Chapter 150

AFTER Alex's plane landed in Singapore—the pilot found out that they were flying Alex's private plane—the young man took her to a restaurant. There was a car ready outside the plane to take them to the restaurant as if everything was planned.

The restaurant they went to was obviously popular because there were a lot of people eating. She looked around the entire restaurant as a man who looked like a staff approached them.

"Hello, Mr. Brong," Alex greeted the man and shook his hand before turning to her. "He is the manager of the restaurant..."

"Hello to you, too, Mr. Byrne. It's nice to see you again here in our restaurant," said the manager and turned to her. "What a very lovely lady." His eyes were full of admiration that was a stranger to her.

Alex lost his smile. "Keep looking at her like that, and I will punch you to death." His voice was menacing.