Chapter Seven

*Detective Sta.Maria ,what do you presuppose we do ?*

"Sir ! If Miss McKee doesn't want to stay here ,then I suggest you let her stay at my place instead .

This way , she'd get maximum protection there too !

That is ,if she wants to stay with me !"Jodi said frantically .

“Alright, fine ! I will stay with you Detective Jodi Sta.Maria .”Ylona said with a smile .

Once Jodi and Ylona got home ,she began to show her around .

"Look Ylona ,this apartment isn't really big as compared to how you perceived it .

You can't get lost here .Come with me and let me show you your room !"Jodi said, helping her with her luggage .

"So here it is ,your room ! Henceforth ,you will stay here until every mission of ours is finished .

Everything here is classified ,you can't tell people that I'm a detective .

Neither can you call me Jodi Sta.Maria too .

Whether we are alone or not ,call me Judi Hopps ! 

You can't go out without any disguise also .

I know these rules might seem plenty in your head however , whatever we're doing is undercover and you will be able to prove your innocence once this mission is over .

Hope I'm clear ?!"Jodi asked as Ylona nodded with a smile .

“Alright then ,get some rest ! ”Jodi left immediately .

Once she got into her room ,she walked right to the investigation board and circled Richard Yap's face matching it to the twenty days she had left to turn him in to the authorities .

Just then ,her phone rang but looking at it ,she threw it onto her sofa .

"I will answer your calls but not now ,Richard Yap ! 

Later ,when I need you to be my puppet again ! "Jodi sat down and began to review the case again; however ,no matter the number of times she looked into the case ,Richard Yap came to mind .

"Argh ! Get the hell out of my head Richard Yap !

Out ! "She threw her papers to the floor .

"You can't think about him, Jodi ! He's the criminal ; of course ,the handsome criminal ! 

What an ironic world we live in ! "She moved downstairs and grabbed a drink for herself .

Meanwhile ,Ylona sat on the sofa comfortably and kept on hitting a knife on a news daily that had Leonardo's picture at the front page. 

"So is this what you are going to do the whole night ?

Pounding the knife on the betrayer's picture all night long ,mmm ?!

I knew the main reason why you didn't want to stay in the headquarters was because of this ; you want to get revenge on Leonardo DiCaprio , isn't it ? "Judi asked, taking a seat at the edge of the sofa with her drink in hand .

“It's funny right ? Leonardo DiCaprio won young business investor of the year .

With what ?! That drug money that has spilled many lives away ! 

That useless good-for-nothing son of a bitch betrayed me !

I was only seventeen ,only seventeen ! But look at what he turned my life into ,Judi ; just look ! 

You know what ? I'm thinking of paying that bastard a visit ! A visit that he will never forget ! 

I will make sure he never does ! ”Ylona stabbed the picture angrily .

"I might be a detective whose main aim is catching criminals; however ,what I can't stand is betrayal .

It pisses me off when someone gets betrayed so I can't stop you from teaching Leonardo DiCaprio a lesson, however ,your revenge shouldn't get in the way of my mission !

You can't be seen outside and you are also not prepared physically or mentally for this fight you are calling on yourself so I suggest you wait for the right time .

Unless ,you tell me that you've already signed a death contract . I don't think you think we fought all the way here to get you out of jail just to be killed .Think about it Ylona ..!"Judi went back to her room to get some rest leaving Ylona to think things over .

“Oh my God ! For the two-hundredth time ,pick up the call Judi ! ”Ylona walked down the stairs yawning lazily as she headed straight to the kitchen where Judi was already done preparing breakfast .

"Good morning Ylona ! How was your night ?"Judi asked, dishing out the food onto the plate .

“Bad ! It was really worse than I expected and to make things even worse ,I woke up with a strong headache ! 

Argh ! I hate this feeling however ,I guess the aroma from your egg omelets will do the magic in my tummy .”Ylona rested her elbows lazily on the dining table taking a bite of the sliced guava in the fruit bowl .

Just then , Judi's phone rang again and again ,she looked at it and ignored it .

“Will you pick up already please ? It's the two-hundredth and -oneth time your phone has rang and you've ignored it . Don't give your boyfriend a hard time anymore ”Ylona said with a smirk on her left cheek .

"He's not my boyfriend but my mission ! 

Now forget about boyfriend ; I've really never had one before ."Judi's confession surprised Ylona .

“What?! You've got to be joking right ? Tell me you are joking ,Judi ! ”Ylona said, still in shock .

"I'm not joking ! This is serious !"Judi said frantically and continued to have her breakfast .

“It's worth killing Judi .I mean ,a beautiful woman like you is every man's fantasy .

You are too gorgeous to be single and also take up this job ,you know ?”Ylona chipped in and quickly bent her eyes into her meal .

"This is the best disguise for this job actually .

And I love what I do ! Finish up your meal and come for training at the balcony !"

“Training ? Oh my God ! Just a second and I'd be right there .”Ylona quickly finished up her meal ,ran upstairs to change into her training gear and quickly went to the balcony to meet Judi to start up her training .

"Now that you are here ,give me thirty press-ups !

Let's see how you pay Leonardo DiCaprio a visit ! 

Hurry ,go down ! I said ``bend down !"Judi helped Ylona stretch out her body in a horizontal prostate manner .

She kept her leg right at her lower back just before she could think of standing up to her feet .

"You can't even remain this low on a stretch and you want to pay Leonardo DiCaprio a visit ,huh ?

Do this like you really want to pay him a visit ! "Judi encouraged Ylona who was raising a few dumbbells all soaked up in sweat .

“I'm already tired, Judi . Can't we do this after an hour . I'm exhausted ! ”Ylona let go of the dumbbells out of fatigue .

"Fine ! If that's what you want then I respect your decision .

However , you'd have to stay indoors since you are still not ready to see outside .

If anything pops up with your case then I'd call you immediately .

I'm leaving for my mission ! "

“Wait Judi ! You can't do this alone .I will help you .

How is it even called ? Aha ! Hiding in plain sight , that's what I will do .

I will avoid eye contact with those I know .

I will also keep my head low and calm and slow when walking .

Trust me on this Judi ,if I keep on staying here alone then I'd only grow into a coward as each day passes by .”Ylona said .

"Okay ,I will help you disguise yourself just because I don't want you to live in fear .

First of all ,you have to wear this ; this black light silver grey mohawk costume wig .

Also ,for a dramatic effect ,I will create a paint mole on the left side of your eyelid .

You need a beauty mark on your face too to look rather simple and odd .

I will create a fake conspicuous fire tattoo on your leg too .

Don't forget to apply this eyeliner too once I'm done .

You need to wear these high heels to increase your height .

Also since the past ten years , you've grown very lean and so you need to pad up your clothes with extra layers to look like you've put on a few pounds .

Look Ylona ,this task isn't going to be easy like you expected ."Judi sighed .