Planning Committee

In the opulent halls of Asmo's mansion, adorned with lavish tapestries and flickering candlelight, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Asmo, clad in his finest attire, paced restlessly as he awaited the arrival of the esteemed event designers.

As the designers trickled in, each one bearing an aura of creativity and flair, the room ignited with energy. Asmo, his gentle demeanor contrasting with the opulence surrounding him, greeted them with a warm smile, while the servants of the mansion darted around, eyes wide with wonder.

Amidst the vibrant chatter and clinking of glasses, ideas began to flow like a river. "We could transform the courtyard into a magical garden," suggested one designer, gesturing animatedly, while another proposed a whimsical carousel for the children.

Yet, amidst the flurry of suggestions, discord brewed. Egos clashed, and tensions simmered beneath the surface. Asmo, growing increasingly frustrated, searched for a solution amidst the chaos.

Then, like a beacon of clarity, the unassuming advisor spoke up, his voice cutting through the din. "Why don't we simply ask Maria or anyone close to her ,where she would love to go?" The simplicity of his suggestion resonated deeply with Asmo, who nodded in agreement, a newfound resolve in his eyes.

Asmo rushed to grab his phone and he ended calling the wrong number.

Asmo, the former king of hell and prince of Lust, found himself in an unusual state of uncertainty.

Dressed in his finest attire, he paced restlessly as he awaited the answer to his call, his mind consumed by a singular question: where did Maria, his favorite female friend, dream to go on Valentine's Day?

He suddenly realized he had called Sister Cassandra.How he got a number was a total mystery to begin with but she answered, making Asmo's internal turmoil even more intensified.

Amidst the vibrant chatter and clinking of glasses in his mansion, he struggled to find the words to articulate his inquiry to no one else but his friend's Godmother.

Sister Cassandra, with her grim demeanor and strict tone of voice noticed Asmo's unease because he had done a video call to get to her. She therefore approached him with a knowing smile. "Is something troubling you, Asmo?" she inquired softly, her voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos which was very unusual of her.

Asmo paused, torn between the desire to confide in Cassandra and the fear of exposing his vulnerability to his friends Godmother.

With a heavy sigh, he confessed, "I find myself at a loss, Sister. I wish to make this Valentine's Day unforgettable for Maria, yet I am uncertain of her desires."

Sister Cassandra regarded him with understanding eyes, her wisdom shining through. "Perhaps," she suggested gently, "the answer lies not in extravagant gestures, but in the simplicity of genuine conversation. Have you considered asking Maria directly where she dreams to go?"

Asmo's eyes widened in realization, a sense of clarity washing over him as she repeated his advisor's idea.

"Of course," he murmured, gratitude swelling within him. "Thank you, Sister. You have a knack for cutting through the noise and finding the heart of the matter."

With newfound resolve, Asmo decided to finally call Maria.

When Maria finally answered his video call, her presence illuminated his being like a beacon of light. Asmo, heart pounding with nervous anticipation, approached her with a tentative smile.

"Maria," he began, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability, "I have a question for you, if you don't mind. Where do you dream to go on Valentine's Day?"

Maria, her gaze soft yet perceptive, regarded Asmo with warmth. "Asmo," she replied softly, "what matters to me is not the destination, but the company. As long as I am with you and the kids, anywhere feels like a dream."

Asmo was taking non of that humble and supportive talk.He demanded to know where Maria's heart really desired to be on Valentine's day.

Maria, her voice soft yet determined, finally shared her heartfelt desire—to grace the stage of an Italian Opera house. The room fell silent, the weight of her dreams hanging in the air like a delicate melody.

With unwavering determination, Asmo pledged to turn Maria's dream into reality. Plans were set into motion, the grandeur of a Opera house beckoning like a distant star.

But unknown to Asmo, amidst the elegance and promise of the evening, a shadow lurked in the guise of his trusted advisor. Unbeknownst to him, the advisor's allegiance lay elsewhere, his loyalty pledged to Mammon, his enraged but cunning brother.

As the meeting concluded, the advisor slipped away, a devious smirk playing on his lips. Dialing Mammon's number, he relayed every detail of Asmo and Maria's Valentine's Day plans, betraying the trust bestowed upon him.

Mammon, seizing the opportunity, expressed gratitude to his spy before instructing his mercenaries on the next course of action. The stage was set for a sinister twist, as darkness encroached upon the once-bright horizon of love and celebration.

In a dimly lit, clandestine meeting room, Mammon gathered his chosen mercenaries, a group of individuals skilled in the art of deception and ruthlessness. The air hung heavy with the scent of secrecy as they awaited their instructions.

Mammon, seated at the head of the table, a sinister glint in his eyes, began to unfold the intricate plan. He described the lavish setting of Asmo's Valentine's Day celebration—the grandeur of the Opera house, the enchanting atmosphere, and the unsuspecting couple at the center of it all.

His voice dripped with malicious satisfaction as he divulged the details of Asmo and Maria's movements. Every step, every nuance, painted a vivid picture for his mercenaries. Mammon reveled in the power of knowledge as he disclosed the vulnerabilities of his targets, relishing the impending chaos he was orchestrating.

The mercenaries, faces concealed in shadows, listened attentively, their emotions hidden behind masks of stoicism. Mammon's words echoed through the room, setting the stage for betrayal and violence.

As Mammon continued to unfold the plan, a palpable tension gripped the air. The mercenaries, tools of darkness in human form, absorbed every word. Some exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Others flexed their fingers, preparing for the sinister dance that awaited.

The emotional currents in the room were as charged as the atmosphere. Mammon's malevolent satisfaction clashed with the mercenaries' hidden reservations. The air crackled with a mixture of anticipation, greed, and a touch of remorse.

In the shadows, Mammon's plot unfolded like a dark tapestry, each thread woven with deception and betrayal. As the meeting drew to a close, the mercenaries melted into the darkness, their faces masked in determination. The die was cast, and the fate of Asmo and Maria hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of a treacherous abyss.