Valentine Bounty

As Valentine's Day approached, Asmo, the former king of hell, found himself drawn to the orphanage where his favorite employee, Maria Ave, had been raised. With the cool breeze of February blowing through the city, Asmo arrived in style, driving the latest model of a sleek car, his coat catching the attention of passersby with its elegance and finesse.

Entering the orphanage, he was greeted by the harmonious voices of children, turned into a choir under Maria's guidance, singing the timeless melody of 'Ave Maria'. Mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him, Asmo observed from afar, marveling at the beauty of their performance.

It was only after Maria had finished her session with the children that she noticed Asmo's presence. Excitedly, the children rushed towards him, eager for the gifts he had brought. Asmo skillfully distracted them with the expensive tokens of his affection, allowing him to approach Maria undisturbed.

With a jovial smile, Asmo knelt before Maria, his eyes filled with sincerity as he asked her to be his Valentine's date.

"Maria, my dear, will you do me the honor of being my Valentine?" Asmo's voice was soft yet filled with genuine warmth.

Maria, taken aback by the sudden proposal, looked towards Sister Cassandra, the strict nun who oversaw the orphanage.

"Sister Cassandra, do you approve?" Maria's voice trembled slightly with uncertainty.

To Maria's surprise, Sister Cassandra, known for her unwavering principles, gave her approval with one condition - that she, along with the children, would accompany them on their date.

With a nod of agreement, Maria accepted Asmo's invitation, her heart racing with excitement and disbelief.

Asmo's heart swelled with joy as the children's laughter filled the air, their excitement contagious.

His heart was renewed with hope as the children's laughter filled the air, their excitement contagious. Even Sister Cassandra's unexpected agreement couldn't dampen his spirits. With a grin, he welcomed them all to join their Valentine's Day celebration, much to Maria's astonishment.

"Yay! We get to go with Maria and Asmo!" all the children exclaimed, jumping up and down with glee.

Even Sister Cassandra's unexpected agreement couldn't dampen his spirits. With a grin, he welcomed them all to join their Valentine's Day celebration, much to Maria's astonishment.

"Are you sure about this, Maria?" Sister Cassandra's voice held a note of concern as she followed closely behind.

"I... I think so, Sister. It's just... unexpected," Maria replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Maria, still reeling from the sudden turn of events, found herself walking alongside Asmo towards his luxurious car, her mind swirling with a mix of disbelief and anticipation. Could it be that her godmother and the former king of hell were not as opposed as she had always believed?

Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure lurked in the shadows, a professional spy with a mission.The spy settled on his bike to observe them while video recording.

As the spy continued to observe, the stakes were raised, and the shadows of the mystery began to close in as Asmo and Maria were both unaware of the danger that lurked just beyond their sight.

"Target acquired," the spy muttered into his earpiece, his camera discreetly capturing every moment while transmitting the footage along with his gathered intelligence to Mammon, Asmo's closest brother and a powerful figure in the underworld.

In the heart of a towering skyscraper, Mammon's office exuded an aura of power and wealth. The room was adorned with opulent furnishings, from the plush leather chairs to the gleaming mahogany desk, a testament to his status as the CEO of the world bank.

Mammon's reaction was immediate and furious. In a fit of silent rage, he demolished objects in his office, his mind consumed with jealousy and anger. Determined to eliminate what he saw as a threat to his brother's focus and the stability of their realm.

Mammon then sat behind his desk, his usually composed demeanor was shattered by a storm of emotions. Papers were strewn haphazardly across the room, and the air crackled with an intense energy as he got up and paced back and forth, his mind consumed by a single thought.

"Why?" His voice echoed with frustration and disbelief as he replayed the footage of Asmo and Maria in his mind.

The spy's report lay open before him, detailing every interaction, every smile exchanged between the former king of hell and the woman who had captured his attention. Mammon's jaw clenched as he struggled to contain the fury bubbling within him.

"Of all the distractions," he muttered, his voice low and menacing. "And on the eve of our ascension to the throne..."

His hands curled into fists as he fought to suppress the rage threatening to consume him. For centuries, he had worked tirelessly to secure their position within the underworld, to ensure their dominance over all realms. And now, Asmo's infatuation with a mere mortal threatened to undo everything they had built.

"Damn you, Asmo," he growled under his breath, his eyes narrowing with determination. "If you refuse to take your rightful place, then I will take matters into my own hands."

With a flick of his wrist, he activated the intercom, his voice cold and commanding as he issued his orders to the underworld mercenaries.

"Prepare a bounty," he commanded. "One billion to anyone who can rid us of this distraction once and for all."

As the mercenaries set out to do his bidding, Mammon's gaze fell upon the image of Maria, a woman whose very existence threatened to unravel their carefully laid plans. With a grim resolve, he vowed to do whatever it took to protect their legacy, even if it meant resorting to the darkest depths of the underworld.