
Mammon sat at his CEO desk in the World Bank headquarters, attempting to bury his personal turmoil beneath the weight of his work. His thoughts, however, were consumed by his ongoing conflict with his beloved brother Asmo. As he grappled with his emotions, a palpable presence entered the building, sending a shiver down Mammon's spine.

He instinctively reached for the security cameras, hoping to identify the intruder, but before he could focus, the screens shattered into a thousand pieces. Alarmed, Mammon moved to call for security when a figure materialized before him, holding the severed head of his female secretary.

The being's presence was both familiar and immensely intimidating.

In a flash, Mammon conjured his Saber, ready to defend himself against this unexpected threat. To his astonishment, the Saber dissolved as it made contact with the being, leaving him defenseless.

Before Mammon could react, the figure spoke, its voice carrying an otherworldly authority, "Be blind no more,"

and with a single touch to Mammon's forehead, the entity unleashed a surge of power, causing Mammon to scream out in agony.

As the pain subsided, Mammon's eyes fluttered open, now ablaze with a newfound clarity. The being before him revealed itself to be Lutan, also known as Satan, wielding the combined powers of pride and wrath. Mammon realized that his encounter with Satan was not just a physical battle but a confrontation with his own ignorance.

Mammon remained on his knees, the weight of betrayal heavy upon him as he processed the shocking revelation about his brother Asmo. It dawned on him that Asmo had been manipulating them all along, wielding the power to manipulate time and erase entire timelines, all for the sake of a woman. The depth of Asmo's deception cut deeper as Mammon realized that even he, Asmo's closest brother, had been kept in the dark.

With a mix of anger and hurt, Mammon rose to his feet, confronting Lutan with a burning question about Asmo's fate now that the truth had come to light.

Mammon, his mind swirling with a mixture of anger and confusion, looked up at Lutan, his eyes narrowed with intensity. "What do you plan to do with Asmo now?" he demanded, his voice tinged with betrayal.

Lutan's gaze remained unfazed, his expression unreadable. "I merely seek information," he replied coolly. "But rest assured, consequences will follow."

Lutan's response was cryptic, indicating a desire for information rather than immediate action. However, Mammon knew that Lutan's curiosity wouldn't end there; there would be more than consequences for Asmo.

Mammon transformed into Madeus, a fusion of himself and Asmo, issuing a stern warning to Lutan.

Mammon clenched his fists, the sense of betrayal burning within him. "You won't lay a finger on him," he vowed, his voice dripping with determination. "I'll protect him, no matter what."

He vowed to protect Asmo at all costs, signaling that any attempt to harm him would be met with fierce resistance.

Lutan chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Mammon's spine. "Ah, such loyalty," he remarked with a smirk. "But do you truly believe he deserves it?"

Mammon's jaw tightened, his resolve unwavering. "He's my brother," he said firmly. "And I won't abandon him, no matter what he's done."

As the tension hung in the air, Mammon grappled with a pressing question: could he trust Asmo to return his powers, now that their bond had been shattered by deceit?

The uncertainty of the situation weighed

heavily on him as Lutan began to walk away, leaving Mammon to contemplate the increasingly complex dilemma before him.

As Lutan disappeared into thin air, Mammon was left grappling with the weight of his decision. He knew that trusting Asmo again would be a gamble, but deep down, he couldn't shake the bond they shared from the beginning of time.

With a heavy sigh, he knew that whatever lay ahead, he would face it alongside his traitor of a brother, come what may but he still had his eyes set on his goal,Maria had to die!!!".


Lutan stood tall, his chest heaving with the thrill of victory as he recalled gazing upon the fallen form of Mammon.

He remembered how Madeus lay defeated at his feet, a testament to his newfound power.

In the depths of Hell, amidst the swirling flames and echoing cries of the damned, a figure emerged. Lutan, the harbinger of a new era, strode confidently into the midst of his impatiently waiting brothers.

Baal, Belphegor, and Leviathan stood in a semicircle, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism as they beheld the transformation that had overtaken their sibling.

Lutan's presence commanded attention as he approached, every step echoing with the weight of his newfound power. Flames danced around him, casting an eerie glow upon his form, while the air crackled with energy, a testament to the raw strength that now coursed through his veins.

His brothers watched in silence, unsure of what to expect from this new incarnation of Lutan. They had known him as a formidable force before, but this... this was something altogether different. There was a palpable tension in the air as they awaited his proclamation, their skepticism warring with a reluctant sense of awe.

As Lutan finally stood before them, his gaze sweeping over each of his siblings in turn, a smirk played at the corners of his lips. He knew their doubts, their reservations about his newfound power. But he was determined to prove them wrong, to assert his dominance and claim his rightful place as the ruler of Hell.

"Brothers," he began, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade, "I have returned, stronger than ever before. The time of reckoning is upon us, and I am here to claim what is rightfully mine."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the promise of impending conflict. Baal, Belphegor, and Leviathan exchanged uneasy glances, their resolve faltering in the face of Lutan's unwavering confidence.

But Lutan paid them no mind, his gaze fixed firmly ahead as he prepared to unleash his newfound power upon the realms of Hell.

The stage was set, the players assembled, and the fate of all creation hung in the balance as Lutan, the harbinger of destruction, prepared to make his mark upon the world.

"Looks like I'm the top dog now!!!.

So, it's time for all of you to bow before me,"

Lutan declared, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction.

Baal, his eyes crackling with electricity, stepped forward. "You think you can command us into submission? You're not fit to rule, Lutan."

Lutan laughed, a sound filled with contempt. "I'll show you who's fit to rule."

With a flick of his wrist, Baal summoned a bolt of lightning, aiming it straight at Lutan. But Lutan was faster. With a deft movement, he redirected the lightning, sending it crashing back towards Baal.

"Nice try, Baal," Lutan sneered. "But you'll have to do better than that."

Meanwhile, Belphegor wove illusions around them, conjuring grotesque monsters that lunged at Lutan from all sides. But Lutan merely laughed, snapping his fingers and turning Belphegor's illusions into horrifying reality. The monsters turned on their creator, almost tearing him to shreds.

Leviathan, sensing his chance, lunged at Lutan, attempting to drain him of his power. But Lutan was too strong. With a swift counterattack, he drained Leviathan's power instead, leaving him weakened and helpless.

As the dust settled and his brothers lay defeated at his feet, Lutan grinned triumphantly. "I told you I was the real king of hell," he proclaimed.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Lutan's words hung in the air, his brothers defeated and humiliated before him. With a satisfied smirk, Lutan turned and walked away, leaving his brothers to contemplate their defeat.