Chapter Four: I Should’ve Stayed


Walking outside the door, I went inside my car and placed my favorite Joe CD inside my music player before I drove off. Being a boss to so many employees, I wanted to set a good example for all, so I always arrive at work on time. Driving to work, I could still smell her lingering scent inside my car. It was so intoxicating; that it made me wish that I was with her right now in bed, giving her more of what happened between us last night.

Reaching my office, I greeted everyone and went straight to the conference room with my assistant Paige to meet the others who were waiting for me so the meeting with the board of directors could start. Arriving at the conference room, I sat down and started talking.

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Did we manage to finalize the deal with the Thomas Corporation as yet?”

“No sir, not as yet,” a young man spoke up.

“Why haven’t we as yet?”

“Mr. Thomas is now refusing to sell his company, he’s saying that it has been in the family for generations and he doesn’t want to sell it, and also that the money we are offering him couldn’t possibly buy the company that his great–grandfather had built with his two hands.”

Sighing in frustration, I knew that stubborn old man would create a problem. I wanted to buy his shipyard company and break it down and sell it piece by piece, but he was playing hardball. Mr. Thomas, who is the owner of Thomas Corporation owns a shipyard company that has been going downhill and was losing profit daily. Being the stubborn old man that he was, he’s refusing to sell the company because it’s been in the family for generations. Couldn’t he see that; it would cause him a fortune to fix the building structure that has been slowly crumbling and that he’s already in financial debt.

“Set up a meeting for us to meet Paige,” I said to my personal assistant.

“Yes, sir,” she replied before she exited the room.

“Everyone else, the meeting is dismissed.”

Being a corporate raider and owning one of the biggest companies in New York, I searched for companies that are going downhill financially and buy them, then resell the land piece by piece since I make more profit than reselling the land as a whole.

After the meeting had ended, I got up and exited the room to go to my office. Going inside, I sat down and stared out the window which had a breathtaking view of the city which was filled with tall buildings and luscious green trees.

Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone went off, taking me out of my trance. Looking at the caller's ID, I saw that the number wasn't stored in my phone. I was hesitant at first to answer it, but something told me I should take.

“Hello Mr. Handsome, it’s Nyla,” she purred in my ear.

Chuckling, I answered, “Hey, how are you?”

“I'm fine, I just left your home and am about to head home. She replied.

“Wait, what, you're going home?!" I nearly shouted in her ear, “I didn't get to spend enough time with you and you’re leaving so quickly. I know I shouldn't have left you there and I'm sorry, it’s just that I had an important meeting that I had to attend. I was hoping I got to see you when I came back.”

“Kyle, it's okay, I needed to run some errands and I will be busy all week with work. I don't know if it will be possible for me to come by later or for the rest of the week for that matter, but you will see me again, just not this week. We can text or call or even both if you like,” she answered back. Sighing, I told her it was okay before I hang up. Why the fuck did I leave? I questioned myself. I wanted to spend some more time with her because I was falling for her. I know it was too soon, but I never had someone come into my life and had me feeling the way I'm feeling right now. Coming out of my daze, I looked at my watch and saw that it was one in the afternoon. Where the hell did time fly so fast?

Staring into space, I started to think of ways to make her stay but nothing came to mind and I always ended up at a dead end. I needed to think of something and fast. I was there mulling over the situation when it hit me. I would have to meet with her first, then suggest the proposal and if she accepts my offer, I give her the contract. This contract is very special since there are only a few people that came into my life who had gotten it. Some had refused, saying that they didn’t want that type of relationship, but a normal one.

At that moment in time, I wasn’t ready to settle down, I was still young and wanted to have fun and not be tied down in a relationship.

Being rich and young, women often thought that I could be easily fooled; they had often seen me as a young boy who was naïve with a lot of money that wouldn’t mind spending it on them. They would often tell me things they thought would excite me, but they had read me wrong. I wasn’t easily fooled, nor was I stupid. I had worked too hard to acquire my wealth and I would’ve been a damn fool to throw it all away on a pretty face and pussy.

Picking the phone back up, I dialed back her number. The phone rang two times before she answered.

“Hey, Nyla is it possible for us to meet later tonight?” I asked her.

“I’m not sure.”

“Please,” I begged. “I need to see you.”

“Okay, fine, where can we meet and what time?” She asked.

“Well, you can meet me at eight at the park, it’s just a block away from my home.”

“Okay,” she replied, and with that, I hung up and went to do some work on my laptop.

It was forty minutes past seven when I had finished working. Getting up from the chair, I hurriedly packed my things before I hastily walked to the elevator. Smiling at my secretary, I bid her goodnight before going inside the elevator and pressing the button that will bring me to the reception area.

When the elevator stopped, I sped up my pace to my car and got in. Starting the car, I drove off. Reaching the park, I stepped out of the car and looked at my watch, and saw that it was three minutes past eight.

“I was just about to leave,” I heard her sweet voice floated to my ears.

“I'm sorry I’m late, I kind of gotten caught up in work and didn't realize that the time has passed by so quickly.”

Laughing, she asked, “So why did you want to meet me?”

“I have a proposition for you, but you may not like it.”

“What kind of proposition might that be?” She asked curiously.

“I want you to be my sex slave.”

“Excuse me! Am I hearing correctly?! Did you just ask me to be your sex slave?” She asked. She had an angry expression on her face, that then changed to shock then disbelief.

“Yeah, I did and before you walk away or say anything else, just hear me out, please. When I say this to you, I will walk away after so you can think about it.”

“Okay am listening,” she said while folding her arms over her chest.

“If you become my sex slave, I will pay you every month to satisfy my needs. You'll also be living at my mansion where you will have your bathroom and room for your privacy. I will get sex when I request it even if you’re busy or not, I don't care. You will not date other men while we are together. Do not think about it as being my whore, it's more like a job as you will be getting paid for your services. I will make sure you have, the finer things in life; I will be giving you a few weeks most likely a month to think about it. Failure to respond will result in the offer been terminated,” I calmly said to her, and with that, I walked away as quickly as I could, hoping whatever I just said didn't scare her and that she didn't call me back and curse my ass out.

Getting back inside my car, I drove off. While driving, my mind went back to what happened a few minutes ago. I do hope that Nyla accepts the offer for it would be great, I will be able to please her in every way possible, give her everything she desires, and treats her right until she starts falling for me, like how I had fallen for her.

It was really strange that one night with this woman, a stranger was making me feel things that I never felt before. She had made me fall for her without even trying or knowing.