Chapter 3

LENA smiled as she greeted the guests for the bachelors' auction. It's funny because everyone seems excited about what's going to happen, and she feels the same way.

But her smile faded when she saw her dog Ace stomping as he walked closer to her. Pity filled her heart for her baby.

That shameless man, after all, ran over her dog unknowingly and innocently.

Her blood boiled again when she remembered Jordan Steele. The one who hurt her dog. Good thing that brute was not here. He might run over by chance.

The man hit her dog, so she wanted to karate him. She wasn't a violent person, and she was taught to respect others. But when it came to her dog, she immediately went into beast mode.

Lena took a deep breath as she looked around the entire course of the party. Everything was doing well. When she saw Kendric Sebastian, her childhood friend and her father's friend, she immediately approached him to thank him and talk to him as well.

But her mood shifted into beast mode when she suddenly saw Mr. Steele with his friend.

"Jordan Steele." She looked at his handsome face. "Well, well, thanks for coming." She shot her an evil look to let him know she didn't want to see his face.

Mr. Steele's thick eyebrows met. "After this, we're even."

Lena rolled her eyes, but she was glad he was there. "Even-steven, Mr. Steele."

"Good. And for the record, I didn't want to run over your beloved poodle. What happened was your fault," Ace said and turned to Sebastian as if he wasn't talking to her. What a very rude man. "I will send some pictures on your email. The construction of the airport will be completed soon."

"Thanks, man," Sebastian said, and the two shook hands. Ace left without even saying goodbye.

Really rude. That man's behavior is irritating—the stuck.

"What's with you and that guy?" asked Grecia — who was with Sebastian — which annoyed her.

"He almost ran over my poodle. Thank God and Ace only got injured."

Grecia's eyebrows met. "Ace? That man?"

"No. Ace is the name of my poodle. Daddy gave him to me so he's important to me," she said. "All right, I leave you. The auction is about to begin."

"Auction?" Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Yes. We're auctioning men. Bachelors. The money we can raise will help for dogs that need care and nurturing." Lena smiled. "Enjoy you two," she said, then left the two.

"I am Patricia, I will be your emcee tonight." The woman smiled, and Ace's face wrinkled.

'Fuck! Can't this get any faster? And what the heck am I doing in this goddamn party?'

Ace's eyes landed on the woman with the best seating he had ever seen. She stands close to the platform.

Yeah. He came here to see that hot piece of ass. It was like his daily dose of vitamins for his horniness. Fuck this!

He looked down at his foot when he felt someone pulling at the hem of his coat. He frowned when he saw Ms. Candice Marshall's dog.

"May I call on, Mr. Jordan Steele, the owner of 'Nadia Group of Companies'."

Ace looked up at the stage before his eyes dropped to the dog at his feet. He was asked to lift the dog then walk towards the platform.

He approached the microphone and spoke. "Hi, I'm Jordan Steele. And this poodle here is for sale," he said and lifted the poodle while looking at Ms. Marshall, who was statuesque on the stand. He wanted to see her get angry. "This poodle is very sad. Whoever buys this poor poodle will have me for a month." Then he flashed a sweet but fake smile.

Ms. Marshall's mouth cried. "No! That's my poodle!"

Ah. There it was. The anger. It's very prim and proper, but when you're angry, no one is sanctified. He wanted to shake her world a little. To make her imbalance as she did to his world the moment he saw her looking at the camera outside his office.

"Don't be selfish!" A woman hissed at Lena, and it irritated Ace. Nosy. "You're not that poodle. You're claiming what's not yours. You're still the organizer of this auction."

"Of course. You're embarrassed," one woman agreed. "Don't be selfish."

Lena was silent as the eyes glared at him. He was just calm as he stroked the dog's head.

And then, the bidding started.

Women bid. Even gays. The bidding went up and up until a woman bidding, and Ace stopped.

"Four hundred thousand for my poodle," Lena said. "I don't need the man holding my poodle."

Ace hid the shock he felt. She really loved this fucking dog? Why am I feeling anger towards this fucking poodle?

"Five hundred thousand!" A woman shouted, irritating Ace more.

He turned to Lena, who was moaning as she looked at him. Come on! Fucking bid higher, you beautiful ass witch! For me! He doesn't want to date someone he doesn't like.

"Five hundred! Going once! Going twice—"

"One-million for the poodle and for myself." Ace was forced to bid. 'Fuck me and my irresistible mouth for saying that. Shit! No way!'

He was so not giving one million to these fuckers. He'd rather buy a dog and raise it himself than to give one million to this fucking charity.

Eh, Ms. Marshall's eyes were glaring.

Fuck! If only she would smile sweetly at him. He could give ten million for a fucking sweet smile.

'Why am I moody all of the sudden? I am so weird sometimes.'

"One million," the emcee said as she recovered from the shock at the enormous amount he said.

'Fuck me, please! Just fuck me!' "Going once. Going twice. Sold to Mr. Steele."

Ace was forcing himself not to roll his eyes as he spoke again. "Because I bought the poodle, I have the right to give myself to someone I choose, for a month." Yeah, right, fuckers. It's my fucking decision, not yours. "Here," he said and handed the poodle to Lena. "You have me for a month, my sweet."

Fuck! My sweet?! I want to kill myself right now. But, oh, well, Ms. Marshall looked sweet in her pink lace curve-luscious gown.