.

Naturally I was happy, but having seen her naked body wasn't the only good thing. By some extreme coincidence this was the objective of a subquest as well. On checking it I smiled seeing her obedience having risen by 5% now totaling 15%.

I still didn't really understand how it all works, but I trust the system. Which meant if I got it up to 100%, she would be mine for life.

Now that one subquest was out of the way I began thinking of how to achieve the others.

Not long after Layla got out of the shower wearing a bathrobe, which only made her look sexier.

She had a small red flush on her face, which could be from embarrassment or just from the shower, but I didn't care after all even though she was wearing a bathrobe now, I could still perfectly imagine her naked.

"Y-you can go in now Jake."

"Thanks, and oh you look very beautiful mom. I love your naked body."

Layla gulped not having expected those words, but she smiled anyway.

"Thank you Jake, now hurry up in."

I smiled looking at her nervous gaze. I acted like a cute little kid and like this there was no way for her to even think I meant anything dirty by it.

I then showered still smelling the sweet aroma of Layla, which only made me want her more. All doubts in my mind had disappeared upon seeing her amazing naked body. I wanted her and I would turn her into an obedient slave no matter what I had to do.

I showered quickly, after which I went into my room and checked something out after all a new tab had appeared on the home screen which now looked as followed:

[The All-Conquering System:




Achievements (1 new achievement completed)]

Naturally I clicked on achievements and smiled.


- (New) See a naked woman]

Clicking on the achievement more info was shown.

[Achievement - See a naked woman

To earn this achievement you have to fully see a naked woman.

Reward: Eye upgrade, your eyes will be able to see clearer and farther away.

See more naked women to unlock the next rewards. 9 more until next reward]

I was astounded as I immediately noticed the reward. It fully convinced me the system was the real thing and not just something weird as my vision noticeably got better. Smiling I looked forward to how much I could evolve.

The day continued onwards as I thought plenty how to complete the other subquests, when suddenly Layla's sweet voice shouted from below, "Dinner is ready!"

I smiled as I went downstairs. As I met Layla's eyes she showed a small blush as she looked away from me.

I sat down at the dinner table after which soon plenty of delicious food was devoured.

After dinner ended we cleaned up and headed into the living room sitting down on two big couches.

"All right time for your presents, here's mine," Layla said handing me a small soft package.

Looking at her eager eyes I opened it quickly and was astonished by what I held in my hands. A handmade sweater.

"D-do you like it? I made it myself."

I smiled as I said: "I love it thanks."

Layla couldn't contain her joy as she hugged me, "I'm so glad. I hoped you would like it."

Naturally I enjoyed her huge soft melons pressing into me. *Ding* Then as Layla broke the hug I looked at her beautiful face up close and softly grabbed her face, "I truly love it thanks mom," I said with a sweet voice something which Layla was never able to resist.

I then pressed forwards and put my lips on top of hers, in front of the entire family. *Ding*

Even though Layla was surprised from my sudden kiss, she didn't move away and kept still. Naturally I didn't hold back and enjoyed kissing her hot lips.

Feeling her soft juicy lips on top of mine it felt amazing and I had to focus to not get an erect dick instantly and I didn't want to be separated from them ever, but I knew the longer I kept going the harder it would be to explain.

After all now it was just a thank you kiss, for receiving a present, but if it kept going people would think it weird.

So after burning this feeling in my mind I let go of her face with my hands and our lips separated.

Layla was blushing a bit never having expected me to kiss her while both Nina and Olivia had a small blush on their faces as well.

"S-sorry I just wanted to kiss you to show how happy I am," I said with a cute face.

Layla chuckled as she said: "I-It's okay Jake, I'm just glad you like the present."

I looked to the side and Harry didn't even care I just kissed his wife, after all in his eyes I was still a small innocent boy. He would have no reason to think I was aiming to claim his woman as mine, but I knew in time he would be stunned as Layla would leave him. Naturally he wouldn't know that I would be the one she would leave him for.

While Layla kept blushing a bit giving me some glances, none of the others thought much of it, after all we were family.

The others gave me their presents as well, which I happily accepted and for the rest of the evening we had some fun playing games.

The entire evening though I met eyes with Layla multiple times and every time a small blush appeared on her face as she directly looked away. I smiled knowing progress was being made and in time the mature and sexy woman would be mine.

After the fun night was over I went to my bedroom, where I could finally go over the messages I got from the system. Opening the system I was a bit surprised to what I saw, not imagining things had gone that smooth.