Chapter 149

"I am not nice." The emotion in his voice suddenly disappeared. "I'm a bad person, Bariana."

She stared at Alex. She was confused by what he was saying. She thinks that he is the nicest person she's ever met, but he is also a weirdo. He helped her a lot. He boosted her confidence and he accepted her no matter what size she was. For her, he was kind.

"How did you get so bad?" She asked in surprise.

She waited for his answer but she was surprised when he suddenly smiled as if she had said nothing unusual.

"You're weird, do you know that?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Nope. All I know is I'm hot, handsome, and I'm gorgeous as fuck."

She shook her head in the air. "You're weird, alright." She rested her leg on his thigh and felt his length stabbing at the opening of her womanhood, but she ignored it. "You're so weird; you're so good at being pinched." She stopped the young man on the side and then pinched him there.