Chapter 4

Lena took the poodle from him then stared at him before marching away.

Ace just shrugged at the woman's behavior. Not that sweet. He took it back. But Ms. Candice Marshall really had a nice piece of fucking ass. And he was a sucker for delectable ass.

And he fucking had a massive boner.

Lena erupted in anger as she walked away from the grand hall where the bachelors' auction was held.

That man was a brute! His courage to touch her dog.


She took a deep breath, then opened her car and let Ace in— Argh! Why is that man I think of by the name Ace?!

She pointed at her dog. "Maybe I should change your name. Ace is not for you because that name is abusive. You're still kind," she said to the dog as if he understood. "I should call you Acy, or steele." She rolled his eyes. "It's just the same, eh. Ahm, what's a good name for you?" She thought. "Maybe cal ... no, it's…"

Someone whistled.

Lena stood up straight and faced the whistle. She was shocked to see Mr. Steele. "Did you whistle?" she asked calmly.

Her dog was safe, so she was calm again. She just hopes Mr. Steele doesn't hurt her dog anymore because they are really at war. She has never forgotten how he took her dog to the platform. But he will give her a million so she is happy.

When the man did not answer, she spoke again. "Thank you for a million."

His eyebrows met, his eyes were emotionless. "Who says I'll give a million?"

That stunned her. Did he change his mind immediately? Damn. She thought that was true. Why wasn't she surprised anymore? She pressed her lips together and didn't say anything. She is disgusted again.

Mr. Steele tsked. "How's your dog?"

Lena was instantly on guard. "And why? You're going to hurt him again?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm just asking, can't I?" His voice was full of sarcasm.

She took a deep breath. This man was really a brute. "Mr. Steele, please, you leave…" Her mouth froze when she saw him approaching her. She swallowed and was nervous. "Why are you approaching 'to me?"

"Because I want to smell you. You smell good, addictive even."

She quickly took the perfume from the shoulder bag she was carrying then handed it to him. "That's my scent. Smell it."

He shuddered, then blinked at her. "What the fuck?"

"Bad words." She shook her head, then sprayed Mr. Steele's hand of her perfume. "That's my smell, just smell it. And then don't say bad words in front of me. I don't like that." She straightened her back. "Do you need anything else from me?"

His eyes narrowed on her. "I said I want to smell you."

Lena frowned. Isn't the perfume she's spraying on his hand enough? He wanted another spray?

She sprayed the man again. In that case, in his own chest. "Isn't that enough for you to smell me? Do you want another spray?"

His face darkened. "Woman, are you kidding me right now?"

She was dazzling. "What do you need from me? You want to smell me, there's my perfume. What else? Is there a hidden meaning to what you said or do you want? Wait, isn't my perfume what you want to smell?" She was so bitten with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. My dad says I'm a literal kind of person. You have to be straight to the point for me to understand…"

"I want to smell your neck, not your perfume. You get that?"

Her eyes widened. "W-what the ..."

In her twenty-five years of life, a man never said such a thing to her. Maybe because she was sheltered all her life, she was a miracle baby after all. Her parents didn't expect her in their life. Until her mommy's stomach hurt and she had her curettage. And then, a month after that, she found out she was pregnant.

She was indeed a miracle baby — because she had been curettaged and all in all, she was still alive. And she was sheltered from the world. That's why when her parents let her face the world at the age of twenty-three, she was a bit slow in understanding things, especially when it came to the opposite sex.

She was raised in an island for God's sake.

Mr. Steele was leaning on her now. Her heart was beating so hard, and her lips were trembling for no apparent reason. She clenched her fist when she felt his lips touch her neck, then she punched him hard in the jaw.

"Fuck!" It was so strong and crunchy that it devalued and shot him with a deadly look.

She, in turn, raised two clenched fists. "Dad said to punch the man who tries to get really, really close to me." She quickly pulled out the peppers spray from the bag and pointed it out to Mr. Steele. "Get away from me." Her eyes widened. "I'm really going to spray you. And please, please get rid of this I feel. You put this on me, you brute. You're the only one who came to me."

One of the man's eyebrows rose as he massaged the jaw she had punched. "How do you feel?" His voice was flat.

"I feel jittery and I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach," she said in a matter-of-fact voice. "I'm sure you did something to me. You're a witch, aren't you?"

Mr. Steele's eyebrows met. "What the fuck…"

"Stop saying that!"

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" His eyes turned slit. "Anyway, don't you read books? Or anything that has romantic shits on it?"

Lena's eyebrows lined up. "What? How did that get into the conversation?"

"Just answer me," was his rude reply.

"Ahm, no." She even shook her head. "It's not allowed at home. Only educational books should be read and not nonsense books."

He tsked, and the corner of his mouth quirked up. "So, Ms. Lena Candice is innocent like a baby." His eyes darkened as he stared at her parted lips. "Have you ever kissed?"

Not only did her eyes roll, but her cheeks also turned red. "W-what? Your question is rude!"

He just rolled his eyes. "Just answer me. You know, I'll give you a million when I like your answer…"

"Not yet," she replied quickly—what a waste of a million.

She stood awkwardly as Mr. Steele stared at her for a long minute. "So innocent. And with Russian and Spanish blood. So, fucking off limits," he said in a low voice, then shaken. "Expect my one million in your charity what the fuck ever account." After saying that, he left her in the parking lot.

Lena stared at the man's distant back. What a weird guy. It sounds even weirder to her. And at least he did. He had a reason why he was a bit weird. Eh, this?

Hmm. No one knows.