Chapter 13

Ace had a strong emphasis on Lena's condo doorbell. It was already nine fucking PM—impossible to sleep.

After five minutes of pushing the doorbell to its limits, the door finally opened.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lena. She was in pajamas and frowned at him.

"What are you doing here?" full of astonishment her question.

"The books," he said quickly. "Give it to me."

She eased the door open as he entered. He followed the woman to the kitchen. She pointed to the island counter where Fifty Shades of Gray and Fifty Shades Darker were. He was shaken.

He didn't want Lena to read them. She was too innocent for these kinds of books. Goddamn fuck it!

"I'm sorry if it took so long to open the door," she said as she served the food at the table. "Because I'm cooking."

"It's okay," he said and flipped through the page of the book he was holding.

"Let's eat."

Ace looked at the dining table in the room. "No thanks. I'll just eat."

Draw sadness on her face. 'Fuck it! Fuck me! Damn it!'

Why didn't he want to see her sad because of him? This was a fucking disaster! Lena Marshall was surging a storm of emotions inside him.

'Fuck this feeling!'

Ace laid the books on the island counter then walked over to the table. He sat in the vacant chair opposite her.

"Yey!" Lena was smiling from ear to ear. "Thanks. I cooked that." There was pride in her voice.

He looked down at the food served. It looked delicious, but he was fucking full. Super fucking full! But he had to eat so that her moon cake would not be sad.

The things he had to do to make this sweet and innocent woman happy.

She put food on the plate while excitedly looking at him. "Eat it, Jordan."

He nodded to restrain himself from cursing. He had to keep in mind that Lena didn't like cussing. And he was a fucking fan of it.

'So opposite.'

He took a spoonful of rice, then he followed the dish. The moment those touched his tongue, he wanted to vomit at the ugly taste. He could feel his face and insides turning green.

'This is hell in a new fucking form!'

He couldn't spit out what he ate because Lena was looking at him. Hope and excitement were visible on her face.

"Delicious?" She asked, smiling. She looked so radiant.

'Fuck! I can't ruin the happiness in her face. Fuck it!'

Ace tried to swallow the demon-possessed food that was in his mouth, then quickly drank the water.


"Yes," he said calmly, even though his stomach was already boiling like something was wrong. "It's delicious."

"Great. Yehey!" It's like a child clapping. "Eat more."

Ace didn't have a choice but to eat. He forced himself even though he was about to fall to the floor with a very bad taste. With his last bite, he was caught on the edge of the table. He felt his vision darken.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

He drank a few glasses of water before his eyesight calmed down.

'This is hell! Hell, I tell you! Hell!'

But he could swallow hell for Lena's smile to stay on her lips. Anything. He could do anything.

"The food is wonderful." He even managed to say that. "Where is the restroom?"

Lena pointed down the aisle to the right. "Turn left."

"Fuck!" he hissed as he ran towards the bathroom. He needs to get it out.

Lena looked fantastically at Ace's hurried. What was the problem then and suddenly running to the bathroom? She frowned as she put away what he had eaten.

When she finished washing, Ace still couldn't come back. She turned her attention to the book on the island counter and continued reading where she had stopped earlier.

This book shocked her. Was sex really like that? Seems scary.

When she heard Ace's footsteps, she quickly closed the book and looked at him. "Why are you late?"

He caressed the stomach. "I fought a damn demon in there."

Her eyes widened in fear. "Demon?"

Ace bit his lower lip and frowned. "I'm not talking literally." He approached her. "I'm talking figuratively."

"Oh." She lost her nerve. "I thought there really was a demon." She sat on the stool near the island counter, and Ace did the same. She grins steady. "Do you want coffee?"

He nodded as his head rested on the island counter.

"Are you alright?" She moved to make the coffee. "You look pale."

He made an 'okay' sign with his thumb. "I'm good."

When she could brew coffee, she laid it down in front of him. "Here you go."

The man sat up and quickly sipped the coffee. A small smile made its way to his lips. "Thank God it tastes good."

That made Lena's smile widen. "You're welcome."

Ace just nodded and continued drinking coffee as he looked down at the book next to them.



"Is it really nice when you're having sex and you're tied up while a leader cloth is slapped on you?"

Suddenly he was humbled and stroked his chest, then dried his wet lips. He glared at her. "Did you get to that part?"

Lena nodded. Genuine innocence was in her eyes. "Sex is a bit scary, isn't it? It doesn't look as good as in that book. It's just scary." Now, she regretted reading the book.

Ace sighed and moved to her front. He was between her and that island counter. She swallowed when she felt like there was a butterfly in her stomach, and she was tickling the parts mentioned by the heroine in the book she read.

'How do I feel?'

"Jordan ..."

He caressed her cheek. "Lena, the name of sex in the book you read is BDSM means Bondage and Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. But there are also other types of sex that you don't have to tie or hurt to enjoy." The high stool on which he was sitting, it was easy for him to stretch and trace the hot lips to her ear. "So, I don't want you reading like that. You're not ready yet. It would shock you and scare you. I don't want that for you, Lena. You should to be well-groomed and cared for."

Her throat was dry. "I can feel it," she said. "What Anastasia felt when Mr. Gray leaned in to her. I feel that now, Jordan."

"Is that so?" he whispered in her ears. "You want to feel more?"

Lena closed her bulging eyes. "Yes. I want to ... feel more."