Chapter 102

'Fuck! Why did I just say that? Shit! I'm in a freaking big trouble!'


Why the hell did he blurt out Kirsty's name in their conversation? He only made the situation worse.


"Great! I want to meet her and tell her that I want a grandchild. Quickly. I'll be coming to the city next week. Be ready." She made a kissing sound. "Bye, Dylan, take care. I love you, son," she said, then hung up.


Dylan just shook his head at his mother's behavior. She was strict and always in high pitch, but he knew that his mom cared for him.


He put the cell phone back in his pocket. He blew a loud breath and squeezed his eyes shut. What to do? What to do? It's not a problem, eh. The solution to that is easy. He just needs to eat a million sacks of courage to carry out the plan at CF Pharmaceutical.
