Grudge holding habit

Zia growls, before he sighted with bitterness and goes hastily away after the car drives away he hissed as he walk his despair is extreme he feels even more acutely than the very first day he met the girl, he is the type of person that get angry easily and take time to calm down.

Ejaz follow him apologizing as if he did something wrong or he is the reason behind what happened, with the way Zia is walking fiercely Ejaz feels is good if he do something to cool his anger knowing that being in that situation or conditions Zia find it onerous to deal with himself, Ejaz don't know what Zia is thinking but it seem to him like Zia is trying to avoid the school bus.

Rushing to stop Zia from walking away Ejz almost fall he has to stand still balance himself well and quickly stretched his hands to grabbed Zia's T-shirt and pull him back he knows that's the only way to stop Zia for that he won't stop no matter what he says, "where are you going another car is almost here we need to go home" Ejaz said after stopping Zia.

Shoving Ejaz hand frenziedly from his T-shirt Zia said "me in that car Mtssss" he hissed before adding "I can't stop you from encroaching in to any bus that belongs to this school but me" he shake his head squeezing his mouth "I can't" Zia said and walk away.

Ejaz Murmured at the air and then sighted slightly before shaking his head and followed Zia.

Zia's anger for today was high for that he nixes to say anything in spite of how Ejaz keep speaking to calm him down.

"I am actually the unluckiest person on Earth having the hardest person as my best friend" Ejaz lamented with grieved though he doesn't mean what he said, he just want to make Zia say something because he thought if Zia can speak his mind out that will help in reducing the intensity of his anger, his plans was a success because Zia finally put his words after he scowled at Ejaz with infuriated face " did i force you to be my friend the door is open you can leave" Zia replied to Zia and continue moving.

Ejaz followed him swiftly and walk from behind him he laughed and tapped Zias shoulder "don't worry man I can't leave you am already addicted to" Ejaz said laughing.

They walk together to the road where Zia stopped a Taxi for them which Will take them home. In the car Zia says nothing which gives Ejaz no choice than to keep his lips sealed, and focuses on thinking of what to do to console his friend.

Meaning while Zia and Ejaz reached home late afternoon before going back home Ejaz accompanied Zia home and then left without any word still thinking of the way to cool him down. He make sure that Zia scurries inside before leaving not knowing Zia do not actually go deep in to the house, so he come out of the house few minutes later and sat in front of their house.

Back at his room Ejaz can't do anything not even eating despite being hungry, he is very worried about his best friend being sure that Zia is still angry and Sad, he walks up and down in his room every minute his walk become grander, and he later come up with what he thinks of as a solution , he scurries to where he plugged his phone on charge and dialed Aroush number, he trudde to center table in his room where his food is kept by his little sister and he cover the food while his phone rang. His mind advices to call Aroush for she might be the only one Zia may listen to, he may listen to his mum but Ejaz thought telling her won't do any help but to make her worried which Zia won't like.

Aroush was at her hostel room reclining in a relaxed position beaminglg grinning at her phone while she chat with Jad when her phone rang, she hissed squeezing her sad face, she hate it when people called while she is chatting with Jad, she hate not only calls but what and whoever is interfering her beutiful happy life with Jad.

Ejaz have to call three times before she answer the call, she cleared her throat before saying "Hello Yaya Ejaz Good afternoon" she greeted with respect as if she is not the person groaning over the call, am sorry for not answering the call on time I was a sleep while the phone was charging" she said languidly sounding like a sleep person.

"Am sorry dear i don't know, i wouldn't have woke you up" he besought.

"No it's ok you call on perfect timing, i have to cook" she mentioned trying to reply to him.

He snapped "Ok that's a relief the call is actually not for me i called to seek for your help" and he narrated what happened at school between Zia and the nameless girl at library and inside the school bus to Aroush.

Aroush shouted ferociously "what who does she think she is to disgrace him like that"

"Please calm down i call you to not add salt to injuries but to reduce or to heal the injuries so please be calm and think of nice words to say to him i will be at his place in few seconds."

"Ok then" she said before hanging the call up.

Before going to Zia's place he first went to Kalid one of the best suya (a street food usually meat and local breed at Nigeria) sellers at their Area, he bought gurasa and tsire (local bread and toasted meat) for that's the best street food Zia like all in Ejaz effort to calm his best friend down.

Zia and Ejaz are friends since one and do everything to make each other happy despite their differences in everything their friendship is something beutiful and the bond between them grow stronger day by day.

Ejaz find Zia seated outside the house his palm on his chin loss in thought, he is not surprise seing him like that, he already know this will surely happen, he watched him for seconds and matches steps closer to him.

Coming forward he speak " life is actually too short to waist our youths on simple things, you need to change and hold no grudge, life is happier when we can forgive and forget I am sure the girl forgot about you and you are here with your stupid grudges"

Zia turned to where he feels Ejaz " what brings you here, i thought we already say goodbye? please leave!" he said glaring, a person might think he is actually seeing Ejaz with his eyes.

"Do you think am here because of you? No! he shakes his head am only passing by and saw you here so don't shouted at me over somebody's fault" Ejaz said with blank voice a person can't say weather he is angry or not from hearing his voice.

Glaring with his face Zia said "yes you may not be the person that offend me, but you are the reason, when i told you to at least Wait for another car not to be in that car what did you say? Had it is being we wait as i insisted, would that bloody rude fool girl have any reason to insult me and those stupid people in the car would they even see me to bawled at me?"

Ejaz laughed silently he knows it Zia most blame him, "when did you even speak of not entering the car?, so far i can remember you are the person that refuse to wait and now you are hear blaming" he said pressing his phone to call Aroush

Zia don't know what to say again but he need to protest again "what are you shouting at me?" He asked sadly.

Ejaz desperately want to laugh but he know his friend so he do not pay attention to Zia's protest but grabbed his hand and hand his phone to him after Aroush answer the call.

" What will i do with your phone?" Zia as looking away thinking like Ejaz was standing at the site he is looking

"Hello Yaya" Aroush voice answering the call stop him from completing his sentence instead he said " my dear how are you?" he asked looking around, Ejaz know what he meant by his action so he turn the phone speaker for him and he attached the phone to his air not saying anything.

"Am not fine Yaya, am here worried Yaya when will you change that habit of yours, yes that habit of holding grudge i hate it actually", she said in her cool sweet voice which he always want to hear.

But he say nothing she knew it he won't say anything since she brings that grudge holding habit of him.

"Yaya please say something i need to hear your voice again am very worried I sweared, pleay say something for your little sister may be i can feel some relief, i am hungry but can't grabbed anything".She pleaded innocently.

He never care about whatever she said weather she is lying or not that does not concerned him at all, he always follow his heart so he smiled gladly which make Ejaz smiled too for he hate it whenever his friend is in pain.

Zia finally speak again "who did offend you, to make you worried?" he asked despite knowing he is the reason.

"Yaya is you who annoyed me just why will you be angry over a stranger?" she said languidly Making her voice cooler than always.

He smiled so is Ejaz that destroy your moment don't worry i will deal with him for you he said jokingly.

She laughed in a higher pitch voice that he can hear the sound of her laughter "No Yaya no body told me anything i just fell it you know better than anyone you and i are the same thing we can fell the condition of each i almost fly from here to Buk to deal with that stupid girl" she said with joke.

He smiled with pleasure "don't worry dear everything is a bygones but speak not of that girl again please i don't want to hear anything more about her" he pleaded.

"Ok sir consider it don't, will pretend as if she never happened in your few minutes of previous time though i won't forgive her, now please Yaya go inside you may catch cold outside" she begged.

He rose up and walk inside holding the phone am on my way to my room so don't worry he replied to her, my heart is now cooler than the fresh morning air so you go and eat your food with confidence your big bro. Is more than fine now he said grinned walking in to his room.

They talked a lot on phone before saying goodbye to each, Ejaz who followed him in collected his phone and Said now i remember what i wanted to tell you since the very first day you met that girl at library.

"The girls look exactly like Aroush if only Aroush is dark as her i would have said she is Aroush".

Zia frowned his face as if he never laughed "this is a disgrace to Aroush how will you compared Aroush to spoiled rude girl are you mad?"

Ejaz laughed sorry man just kidding i think i have to go now, see you tomorrow and make sure you eat, Ejaz said handing over the meat and local bread he bought for him to his hands.

Zia smiled he loves Ejaz very well he already know his life will be like stew without salt, the only person that understand and tolerate him is his only friend and best friend. Thank you man and sorry for troubling you please consider what i Said at school and few seconds as nothing i take back all my stupid words, you know better than anyone am idiot stupid." Zia apologized steepling his two hands together.

Ejaz tapped at his shoulder " i never hold grudges" he said jokingly and left home.