Turn The Clock Back

Asmo's mind raced with the realization of the intricacy of Satan's plan, acknowledging the devil's cunning strategy to ensnare him. Despite the overwhelming odds, Asmo clung to his unwavering belief in his newfound powers, a newfound strength that surged within him, propelling him forward in the face of insurmountable danger.

The weight of the impending confrontation with Satan bore heavily upon him, fueling the fire of determination that blazed within him. Asmo knew that he had to act swiftly and decisively, risking everything in a daring bid to thwart Satan's malevolent scheme and rescue Maria. Surrender was not an option, and Asmo steeled himself for the inevitable clash, prepared to stake everything on the line.

As Asmo feigned compliance, allowing himself to relax under Satan's oppressive grip, he bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When Satan's hold momentarily waned, Asmo seized the fleeting chance, summoning all his newfound power to vanish alongside the devil in a daring act of defiance.

True to his expectations, as they teleported, Satan instinctively sought to pull the ring from the grenade, only to be met with a shocking revelation. Asmo materialized at an undisclosed, abandoned fuel station, standing alone with the detonated grenade in his grasp. The ensuing explosions ripped through the air, unleashing a cacophony of deafening blasts and an inferno of unparalleled destruction that reverberated across the desolate landscape.

Amidst the chaos, Asmo stood resolute, his heart pounding in his chest, a maelstrom of emotions surging within him. The violent tempest of destruction he had unleashed stood as a testament to his unwavering resolve and newfound power, a resounding declaration of his defiance against the forces that sought to oppress him. As the fiery aftermath engulfed the abandoned station, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over Asmo, his spirit unyielding in the face of untold peril.

The deafening explosion reverberated through the desolate car park, shattering the eerie stillness and drawing the attention of the demons and hellish princes. The ferocity of the blast had not gone unnoticed, prompting a collective shift in focus as their eyes turned towards the source of the unfolding chaos. It was evident that a single grenade could not have yielded such a spectacular display of destruction.

Seizing the opportune moment amidst the ensuing distraction, Asmo materialized in the car, swiftly replacing Maria just as Belphegor moved to harm her. The tension in the air was palpable as the unfolding drama played out, each moment fraught with the unspoken weight of their perilous predicament.

A blood-curdling scream pierced through the tumultuous crowd of demons, the sound reverberating through the air and freezing them in their tracks. All eyes turned to witness a harrowing sight: Belphegor, engulfed in flames that defied conventional understanding. It was not the searing inferno of hellfire or the earthly flames they had come to know. Instead, the ethereal blaze emitted an otherworldly glow, casting an ominous hue that bespoke its divine origin.

The searing, radiant flames bore a spectral quality that defied the physical realm, scorching Belphegor's very spirit while leaving his corporeal form unscathed. It was a manifestation of Holy Fire, an awe-inspiring testament to the wrath of the divine. The demons, typically unyielding in the face of terror, stood transfixed and aghast, their very essence trembling in the presence of such unfathomable power.

In that moment, Asmo's indomitable display of raw, unbridled power left them awestruck, a chilling reminder of the formidable force that he wielded. The air crackled with an undercurrent of fear and reverence, the demons standing in silent acknowledgment of the sheer magnitude of Asmo's prowess.

The air was fraught with tension as Asmo sat poised in the driver's seat, a palpable sense of urgency hanging heavy in the air. Just as he was poised to propel the car into motion, Maria's touch halted his movements, her gentle grasp staying his hand from inserting the key. Confusion clouded his features as he sought to discern the reason behind her unexpected intervention, bewildered by the delay in their critical flight to safety.

In that pivotal moment, Maria's gaze held a weighty significance, her eyes betraying a tumult of emotions that mirrored the gravity of their circumstances. Amidst the turmoil, she hesitated, grappling with the weight of the sacrifice that Asmo was making for her. Her heart ached with the realization that in his desperate bid to protect her, Asmo was turning against the only family he had ever known.

As the demons and fallen angels, they were his kin, his first companions from the dawn of creation, bound together by an unbreakable bond forged through the annals of time. Maria keenly felt the weight of his sacrifice, recognizing the monumental decision that lay before him. She understood that fleeing from his brethren, forsaking everything he had ever known, was a burden too heavy for him to bear.

Summoning her resolve, Maria spoke, her voice tinged with a poignant sincerity that resonated through the tension-laden air. "Asmo, you have to let me go," she implored, her words carrying the weight of an unspoken truth. In that moment, she made the agonizing decision to step out of the car, a selfless act borne from her unwavering love for Asmo and an acute awareness of the unbearable cost he was willing to bear for her sake.

As she ventured out into the night, a solemn resolve etched upon her features, a profound sense of sorrow and determination pervaded the air. In a haunting twist of fate, Belphegor's torment came to an abrupt end, the ethereal flames that had engulfed him receding, leaving Asmo powerless to intervene. The echoes of Maria's sacrifice reverberated through the silent night, a testament to the depth of her love and the unbearable burden she refused to let Asmo bear.

In a heart-wrenching moment fraught with unfathomable stakes, Maria's anguished plea pierced the air, her fervent command imploring Asmo to release her, to let her make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. The weight of her words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the depth of her love and the selfless resolve that drove her to confront the perilous choice before them.

Amidst the tumult, Asmo grappled with the overwhelming weight of her request, torn between his undying love for Maria and the unbreakable bond that tethered him to his kin. The very fabric of his being reverberated with the agony of his impossible decision, the air thrumming with the palpable tension of his inner turmoil.