Chapter 132

It was night, and Bariana was still busy serving food to the restaurant's customers when something caught her eye. There were a lot of people in their restaurant, but the handsome man who had just entered the restaurant did not pass her eyes.

It was him!

It was as if she was stabbed in her standing position. It was Alex Byrne. He was alone, and it looked like he was coming in her direction.

Oh my God! Will she hide? Will he recognize her?! Shit! It's really embarrassing! Oh, God... what will she do? Can she hide in the kitchen?

It was too late for her to hide in the kitchen because he was already close to her.

Alex's deep granite eyes captivated her chocolate ones. She couldn't look down. There was something strange in his eyes as she stared at her, and she was hypnotized.

"Table for two," he said.

When she heard his baritone voice, she blinked and came back to the present.

