Chapter 133

"I would know." Alex raked a lustful stare over her voluptuous body. "I saw that last night. And I enjoyed your body last night. So soft. So creamy. So beautiful…"

She covered his mouth. "Stop. Don't spank me anymore. I don't even have a mouth, I'm still fat. So just stop."

She was annoyed by his flattery because she knew the truth when it came to her body.

She stood up and walked into the manager's office. She will never believe what men say. Rowan already told her those things, but it was all a lie. What was different about that Alex Byrne now?

Men are men. They are all the same cheaters!

After Bariana entered the manager's office, she busied herself with calculating their sales for that day.

She was in the middle of counting when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," she said in a loud voice. "That's open."

She looked up when the door opened, and one of their waitresses, Sophia, entered. She had food on a tray.