Chapter Three: Missing His Presence


I had gotten up early this morning to make breakfast for Kyle, since it was the least I could do, seeing that he didn’t use me then kicked me out of his house last night after we had sex. By the time I finished cooking, I could feel the heat of his gaze scanning every inch of my body.

“Are you going to stand and stare or are you going to come and get something to eat?” I asked him. When I didn’t hear a reply, I knew that he was caught off guard, his incognito cover blown. So, to put his mind at rest I continued, “I could feel your eyes drilling into me,” while chuckling.

Drawing out a chair, he sat down at the table while I shared out his breakfast before handing it to him. “Eat up,” I said to him while winking and smirking.

“Oh, I plan to,” he replied, and I could feel my cheeks heating up from what he just said.

We continued talking and we had learned a lot about each other while we ate. I was enjoying the conversation because I was teasing him, telling him that I was a hooker when he asked what I did for a living, that was before he had to excuse himself to go upstairs. Sighing to myself, I got up from the table and went to the sink where I placed the dishes before I proceeded to wash them.

I was washing his plate when I smelled a familiar scent; I knew it was him, his cologne, the same from last night was lingering in the air causing my pussy to instantly moisten. Smiling to myself, I waited for him to say something to me, but he didn't instead he walked up to me and wrapped his hands around my waist, wrapping me in his embrace.

“I have to go now because I have work, I hope when I come back home you will be here. Here's my card, call me if you need anything and also here’s a key to the house,” he said, before he placed his card on the table, kissed my cheek then left.

I was a little sad that he was leaving because I needed to ask him if I was just a one-night stand or he wanted us to be something more. I knew it was a little too soon, but what we shared last night was special, well to me at least. I didn’t want to misinterpret the whole situation, by making assumptions and thinking there’s something when there’s not. I had already made that mistake with Eric, and I didn’t want to repeat the same mistake twice.

Last night he had taken my body on a wonderful journey that I enjoyed; he had pleased me in every way possible and had scratched the itch that was there for a year now, the one I desperately needed relief from.

I must say, that I did not regret going into his car last night and neither did I regret having sex with him, even though I was a bit nervous. I’m happy that I had followed through and didn’t back out because I would’ve missed out on the passion and the wonderful feeling that he had made me feel last night.

I loved how Kyle had put my needs over his last night and it had made me feel pretty special. I wish last night could repeat over and over again because I had enjoyed myself immensely and my body got the attention that it needed.

Eric was a selfish lover, whenever we had sex he would often have his climax before I did, then roll his sorry ass off me, then went right to sleep leaving me sexually frustrated. I would have to get off on my own using my fingers, and it was more enjoyable than when he did it and when we had sex. Since he wasn’t pleasing me the right way, and my fingers were doing a better job we had stopped having sex altogether.

Finishing up with the dishes, I went upstairs to his room to take a shower. Reaching his room, I saw that it was in terrible condition, the bed was a mess with the sheets all over and pulled up and his clothes still on the floor from where he had thrown them last night. Typically, men can never pick up after themselves.

Looking at the sheets I saw the evidence of our sexual encounter, my orgasm, and a bit of his. Blushing, I stripped the sheets from the bed and put them on the floor along with his clothes. I couldn’t stand to see a messy place, so I did what any clean freak would have done... I cleaned.

Going inside his closet, I saw various suits, jackets from all different types of colors, and his casual clothes hanging up. Looking up, on the shelves, I saw the sheets that were folded neatly. Taking down a set, I went back to the room where I spread it on the bed. After I finished making the bed, I picked up the soiled sheets with his clothes and mine, before I walked out of the room and went in search of the laundry room.

Walking down the hall I found many rooms, a library, a game room, his office, an entertainment room, and a room filled with lots of tools but none of which were the washroom. Damn this house is huge I muttered to myself.

Finally reaching the end of the hall, I walked through a door and saw that it was the laundry room. Placing the sheets along with my clothes and his from last night inside the machine, I started it and left, allowing the clothes and the sheets to wash.

Walking back down the hall I stopped at his library and walked inside, scrolling through his library collection, I found out that most of his books were on submission and dominance. I wasn't surprised because he had struck me as that type, the way that he took control of my body last night, dominating me, handling me just the way I liked to be handled. Taking out a book titled “Controlling Her Every Pleasure” off the top shelf, I started scrolling through the pages until a particular line caught my eye.

“Mm,” she whimpered out as I rammed my dick inside of her. I knew what she needed and this was it, a long, thick rod inside of her to-” shutting the book instantly, I placed it back on the shelf. Even though I had an idea about what was to come, I couldn’t continue reading the book, not now for it will probably cause me to flood his library with my juices. Just those few words had gotten my body in heat, causing my sex to jump in anticipation and moisture to pool out between my legs.

Walking out of his library, I went to his office. Looking around, I saw that it was very spacious. The walls were painted brown with a television propped against the wall, a black desk was in the middle of the room and behind it was a black chair. At the far end of the room, was also dark brown couches. All the colors that were found within the room, tied so perfectly together, giving the room a sense of comfort.

Walking to the door at the back of his office, I stepped outside and the view that I saw was stunning. It showed the back of the house, which was filled with tall green lush trees, and the grass was cut beautifully in a maze.

Walking back inside, I went and sat at his desk. Putting my feet up, I sat back and closed my eyes relaxing. Just as I was about to get comfortable, I heard the machine ding. Taking down my feet from off the table, I felt it hit against something hard. Looking down, I saw it was a lock that had nearly damage my perfectly manicured feet. Staring down at it, I wanted to get up and leave, but curiosity had kicked in and had gotten the best of me, that and the fact that my feet wouldn’t budge. I wanted to know what was in the drawer that had caused Kyle to put a lock on it. Moving his laptop and his paperwork around, I started searching for the key, but I couldn’t find it.

Putting back the contents the way I found them, I yanked open the other drawers and shuffled through the contents, but I still couldn't find the key, but I did stumble upon an empty box of condoms. Taking it up, I saw that it marked Trojan Magnum XL. I wasn’t surprised because the way he had filled me up last night leaving no room, I knew he had a monster between his legs. Shaking my head, I placed it back inside the drawer, before I closed it and got up to check on the machine.

Taking out the clothes and the sheets from outside of the washing machine, I transferred them to the dryer that was connected to, it before starting it. Seeing that I was bored and I was waiting for the clothes to dry, I went back to the library. Reaching up high, I took back up the book that I was scrolling through earlier. I didn’t want to jump the gun like I did when I first picked it up, so I started reading from the very first page.

Halfway through it, I was nearing the scene that I was eagerly waiting for, where the male protagonist character handcuffed his wife to the bed because she was giving herself to him willingly for him to control her when I heard the dryer ding. “Dang it,” I cursed out. Putting the book under my arm, I walked back to the washroom where I took out both our clothes and the sheets from outside of the dryer.

Folding them neatly, I walked back to his room and placed his clothes and clean sheets on the shelves in his closet. Resting the book on his bed, I walked to the bathroom where I stripped out of his shirt and stepped inside his shower to wash last night’s activities off my body.

Getting out of the shower, I grabbed one of his towels and dried off with it before I got dressed to go home. I know he said that he hopes that when he got home I'll still be here, but I have a few errands to run and I couldn't put them off. Going inside the kitchen, I took up his card and his house key that he had handed me earlier before I exited his house and locked the door behind me. Taking out my phone, I dialed his number. The phone ring three times before he picked up.

“Hello Mr. Handsome, it’s Nyla,” I purred in his ear.