First Beta

I sit in my room looking at every corners of it. I live here for eighteen years, and now I'm leaving because I'm a payment for our pack debts.

I still can't accept that this is happening now. The First Beta of SilverMoon might be here in any minute now, but I don't have the strength to pack my things.

I sob while hugging my favorite pillow. It was given to me by my Dad. He said that Mom made it when I was a baby.

I wish you're here Mom.

The door slowly open and my best friend Tyler enter my room. He is the First Beta son and soon to be First Beta of our pack. He is also friend with my brother.

"Hey Piggy, stop crying." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissing my forehead. That's what he always do whenever he sees me crying.

"I'm leaving today Ty, and it hurts. It really hurts." I said hugging him. I wish we're mates. We talk about it before but he said that he can't feel any potential bond between us.

Males know when they found the right she-wolf for them. It's the scent of woman that makes them crazy and turn the motion of the earth for them. While us, women can sense the prestige of a man. That attracts us to them until they court us and we accept them as our mate. Not the typical story that I read in books that when they turned eighteen they will find their mate easily and fall in love. That's a lie!

"I know Piggy. Dad told me. I told him to fight for you but the safety of our pack comes first." He said.

"That's true. I hate the consequence of their help. It's like binding our life forever." I said slightly pulling away from his hug.

"Then run, you can run from this and live your own life." He suggested.

"No! I'm not going to do that. I love this pack, I'm sure that Alpha Kayden will kill all of you if I runaway." I said picking my bag to start packing.

My heart broke apart over and over again as I put my clothes one by one in my bag. I had never been away for too long to my family. Actually, I haven't gone out of SnowMoon pack since birth. I was born with Moon Goddess blessings. I am a healer, a powerful one as the other says.

"I will call you everyday when you got there. Promise me to answer my texts and calls." He said.

"You know I will Ty. I will miss you and our endless movie marathon everyday." I said smiling to him.

He really has a huge part in my heart.

"I will wait for your reply then." He answered.

A knock on the door stop me from putting my pants inside the bag. Tyler open the door and I see Amanda, one of our servant.

"Lady Adellee, Alpha Elliot send me here to inform you that the First Beta of SilverMoon pack has already arrived, and he expecting you to be ready by now." Amanda informed me.

"Okay Amanda, just tell Dad that I'll be there in a minutes." I said. Putting the last clothes I need to bring. I also pack my tools in healing. I am a healer of this pack, though we also have two more healer here.

"Yes Lady Adellee." She said before closing the door by herself.

That First Beta is surely punctual. He's on time. I turn to look at Ty. "Hey big guy, stop pitying me and start to help me with my bags." I said while throwing him one of my bag.

"Your leaving me here then you want me to help you? No! You can help yourself." Tyler said but he grabbed my bags and lead the way to my father's office. A scent of Pine with honey hit me when we enter his office.

Dexter is there with my father, First Beta Martin and Third in command Arthur. I saw the First Beta of SilverMoon but he's back on me. I can feel his power and prestige. I can't help but feel to little when he stand up and turn to look at me.

"Adellee, this is First Beta Jaxson of SilverMoon pack." Father introduced First Beta Jaxson to me.

This First Beta is a good looking guy. Tall and handsome, but something tells me that he is dangerous. He look at me and bow a little.

Wow! Very noble of him. I said to myself.

SilverMoon pack is the total opposite of my pack. There is no snow there. It is surrounded by forest and mountains. Base on the map our ancestors provided, SilverMoon is twice the size of our pack now.

"Nice meeting you First Beta Jaxson." I said but didn't bow to him. I am an Alpha daughter. I bow only to my father and other Alphas.

"The pleasure is mine Lady Adellee." He said.

"Alpha Elliot, I think we need to leave now. Alpha Kayden is waiting for our arrival this evening and I think Lady Adellee is ready to go." He said to my father.

Father look at me with some sadness in his eyes. He walk to me and hug me for the last time. Dexter look at me, silently standing near the window of our Dad's office. He simply smile at me, but I know he doesn't want me to go.

Jaxson carries my bags and I follow him outside. There are three cars waiting for us. He put my things inside and tell me to go in.

I follow him and give one final look to my Dad and baby brother before I went inside the car. Everyone is looking at me, like they are happy that I made the right decision. Weird people.

The ride inside the car is silent. The First Beta didn't bother to talk to me and he is just reading some paper works.

I look around inside the Limo and decided to take one of the books in his side. But before I can get it, the suddenly speed of the care makes me fall in his lap. Oh gracious!

I look at him at the same time he look at me. Face to face, he's not showing any emotion. I feel embarrassed as I got up.

"Glen what happened?!" Jaxson shouted to the driver.

"I'm sorry First Beta Jaxson, I accidentally hit the gas than the break." Glen said.

"Next time watch out and be careful." He said.

"I-I'm sorry about the----"

"It's nothing." He said before he throw me the book that I want to read.

"Thank you." I said while I feel that my face is burning up because of the embarrassment.

Sh*t! That's so embarrassing. I almost touched his grrrrr! So embarrassing.

I look away and started to read the book until I fall asleep.