Chapter Eight

You need to develop a different persona .We need to create a new name and a believable story for yourself .

This will help you "get into character"better and make your performance natural .

You can't visit Leonardo DiCaprio if you talk like the way you do or behave like you do .

You need to develop a different sense of humour than the "natural you " would do !

“So what do you presuppose I do ,Judi ?”Ylona asked, applying the eyeliner .

"Develop a new accent that is so unlike Ylona McKee .

You need to put on different attitudes ; one far more than Ylona McKee would do .

Because henceforth ,you are Yolanda Charles and not Ylona McKee ! "Judi revealed to her .

“Yolanda Charles ? Who's this new character you are giving to me all of a sudden ? ”Ylona asked to dress her wig .

"Just wait ! Once you've finished up with your disguise ,I will tell you all about Yolanda Charles .

"Put on this cotton shift dress and match up your disguise with these accessories ."Once Ylona was done putting on her disguise ,she looked exactly like Judi wanted her to look .There were no traces of Ylona McKee in her physical features at all .

Judi was also done preparing all the fake IDs and websites that Ylona needed to step outside .

“So is this how you disguise yourself over here ?

Do you do this all alone ? ”Ylona asked in her new accent that Judi liked and caused her to smile .

"Yeah ! This is how I live my life over here as a detective ; always in disguise .

Your accent looks like you were once a ventriloquist ! 

Anyways ,I like it and that's what matters .

Come and look at the website I created for you ; I mean for your fake identity Yolanda Charles."

Once Ylona sat by Judi behind her computer ,she was surprised at what her role was going to be with her new character .

“Yolanda Charles is a model and a talent scout ? 

Like seriously ? ”Ylona asked, almost bursting into laughter .

"Yeah ! Like seriously ! Ylona ,you need to be serious with whatever we are doing here .

If you ain't ready ,then you'd have to stay indoors only ; nothing more , nothing less ! "Judi said, almost boiling up in anger .

“Hey relax alright ? No hard feelings ,I was only laughing out my troubles .And besides ,I can put on this new character .

I love music ,I can write music and I have a good voice too .

And about modelling , it's as if you knew that was my dream all this while .So don't get pissed off because you won't have any problem with me .

The only problem is how I'm gonna come out in the day view as Yolanda Charles .”

"You need not worry about it because I've got that too .

Here are two tickets ; one for Yolanda Charles and the other for Judi Hopps .I have a tip off that Richard Yap , Leonardo DiCaprio and Kennedy Leon will be at the opening concert of Ecstacy Studios .

That's the new studio concert of Kennedy Leon and so what perfect way to pay Leonardo DiCaprio a visit ,huh ? 

So tell me Ylona ,are you ready to play ? "Judi slanged in her ears .

“Perfect way , perfect time and perfect partner !

Thanks Judi ,I promise I won't do anything stupid this time when I meet that asshole !

Because I will wait for your perfect timing to strike !”Ylona said .

"Alright then , let's practice your new character !"

Later that evening ,dressed in a rust brown satin mini wrap dress ,Ylona removed her makeover and put on a silicon mask prepared by Judi and this gave her a different look ; far more than anyone would just imagine .

Judi on the other hand held her hair into a bun as she walked elegantly in her stilettos matching it perfectly with her maroon v-neck sleeveless mini club dress .

“Just as planned Yolanda ...!”Judi reminded her of her character once again before they parted ways at the concert .

While Judi and Ylona looked forward to completing another plan of their mission ,Leo ,Ken and Richard drank and chit-chatted at the bar .

“Hey Ken ! Congrats on your new studio launch .

Cheers ! ”Leo raised a toast .

“Let's do one for Ylona ! May her soul rest in peace even though she was gonna die anyway .

I feel as if she was born to save me from my crimes so cheers ! ”Leo raised another toast . While Leo and his friends rejoiced at Ylona's death ,she sat next to them at the bar and listened to their conversation .

Anger filled her up like an angry lioness who wanted to devour its prey so badly .

She held onto her glass so tightly that , had a waiter not interrupted her , she'd have angrily thrown the glass at him and broken his face into pieces .

"Miss ,your drink ! Miss...miss ,your drink !"The waiter raised his voice this time around .

“Oh yeah ! Thanks anyways ..”She put on a smirk .

"Look Leo ,I think you should start over .

Look at the beautiful lady at our end ,she isn't bad to have the night .Go and get her before someone else does ..!

Oh look ,looks like she's even coming our direction.

Cease this chance ..!"Richard encouraged .

Ylona walked majestically with a smile across her face towards them but intentionally bumped into another lady .

"Hey ! Can't you see ? Look at how you've ruined my dress !

Can't you see ? "The lady angrily asked but before Ylona could speak , Leonardo got involved and brushed off the issue just like Ylona wanted .

“Are you okay , beautiful ?”Ylona felt like a thunder striking her heart just by hearing the gentle tone of his hypocritical voice, however she was pleased since he didn't recognize her at all .

“Yeah ! I'm okay ,I guess this is how peasants act but never mind , it's okay and thanks for helping me out .”Ylona said in a croaky voice .

"Leonardo DiCaprio !"He said in a husky tone .

“Yolanda Charles ! ”She also said in a silvery tone .

"So are you here alone ? I doubt a beautiful woman as you would come to a place like this alone .

So where's your fiance ? Didn't he come along with you ?"Leo asked, throwing his eyes about .

“Haha ! Haha ! ”Ylona began to laugh all of a sudden .

“Fiance ? Haha ! That is so absurd ! Why would a girl like me need a fiance when I have everything I want .

I was adopted into a good family with lots of wealth .

I'm a higher paid supermodel and a talent scout ,why would I still need a man in my life ?

Waiter ! Get me one shot of tequila ! ”Ylona ordered after leaving Leo in a dilemma .

"So you are saying that you have no man in your life ,is it ?"Leo asked with emphasis seductively .

“Hehe ! It seems it's so hard for you to believe but that's the choice of life I intend to live .

I don't trust men at all and so just like some men do to women ,I dump them like they are nothing and I betray them in love just like they do to other women !

I'm a hedonist ,if it's not about money and pleasure , then there's no other good in life .

By the way , Mr.Handsome , I'm waiting for someone ; a friend of mine who's just arriving from Thailand today .

In no time , she'd be here so why don't we do this instead ? 

Umm! Introduce me to your fiancee instead and don't worry , there's no way I will snatch you away from her ,hehe !”Ylona giggled with a shrug .

"It's no problem but the thing is ,even I don't have a fiance either .

I'm here with my friends .One of them owns this particular studio hence we came for the studio launch concert .

Shall we go ?"Leo offered his hand but Ylona walked past him with a smirk across her face .

"Hey friends ! Meet Yolanda , Yolanda Charles !

She's a talent scout and a model,"Leo introduced .

“Hi ! It's nice meeting you both ! I'm Yolanda Charles ; a talent scout and a model just as your friend said .

The main purpose for my coming here is solely for that reason ; to scout for talents .

I left the Netherlands for Beverly Glen to scout for amazing talents and it's nice knowing that I found myself at the right place .

Once again , it's nice meeting you all .

Umm! Leo , don't you think your friends should introduce themselves to me as well ? Ylona whispered into Leo's ears but the duo got the eye from Leo and began to introduce themselves .

“Hey hi ! I'm Richard Yap ...!”

"Kennedy Leon ..!"

“And I'm Leonardo DiCaprio ...hehe ! ”Ylona threw a tantrum which caused them to laugh .

“Anything the problem ? Looks like you've got all your eyes on your phone only ..hehe !”Leonardo poked his nose into Ylona's business .

"Nothing as such actually ! I told you I'm waiting for my friend who just arrived from Thailand ,right ?

She's the one I'm trying to reach ,I hope she didn't lose her direction while reaching here ."Ylona said worriedly .

“Don't worry Yolanda ,no one will miss finding their way here .If you don't mind ,I can give her photograph to the security guards just so they direct her here once she comes .”Leo suggested .

"Yeah ! You're right Leo ,I will just hand you over her photograph so in case she reaches here ,your men direct her here .

Umm! Oh ! She's even the one calling in the nick of time ! 

I will answer this ...!"Ylona pretentiously walked aside and put on a smirk on her face .

"Stupid sons of bitches who will just sell out themselves for beauty !

You haven't seen anything yet ! Wait till Judi and I ruin you and make you pay for your miserable sins against us !

When that time comes ,I will personally chop you into pieces and feed your body to dogs , Leonardo DiCaprio ! 

I hate you from the core of my in-depth heart and I will hate you till my last breath !

Before everything finishes up ,it will finish with you and me Leonardo DiCaprio !

I will burn down your empire and serve your ashes to the ponds !

I will destroy your entire family so that your entire family won't forget this face and this identity either !"Ylona muttered angrily to herself before turning to the men with a smile across her face .

"She's almost here guys ! I will wait aside and bring her in as soon as she arrives .

I will be back ...!"Ylona's fists were already sweating from the anger that was boiling up within her soul as she walked towards the exit .