Chapter Five: Considering the Offer


Coming home from a long day of work, I went right into the bathroom where I took a long hot bath. After I had finished, I went into the living room where I laid on the sofa and turned on the television before scrolling through the channels. Everything that was showing was boring, but I continued to scroll because I was determined to find a nice movie. Finally, I saw the movie “The Proposal” starring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. Seeing this movie had made me remember that tomorrow will be the day I decide if I should accept Kyle’s offer or not. Since he had made the proposal, I haven’t replied to any of his texts for us to meet up since I needed the time to think about what I was getting into.

I was shocked and surprised that night when he had asked me to be his sex slave, that I couldn’t move from the spot that I was standing in. I couldn’t believe it, I thought that he was joking, but when I remember the expression that was on his face I knew he was being serious. Who the hell in their right mind would ask someone that, to be their sex slave and then just walked away so calmly, as he had just told me what time of the day it was.

“If you become my sex slave, I will pay you every month to satisfy my needs. You'll also be living at my mansion where you will have your own bathroom and room for your privacy. I will get sex when I request it even if you’re busy or not, I don't care. You will not date other men while we are together. Do not think about it as being my whore, it's more like a job as you will be getting paid for your services. I will make sure you have, the finer things in life; I will be giving you a few weeks most likely a month to think about it. Failure to respond will result in the offer been terminated.” My jaw was on the floor the entire time when he was talking.

His offer kept resounding in my head, and I had to walk around the park after the shock had passed, trying to make sense of what he had asked me.

Here I was sitting on the sofa in my living room, still trying to weigh my mind on the issue and also my options. I didn’t want to go into something that I couldn’t handle and wasn’t prepared for, so I had to think about this carefully that’s why I had taken so long to answer him. If I become his sex slave I would be close to him, sexually, physically, and emotionally. That meant that maybe he would fall for me, but the downside of the situation was, I didn’t want to use sex to make him fall for me, I wanted him to fall for me genuinely.

What if I do go into this ‘sex relationship’ and fall for him and he doesn’t want me, what if he just wants me for sex and not to be his girlfriend what would I do then? But there is a fifty-fifty chance that it could work my subconscious told me. My mind was so conflicted. What am I supposed to do here? I asked myself, I was so frustrated. I had fallen for him, from the very first time I met him and now I got the chance to be a part of his life–even though it wasn’t exactly the position I saw myself in–being his sex slave more likely his girlfriend. I was confused about the whole situation.

Maybe being his sex slave might not be all that bad, I thought. Biting my lips, the memory from the first night we had sex, came flooding back to my mind. I remembered how I had clawed at his back when his dick was hitting spots I didn't know existed. The way he sucked on my nipple, the way he sucked on my sensitive nub causing the ripple effect to course through my body. I would do anything to be fucked like that again and be with him even if it meant that I had to become his sex slave.

I don’t know why I kept fighting this- fighting myself when I clearly knew what was going to happen, I would accept his offer. I just wanted to be a part of his life, be a part of him, but before I make my final decision, I wanted to make sure. Tomorrow is the deadline and after a much-needed sleep where my mind is rested, I will make the call and let him know.

Today at work was very tiresome and I wanted to sleep very badly since I was tired and my limbs were aching. Getting up off the sofa, I went into my room and laid on my bed, where I fell asleep instantly.

Waking to the sun beaming on my face, I picked up my phone from off the nightstand where I had placed it last night. Checking my messages, I saw that Kyle had texted me good morning and also had reminded me that today was the last day for me to accept or decline his proposal. Getting out of bed, I rested my phone back on the nightstand before I walked to the bathroom where I took a shower and brushed my teeth. After getting my personal hygiene over with, I went through my closet where I picked out my work attire which consists of a simple gray dress and my purple heels. Getting dressed, I picked up my handbag and my phone before I exited my apartment, locking up behind me.

I still haven’t texted Kyle back as yet, but I will do it when I arrive at work because I couldn’t afford to be late.

Hailing a cab, I quickly got in and told the driver that I wanted him to drive me to 115 Palmaina Street, New York. It’s one of the biggest publishing houses in New York, where I write about the different types of sports. I’m a big fan of sports and our local sports teams here in New York. Growing up, my dad would let me watch the football matches, baseball, basketball, and many more sports matches that were played here.

Reaching my workplace, I shuffled through my bag to take out my wallet so I could pay the driver. Handing him a crisp twenty-dollar bill, I thanked him, then exited his car. Walking through the lobby and down the hall to my office, I was greeted by the sight of my boss Linda. She was one of the most stressful and annoying people you could ever meet. Nothing ever seems to satisfy her, if she gives you a compliment take it and walk away. Don’t ever smile at her or be happy that she did, because she might take it back. She says giving away compliments is hard to do and it pains her heart for such kind words to escape her lips, she was a real pain in the ass. Nevertheless, I have to tolerate her since I can’t go through the trouble of finding another job.

“Good morning, Miss Linda,” I greeted cheerfully.

“It’s Mrs. Heath never address me by my first name again if you want that promotion to become an editorial assistant you need to start working on the report on last night’s game between the Detroit Pistons and Cleveland Cavaliers. I want it on my desk by today. I don’t care how long it will take to get it done.

Could she be any more of a pain in the ass? I seriously wanted to tell her to go to hell and do it herself. But I couldn’t. Aside from the fact that I actually needed that darn position, I also loved working here.

With a smile as pleasant as I could make it, I replied, “Yes ma’am.” Walking away, I went into my cubicle where I gathered the necessary resources I will need to write this column. Taking up the pen, I placed the tip of it on the paper ready to write, but my hand remained stagnant. I had the information in my head, but they were all jumbled up. My mind was occupied by the text that I had gotten from Kyle, the one I couldn’t respond to because I didn’t have time and I couldn’t even though I really wanted to. I needed to text him and let him know that I accept his offer, but we were forbidden to use our phones within working hours and I wasn’t going to be the one to break it since I am not a risk-taker.

Night had descended, and it was time for me to go home, but I couldn’t because I haven’t gotten anywhere. Eighty-five percent of the working day was spent on thinking about Kyle and the contract, ten percent was spent on going to the bathroom to either urinate, vomit or trying to fight the feeling of nausea. I have been experiencing these symptoms three weeks after Kyle and I last had sex last month, and it had transitioned into this month. I had an idea of what was going with my body, but I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact because I couldn’t be. The other five percent of my day was spent on writing. I haven’t gotten much further than the introduction and half of the body of the piece and I had a lot more to write, the paper had to be handed in today. I had wasted so much time procrastinating and thinking about Kyle and the offer, and I couldn’t waste anymore. I wanted to text him, but I couldn’t, I had to hurry and get this paper done so I could go home and then I will be free to text him.

Looking at my watch, I saw that it was thirty minutes after eight. I had to finish this by the latest ten pm. I had to move my hands fast and that was exactly what I did. I started writing like a madman, putting words on the paper, but I was doing it neatly and ninety percent of sense was founded within it. Finishing at exactly ten, I packed up my things and briskly walked to Linda’s office. Reaching there, I saw that she wasn’t in but her bag was. Putting the papers on her desk, I hurriedly walked out and headed for the exit. I didn’t want her to come and see me here and lecture me about not being on my game today.

Walking outside, I grabbed a cab and the fifteen minutes’ drive to my home was very quiet and peaceful. Paying the driver, I got out and walked up to my porch, and opened my front door. Throwing my keys and my bag on the floor, I closed the door behind me and walked sluggishly to the bathroom where I took a long hot bath. Stepping out of the shower, I went back into the hall where I took up my bag and shuffled through it to find my phone. Taking it out, I saw that it was one minute to hour twelve. “Shit,” I cursed out. Going into messaging, I quickly typed “yes, I will be your sex slave,” before the time changed to twelve.

Exactly a minute after, a message from him came back saying, “just in the nick of time.”

Sighing in relief, I walked to the kitchen and started preparing coffee in the coffee maker. While it was brewing, I sat at the table and started thinking. I do hope that this decision that I had made was not going to blow up in my face. I didn’t think as long and hard as I should have, I had made this decision solely on my emotions which I hope will not be destroyed at the end when all of this is over.

Taking the cup from under the coffee maker, I took a sip and all the negative thoughts were removed from my brain like it wasn’t even there.