Chapter 12

Lena should be scared of what Ace could do to damage her. But she felt no fear of the man. Instead it was just excitement and fun the next time they met.

Lena smiled and nodded. "Thanks for the reminder. But, Patricia, this is the first time that I felt so alive. Jordan can make me feel that. In all my life, I have wanted nothing but to make my parents happy because I am indebted to them why I live. But not once, did I feel like I was living for myself. And then I met Jordan. Patricia, he makes me want to experience things I haven't experienced before."

Patricia took her hand and squeezed. "I'm happy for you, but just an advice friend, be careful. Love is a dangerous emotion to feel, especially for someone like you who is not aware of worldliness. Don't let him take advantage of you. Mr. Steele the man your heart can't trust."

Her forehead furrowed. "How did you know that?"


Lena rolled her eyes. "It's just gossip." She laughed softly. "I'll be okay, Patricia. Thanks for caring. Jordan was kind to me and he never forced me to do something I didn't like."

"Thank you. If that man does something bad to you, tell me, okay? There are many organizations that protect the welfare of women that will help us if ever."

She nodded and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

She was happy that she had a friend like Patricia. She worried about her condition, and it made her heart feel better.

They continued to search on Google. Some were big checks, some were not. Until they finished, Lena got no answer. She was even more confused because of what she read.

It was her first time reading such articles. So, when Patricia left the clinic, she took Ace—her dog — home to her condo and then went to the nearest bookstore.

This time, she didn't buy educational books but 'Non-sense' books according to her daddy.

Lena bought two romance novels, and the other one was Clumsy Girl's Guide to Falling in Love.

She was even embarrassed when she was about to pay the cashier. She can't look straight.

"Here it is, Ma'am," he handed her kinds of stuff that were already in the paper bag.

"Thank you." She smiled sparingly, then hurried out of the bookstore.

While driving home to the condo, Lena's gaze was fixed on the purchased book. She was already thinking about where to hide it so that her parents would not see it when they visited her.

'God. I'm breaking Dad's rule for me. I'm going to hell for being a bad daughter.'

When she arrived at the condo, Ace greeted her immediately.

"Hello Baby." She stroked the dog's head. "Do you want to eat now?"

Ace barked.

"Oh-ohokay. Wait for me here."

Lena laid the books on the island counter then made food for her dog. Afterwards, she returned to the island counter, picked up the books and went straight to her room.

She first pulled out of the paper bag one of the romance novels she had bought. The cover is very simple. Only a gray necktie was on the cover so that's what she chose. Innocent in her eyes.

'Oh, God.'

She first took a deep breath, then read the book. She stared as she read the first to fifth chapters. No wonder her father didn't let her read these kinds of books. But it was a good book. She enjoys reading.


Ace threw the car key on the center table as he entered his home. It was as if his body had been beaten with exhaustion.

'Fuck it!'

As he walked into the kitchen, he heard a noise from there. Thinking that he was a thief, his actions became agile. The fatigue in his body disappeared. He took the licensed gun to his room then returned to the kitchen.

Ace quickly aimed the gun at the intruder.

"Fuck!" he cursed. "Logan, what are you doing here in my house?!"

Logan looked down at the gun he was holding. "You hate me that much?"

"Fuck you!" He landed the gun on the island counter and turned to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Cooking," he replied and faced the stove again. "Because I don't have anything at home so I'm here."

"It's 'done at home,' "he corrected him again. "Don't speak Spanish, I'll strangle you there."

The lunatic just laughed, then translated into the plate a dish he had cooked and the rice that looked like he had cooked. He put them on the table along with a glass of water, spoon and fork. Logan looked at him. "Eat it. I know you won't eat again so I cooked for you."

Ace sighed. He did not want to correct the mistake in his speaking Spanish. He just had high blood pressure, eh.

He sat down in the chair and ate the food Logan had cooked. It tasted good. As fucking always.

Speaking of that devil fucking spawn. He opened his refrigerator grabbed a beer and a slice of mocha cake.

Ace just shook his head and resumed eating. He didn't have the fucking strength to argue with Logan today. He felt so fucking tired.

"So, how are you, buddy?" Logan asked him.

He showed him his middle fucking finger and finished eating.

Logan just laughed. "How's Ms. Lena Marshall?"

Before he could swear him, the message alert of his cell phone rang. Lazily he opened it, and his eyes almost popped out when he saw the content of the message. That's from Lena.

It was a picture of the woman, smiling at the camera and holding a book that she knew very well what it contained. Because of his weirdness, he actually watched the movie adaption. Alone. And read the book. Still alone.

"What the fuck?!" He quickly called Lena. "What the fucking hell are you reading, woman?!" he growled at the person on the other line as she answered the call. "Answer me, Lena."

And Logan as a great gossip, when he heard Lena's name mentioned by him, hurried over to him and put his ear to the back of his phone.

He kicked Logan.

'Fuck off!' he mouthed at Logan, who just grinned and shook his head. He blew a violent gust of wind. "Well will you answer me, Lena?"

"Ahm ..." There was doubt in her voice. "Why are you angry? It's just a book, from romance, eh."

"What romance is there?" His voice was loud again. "Lena, Fifty Shades of Gray is a fucking erotic book. Erotic!" he exclaimed.

"Are you cursing me too?" Her question with a sad voice. "Don't swear, please." She sighed. "I thought you'd be glad I read a romance book. Didn't you ask me that? If I read romance?"

Ace sighed and rubbed his palm against his face, irritated. "Lena, it's okay for you to read. But please, don't surprise yourself. That book your fucking reading is not for someone like you! Good-fucking-ness! It will shock you and it will scare you because you'd think that sex is like that. Read others."

"How about Fifty Shades Darker?"

"What the fucking fuck?!" he shouted again with swearing. "Lena, throw those books away right now. That's too much for you."

"I don't want that."

He also had a stubborn head. "Lena, please?"

"I don't want to. I'll read this."

He sighed in so much irritation. "Give me your fucking address."

He didn't know if he would appreciate her innocence because she immediately told him her address.

"Why did you ask?" very innocent question of the woman.

Instead of answering, Ace turned off the call and was stunned to see Logan staring at him. "What?" he asked, confused and irritated.

"You said the word 'please' twice while talking to her." He was obviously surprised. "That's not you, Ace."

He rubbed the palm of his face. "I become a different person when I'm with Lena. I became fucking soft, fucking talkative and I fucking smile, Logan. Is that bad?"

Logan shook his head and grinned. "No, absolutely not, buddy." He shouldered him. "It only shows that you're still human after all."

He rolled his eyes and removed the arm that rested on his shoulder. "I'm leaving. Lock up, will you?"

Logan raised the beer. "I'll consume it, then I'll go with your dogs. I'll still be here when you come back, weirdo."

His forehead furrowed. "Your Spanish is straight. Miracle."

"Only once is a miracle, Ace. Praise me, please."

He overtook him, then hurried out of the house. He got in the car and drove towards the address Lena had given.