
The entrance of the cave erupted into chaos as the animals clashed in a frenzy of teeth, claws, and venom. The snakes, under Belzebub's control, slithered through the shadows, their eyes fixed on the wolves. The wolves, their fur standing on end, growled and snarled as they faced their slithery foes.

The first snake struck, its body coiled around a wolf's leg, squeezing tight. The wolf yelped in pain, its jaws snapping wildly as it tried to shake off the snake. But the snake held fast, its grip deadly.

The other snakes followed suit, wrapping themselves around the wolves' bodies, squeezing tight. The wolves howled in agony, their bodies thrashing about as they tried to escape the deadly embrace.

Meanwhile, the bats took to the skies, their leathery wings beating fiercely as they swooped down upon the crows. The crows cawed loudly, their black feathers ruffled by the bats' sudden attack.

The bats dive-bombed the crows, their tiny teeth snapping shut just inches from the birds' beaks. The crows flapped their wings wildly, trying to shake off the bats, but the bats clung tight, their claws digging deep into the crows' feathers.

On the ground, the bears faced off against the scorpions, their massive paws swatting at the air as they tried to avoid the scorpions' deadly stingers. But the scorpions were relentless, their tails flashing in the dim light of the cave as they struck again and again.

The bears roared in pain, their fur standing on end as they tried to brush off the scorpions. But the scorpions clung tight, their stingers buried deep in the bears' flesh.

The battle raged on, the animals locked in a deadly struggle for supremacy.

Belzebub watched from the shadows,his eyes gleaming with excitement as he and Asmo witnessed the chaos he had unleashed.

As the snakes, bats, and scorpions closed in on Elisha and Joshua from all sides, it seemed like the two Transcendants were about to be overwhelmed.

But Joshua refused to back down. With a fierce cry of "Enough!", he plunged his sword into the ground, unleashing a powerful wave of energy that sent the creatures flying.

The animals crashed into the walls of the cave, their bodies engulfed in flames as they writhed in agony. In mere moments, they were reduced to smoldering ashes, their threat extinguished as suddenly as it had begun.

The surrounding was silent once more, the only sounds were the crackling of flames and the heavy breathing of Joshua and Elisha.

Elisha's wolves and bears lay motionless on the ground, their bodies ravaged by the venom of the snakes and scorpions. The crows had fled in terror, abandoning their master in their haste to escape the swarming bats.

Joshua and Elisha surveyed the carnage, their eyes scanning the cave for any sign of Belzebub and Asmo. But the two Devils had vanished, leaving no trace of their escape.

"They've escaped," Joshua growled, his eyes narrowing in frustration.

Elisha's face was grim. "We'll find them," he vowed. "And next time, they won't be so lucky."

The two Transcendants turned to leave the cave, their footsteps echoing off the walls as they disappeared into the darkness, determined to track down Belzebub and Asmo and exact their revenge.

In the distance, Belzebub and Asmo strolled through the forest, reminiscing about their narrow escape from Joshua and Elisha. They burst into laughter as they recalled the shocked expressions on the Transcendants' faces when they were ambushed by the snakes, scorpions, and bats.

Asmo praised Belzebub, "Man, you're a genius! Your battle IQ is off the charts! I can't believe how quickly you turned the tables on them."

As they walked further, Asmo's expression turned serious. "We can't stay hidden forever, Belzebub. We've got both the Archangels and Transcendants on our tail now. We need help, man."

Belzebub's expression turned grim. "We're on our own for now, Asmo. I can't risk contacting my demons; Uriel and Gabriel are probably hunting them down as we speak. They think one of them might know how to find me."

As they emerged from the forest and onto a high road, Asmo turned to Belzebub with a determined look. "I guess it's really just us against the world, huh?"

Belzebub nodded. "Yeah, if that's how you want to put it."

Asmo's eyes gleamed with defiance. "Then let's show them Hell."

A while later, a car was passing on that high road,the driver a middle-aged man named Bob, was cruising down the high road, lost in thought.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out in front of his car, causing him to slam on the brakes. Bob's heart raced as he came to a stop just a foot away from hitting the man.

"What the...!" Bob exclaimed, leaping out of his car to confront the man. "You crazy idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed!"

But before Bob could continue his tirade, a figure emerged from the shadows and knocked him out cold with a swift punch to the jaw. John crumpled to the ground.

Asmodeus, who was obviously the only man crazy enough to jump in front of the speeding car grinned mischievously.

"Thanks for the ride," Asmo said to Bob who was now unconscious.

He then turned to his companion,Belzebub,who was the one who had knocked Bob out.

He chuckled,"Asmo enough of the drama.Let's get out of here before more innocent bystanders show up."

Together, the two Devils dragged John's unconscious body to the side of the road, commandeered his car, and sped off into the night, leaving a trail of dust and smoke in their wake.

Bob's body slumped on the ground, his arms and legs splayed out at awkward angles. His head lolled to one side, his mouth slightly open as if frozen in a silent snore. Despite the violence of the punch that had knocked him out, his face wore a strangely peaceful expression, as if he had finally found a deep and long-sought rest.

His chest rose and fell slowly, his breathing steady and calm, like a man in a deep sleep. The only hint of the violence that had befell him was a small trickle of blood that seeped from the corner of his mouth, like a tiny red tear.