
Belzebub and Asmo were driving down the road, their van speeding along the winding highway. But without warning, the vehicle suddenly screeched and veered off the road, careening into the nearby woods. The two Devils struggled to regain control, but it was too late. The van crashed into the woods, leaving them shaken but unharmed.

As they emerged from the wreckage, they saw that one of their tires was slashed, the rubber torn apart with a precision that seemed almost...sword-like. They exchanged a wary glance, their Devil instincts on high alert.

"What the...?" Belzebub muttered, his eyes scanning the surrounding woods.

Asmo's gaze followed his, and that's when they saw it - a gleaming sword slicing through the air, mere inches from Belzebub's neck. Asmo reacted on instinct, shoving Belzebub out of the way just in time. The blade barely missed, leaving a faint trail of light in its wake.

Belzebub stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock.

The sword flew back into the hand of its wielder, and Belzebub and Asmo turned to face their attacker.

Their eyes locked onto him, their minds racing with questions. Who was this mysterious swordsman? And how did he manage to slash their tire - and nearly decapitate Belzebub - with such precision?

He possessed piercing brown eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. He stood at an impressive height of around 6 feet 5 inches, with a strong and athletic build that exuded power and grace. His black hair was a wild tangle of locks that fell to his shoulders, framing his chiseled features and piercing brown eyes that seemed to see right through to the soul.

He wore a flowing white robe with intricate gold threading, cinched at the waist with a leather belt that held his divine sword, its blade shining with a light that seemed almost otherworldly.

After a while,they pieced it all together and they finally knew exactly who they were dealing with.Standing before them, was a Transcendant called Joshua.

Just as they took in Joshua's imposing figure, another Transcendant emerged from the woods. Elisha stood at a slightly shorter height of around 6 feet, with a lean and agile build that spoke to his connection with the natural world. His brown hair was a wild tangle of locks that fell to his shoulders, framing his sharp features and piercing green eyes that seemed to gleam with a deep wisdom.

He wore a simple tunic made of animal hides, cinched at the waist with a leather belt that held a small pouch containing various herbs and talismans that aided him in his connection with the wildlife.

As Elisha joined Joshua, the air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy.

Belzebub and Asmo exchanged a nervous glance, as they stayed on high alert.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Asmo urged, his voice low and urgent.

But Belzebub's pride and arrogance got the better of him. "I will not run from a bunch of ancient sidekicks," he sneered, his eyes flashing with defiance.

Elisha's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through Belzebub's bravado. "You would do well to show some respect, Prince of Demons," he said, his voice low and even.

He then continued,"You are not the only ones with power and strength. And you are certainly the ones deserving of the title of fools for even thinking you can stand against the warriors of God.Elijah's most famous feat was commanding fire to descend from heaven, but I have a different specialty. I think you know what happened to the last hooligans who mocked me."

Asmo's eyes widened as he realized why Joshua and Elisha cornered them into the forest. They began to hear wolves' howls, the scream of crows, and the roaring of bears. Asmo turned to Belzebub, "Bel, kill your pride right this instant. We have to run, right now!!!"

Asmo didn't have to tell him twice as they witnessed a pack of wolves emerging from the bushes,crows landing on the trees above them and bears coming from afar, slowly circling around them.

They made a run for it as Elisha pointed a finger at them and commanded the animals, "Rip them to shreds."

Belzebub and Asmo sprinted through the forest, their feet pounding the earth as they desperately tried to outrun the snarling pack of wolves, bears, and crows. The animals chased them with ferocious intensity, their eyes fixed on their prey.

One wolf, its eyes blazing with hunger, got too close to Belzebub and leapt at him, its jaws wide open. Belzebub dodged just in time, but the wolf's hot breath grazed his skin, sending shivers down his spine.

As they ran, the forest grew denser, the trees closing in around them like prison bars. Suddenly, they found themselves cornered, with no escape route in sight. The animals herded them towards a dark cave, their growls and snarls echoing off the walls.

Belzebub and Asmo exchanged a terrified glance, then darted into the cave, hoping to find refuge. But Elisha and Joshua appeared at the entrance, their eyes gleaming with triumph.

"Come out and surrender," Elisha called out, his voice echoing off the cave walls. "You can't escape the wrath of the Transcendants."

But Belzebub and Asmo refused to give up. They plunged deeper into the cave, their hearts racing with fear. The air grew colder, the darkness more oppressive. They stumbled upon a chamber filled with scorpions, snakes, and bats, their eyes glowing in the dark.

Belzebub's eyes lit up with a wicked idea. "Watch this, Asmo," he whispered, a sly grin spreading across his face. "I'll show Elisha the true meaning of power."

He began to chant a dark spell, his voice low and menacing. The snakes, bats, and scorpions seemed to sense his power, their eyes fixed on him with a newfound loyalty. Belzebub raised his hand, and the creatures surged forward, a deadly wave of venom and claws.

"Attack!" Belzebub commanded, his voice echoing off the cave walls.

The creatures poured out of the cave, a tide of fury and destruction. Elisha, Joshua, and their animal minions were caught off guard, their eyes wide with shock and fear.