#Chapter 67

"Nothing much,...actually. I know you won't waste your time no matter what you earn from our company. But.…" She hesitated to say, but she got up the courage. "You can have me in return for your help.... I will warm your bed and do everything you desire."


The emotion in his eyes disappeared when he frowned and smelled her breath. "Are you drunk?"


She quickly shook her head to deny what he said. "No."


"I can smell your breath."


She shook her head again. "It's nothing. It's just a few shots of Tequila." She bit her bottom lip. "Just encouraging me to tell you, my proposal." She looked into his eyes that were staring at her. "Are you willing?"


"If that's all, I'll find a woman to warm my night. I don't need to lend them my name anymore."