Chapter One

"Hi ! We happen to meet again ! First at the club and now at my favourite lunch restaurant .

Isn't this a coincidence ?!"Richard asked Jodi while drawing a seat for himself .

He looked good in his cashmere sweater coupled with a pair of suede chukka shoes .

“If you'd ask me ,I don't think it's a coincidence ,I think you are stalking me Richard Yap !'” Jodi said bluntly and continued to sip her cocktail without taking a glimpse at him .

While the women were dying to end up in his bed ,she was acting otherwise .

"Ha! I like you ! I mean I like the way you are !

You are so different from all those women who've come into my life ."Richard passed a comment bluntly .

“Why ?! Is it because you couldn't get me in your bed like you do to other women ?!

Listen Richard Yap , I've read a little about your achievements in building Yap Art Paintings Cooperation after you took over the cooperation after your father's demise .

Also ,I read boldly about how you treat women and I didn't enjoy it !

This one was for yesterday ,I don't like to owe anyone .

It's with interest and remember that not every woman fantasizes getting into your bed because some of us are immune to your charms .

Have a nice day ! ”Jodi began to walk away after dropping a few dollars on the table for Richard 's favour the night before .

This once again left Richard in a dilemma; however ,instead of getting angry ,he quickly ran after her ; something so unusual of him .

"Judi Hopps ! "Richard held onto her car door before she could bang it right in his face .

He lowered his head through the window and smiled ambivalently at her .

"Are you always like this ? Do you always drive the senses of men like this or are you just toying with me ?"Richard asked the cold burning fury Jodi ,who felt suffocated by his words .

“Well ,if you'd ask me ,I think you are the one toying with me !

Listen Mr .Man , it's impossible for any man to charm me into his bed !

I get into the bed I want because I want to , so stop this game of yours ! 

Now if you'd let go of my door , I'd be glad !”Jodi drove off right in front of Richard after she forcefully pushed his hands from the door .

Later that evening , Richard met up with his friends ;Leo and Ken at their usual spot .

"Hey men ! Sup ? "Richard exchanged his usual gestures with his friends and later engaged in a conversation with hard vodkas and whiskeys and some women as well .

"So won't you tell us how your night with your new fish went ,huh ?"Leo asked gulping his glass of vodka .

“Nothing happened ! That lady drives me nuts !

She's not like the other women at all , she's playing hard to get !

Could you believe she sped off on me ?!

Damn it !”Richard hit his fist hard on the table angrily .

"Haha! Did I just hear that she sped off on you ?!

Holy shit ! A woman dared to drive off on Richard Yap , unbelievable ! "Ken added movingly .

“Who does she think she is ?! No matter what she does ,she won't escape from my clutches !

Till date ,no woman has escaped my bed and she won't be the first to do that ! 

Trust me men ,I will surely drive her in my bed and when I do so ,she will regret messing up with me ! 

Waiter ,more drinks ! ”

"What did you say her name is again ? "Ken asked .

“Judi Hopps !”Richard added, taking in more drinks .

"Judi Hopps ! The only daughter of the Asian business tycoon Ray Hopps and the celebrity model Elleen Hopps .

She's the creative director of Hopps Cosmetics and has a PhD in Cosmetology and business management ....!"Ken continued to read the news article about Judi Hopps .

“I didn't know that she was that rich and belonging to a good family .

She's a woman of class and status !I should have known this and many more about her .

You know what guys ,see you later ,I gotta catch up with her ! ”Richard left hurriedly to put his plans in place .

"Ding ding!"The doorbell to Judi Hopps' apartment rang .

"Who could be at the door at this time of the night ?"She asked herself and walked towards the door lazily yawning .

“You ?!”She almost freaked out seeing Richard at the door .

“What the hell are you doing here in the first place ?!

And how did you know that I live here too ?!

What the hell! You're stalking me right ?! ”

"At least ,ask me to come in first and then we'd talk .

So ,can I come in now ?"Richard asked leaning against the door .

“Alright ,come in ! But make sure your reason for coming becomes of essence to me !

What can I get you ?!Water ,liquor or juice ?!

Choose your preference !”

"I would have chosen to have liquor but fortunately , there's something here that's sweeter than liquor itself and that's you !

You are the one I want ! "Richard curved his seductive lips into a smile .

“What insolence ! Have you no shame at all ,Richard Yap ?!

Now get the hell out of my house ! Get lost from my sight !

Out ! ”Judi became so furious and the atmosphere was filled with complete disgust towards Richard .

“Hey slow! You got me wrong ,okay ? What I meant was I needed you as a friend and also a business pal .

You never told me that you were the daughter of the Asian business tycoon Ray Hopps .

But anyways ,I know now so there's no need to trouble yourself telling me about it .

Look Judi ,umm! So sorry for the insolent way I behaved with you earlier .

I hope you are still not bored with me because I sincerely want us to be friends !

Good friends ! ”

"Oh please ,cut this drama short because I know and I've seen what guys of your caliber are !

You pretend to be good gents and then later ,you end up going to bed with the ladies after which ,you dump them !

I know them all so stop your little drama of trying to be good friends with me !

Do you know why ? It's because you are doing all this to get me in your bed ; something that will never happen !

Shut your little dump dreams Richard Yap ! 

Now ,get the hell out of my house and never return ! 

I hate your hippocratic face ! It's super disgusting and worth being puked out !

Argh! "