Contract Mate

"This is not acceptable!" I shouted inside my father's office. Many of the elders and high ranking wolves gasps in my reaction.

His dark aura looming inside the room but I don't care. It's my future we're talking here. He should fight and the pack. We are wolves for Moon sake!

"Adellee, this arrangement was made by our ancestors. I can't say no to them. It's our duty to protect our pack in any cost." Alpha Elliot said.

He is my father, the Alpha of SnowMoon Pack. We are now discussing the contract send by SilverMoon Pack. This contract is the living proof of our grand ancestors making allies to SilverMoon Alpha. They helped us long time ago in a war. The Alphas made a sealed contract binding the third generation to marry each other. Potential mate or not.

"This is my life! How can you force me to mate that blood sucker Alpha. We know them, they have a very bad reputation specially the leading Alpha now. I will not marry him." I said firmly.

Alpha Kayden is known for his cruelty and prestige. He made them even stronger when he acquired the Alpha title five years ago. They become conqueror and destroy of their enemies packs. He is a living proof of hell on earth.

I don't know why the Moon let this happened, but this is too much for all of us to handle. We, the SnowMoon pack have known for being white fur wolves plus the snow land we have. We are strong pack for a long time now and that is because the SilverMoon pack helped our previous alpha and the continuous alliance since then.

"If you don't do this Adellee, our pack will be shattered. They will kill us all if we break the contract." Elliot said.

"Do you want to see us all dead before you agree with this? We are wolf Adellee! We are leaders of this pack. You are one of the best female warrior and healer here, even you still can't shift. Do you want us all to fight for you? For your life? Is your life important than the whole pack?" Alpha Elliot asked.

I almost breakdown when I heard his question. Can I risk their lives exchange to mine? Can I start a war for the sake of my own freedom? My family, the family of our pack members, am I really willing to sacrifice them all?

"Maybe try to know him first before you decide. He doesn't even know this contract too. Maybe he is furious like you, they can break the contract Portia. You at least try this things before you decide." Father said.

I fall back to my sit. I look at everyone face. They are all looking at me, pleading to do what is necessary for the pack.

If I can make that Alpha hate me or dislike me, maybe he withdraw the arrangement and break the contract.

That idea gives me strength to agree with it.

"Okay fine! I'll do this. But I want all of you to know that this is not easy for me too. My chance to have my own mate is at risk now, I may never see him or feel him again because of this. But for the sake of the pack, I will do this." I said half smiling to everyone. I know I need to be strong and show no weakness to my people. I am the daughter of Alpha Elliot of SnowMoon pack. This is my duty to protect my pack in any cost.

"Thank you Adellee. This is a big sacrifice for you but you made the right decision for the pack." First Beta Martin said. He is as old as my father. Soon, when Dexter is old enough, he will takeover the Alpha position of my father. Though I am the first born, still I'm a female. My brother deserve the title because he is working so hard for that.

"I will do all that I can do to make this work." I said to all of them. I know it's a lie but I can make excuses when the day comes.

"Were counting on you Adellee." Dexter, my brother said.

"Father, did he know that I can't shift?" I asked. Maybe I can use that as a reason for his to back out in this stupid contract or what ever arrangement they made.

"Yes, but he still want to continue this since they are known to have a word of honor. Alpha Kayden ensure me that he will follow this arrangement." Alpha Elliot said.

I feel week this time. So he knows that I can't shift! I said to myself. Though I know inside my wolf is still sleeping. I can feel her but she's not awake yet. How long I will wait for you wolf? How long? I asked her but still..... she's sleeping.

"Can I go now Father? I'm too exhausted. I need to pack my things right?" I asked.

My father look defeated. I know he doesn't want this but he can't say no and start a war between us and one of the most powerful pack in the world.

"The first beta of SilverMoon will be here tomorrow to pick you and your things." He said.

"So I guess, I really need to pack my things." I said.

"This meeting is over, you can all go home now." Father ordered them. The whole council of the pack leave the room except Dad, Dexter and I.

"Father, are we really doing this to Adellee?" Dexter asked.

"Yes, Dexter." My father sigh. "I don't have a choice. The leaders, Elders and high ranking warriors already decided for this. Me being the Alpha, needed to attend to their concern. And they want to give your sister to the SilverMoon pack, even they cage and send her to Alpha Kayden with ribbons at the top." He said. He is the Alpha but this is majority of the peoples votes. He can't say no.

"I'll be fine Dex." I said to him, though I don't know what is waiting for me there. A whole life of hell!

"I don't agree with this! This is wrong." Dexter said. He looks mad and sad at the same time.

"Get over with it Dex! I am your big sister, stop acting like a crazy little brother." I said trying to change the mood.

"Be careful Adellee." Father said.

I smile back to him and hug my baby brother. I'm sure, I'm gonna miss them a lot. They are my best buddies when my mother died giving birth to Dexter. That's why, I took good care of my baby brother until now.