Hotspot girlfriend

"It's a party.." Eric said as they walked down the corridor, heading to the elevator. Eric earned bows from the workers around and he nodded as a response.

He pressed a button planning to continue his statement but she interrupted him.

"I know, you said you'd be the new CEO soon, so there must be a party," she said tilting her head. He nodded accepting what she said.

They were silent until they got down, walking out Eric lifted his hand confusing Lucy but when she turned around, she instantly understood his gesture, telling the men in black suits to halt.

"Why aren't you letting them come along?" She asked, her hand nudging her cheap bag to her lap as she walked beside him. He glanced at her.

"It isn't necessary," he said, receiving another bow from the guards at the entrance. He nodded, Lucy followed him.

They both stood outside for just five to ten seconds before a car parked in front of them. Lucy's jaw dropped open, she knew that this man had something wrong with him ever since she saw him. She was still impressed by how rich he was but now was exclusively disappointed with his choice of things. Why on Earth would a grown man use a pink Lamborghini car? Urgh, she wanted to slap her head when she was invited to climb in. He instructed his driver to leave which she wondered why.

Lucy cleared her throat. "So Mister.."

"It's Eric" point of correction to Lucy.

"Yes, Eric, I keep wondering why you got a pink car. I mean..."

"It's not mine, it's my sister's. We played a game and I won so..." He didn't have to complete his statement because he expected her to know what was supposed to finish that statement.

"Ohh, I thought as much" she chuckled but after, silence took over inside of the car. She peered at him and saw how troubled he was.

"Ah, Lucy" he called.


He sighed resting his head on the steering wheel. "Do you think I'll be a good CEO? Will I possibly be able to..." He sighed again now murmuring. "I don't think I'm capable" she heard him.

"Well, since you are asking me" she pointed her index finger at herself. He turned his gaze to her without leaning back, his head still on the steering wheel. "You aren't capable. I mean c'mon a man who wears boxers like that a CEO?" Lucy regretted saying that immediately it escaped her mouth. What if he decided to cut off the deal?

Eric wasn't expecting that, he was expecting something like 'You are overthinking this. You'll surely be a good and wonderful CEO. Trust me' those are the words his sisters and friends say to him. This woman was just so different. He eyed her as she thought of something to say. He leaned back, she was right anyway, he wasn't capable.

"That's not nice"

"It's the truth..." oh why can't she stop herself? "Sorry," she said sorry, surprising.

Silence again enveloped the car as Lucy thought of what to say or do to break the silence.

"Can I drive?" She asked, outstretching her hands to the wheel.

"You can drive?" He was surprised, when did she get a car? She looked poor to him. That's rude to undergrade her, he thought.

"Yes, I worked as a designated driver when I was nineteen" she explained, and wow! Nineteen?

"Wow, I learned to drive when I was twenty-one"

She motioned for him to move to the passenger seat but he didn't want her to drive. She was too fast that she ended up sitting on his lap. He loved that feeling of her bottom pressed on his legs. Don't you find it uncomfortable sitting on my lap" he asked in an attempt to see her face over her shoulder, she made it easy by turning to look at him.

"No, I'm not, only if you find it uncomfortable"

He shook his head, holding her shoulder as he brought her back to sit on the passenger seat. It wouldn't have been easy for him if she wasn't approving of it.

"It isn't nice to let my girlfriend drive," he said smiling again because he thought she was.

"Are you ready?" He asked not looking her way, instead of the road before them. Was she a child for him to ask that question? She wanted to sound rude again but she thought it wasn't necessary or was lazy to start another conversation and didn't want him to cut the deal off.

"Yes," she replied looking out the window as he started the engine while the men outside the car bowed. Don't they get tired of doing that? She wondered.

The drive was awesome and especially on the highway, she loved the wind blowing her hair. Oh! She loved this day!

Eventually, they got to the mall, one of the most biggest and popular malls in the city, she had heard that it was where the riches and celebrities go shopping but her class was just too small to shop there. Where would she get the money from? Unless if someone took her to shop there and here she was standing in front of the building, brought by a hotspot. Oh! Why was today so wonderful and blessed? She loved it!

Lucy couldn't wait to go in and explore. She grinned ear to ear at the sight of the mall. Waiting for Eric to come to stay next to her, she sighted Luciana Parker and her boyfriend Jason Mike. She was their biggest fan because Luciana Parker was her namesake and a famous actress with her boyfriend being an artist. They were so good for each other.

Gosh! She needed to breathe, seeing the both of them did take her breath away. She looked up at Eric to see him staring at them like he sees them every day. She immediately adjusted herself. She was his girlfriend now, she had to blend in. She kept her head up, took his hand, and walked into the mall.

The moment Lucy entered the mall exhilaration gushed through her causing her the verge to scream out loud, the view of the mall was exceptionally amazing! She pressed her lips to stop her from screaming. Eric by her side saw her reaction not just through her face but also her tight grip against his arms. He shook his head. Poor girl...

Lucy scrutinized the whole area, saw some dummies dressed in an outfit she can never wear. She spotted the shoes and the bags, the jewelry, and the outstanding-looking dresses. Then, they both halt.

Like usual they received a bow and greeting from a woman in a black suit, everything about her was black, she was a black woman. Lucy wasn't smiling but the woman got it wrong and smiled back at her. Weird, Lucy thought.

Eric picked a dress for her, a long blue gown, sleeveless but Lucy shook her head and her index finger. "Uh-huh, it's not fashionable enough," she said.

He picked another but what she liked about the dress was that it was white, it was also sleeveless but wasn't her taste, she thought she needed to dress like a rich man's girlfriend not a secretary. He picked another and another until she got tired and went to the next rack. "I'll choose now." She said acting bossy. He liked that about her, she could adapt easily and was confident, he chose the right girl because he wasn't as optimistic as she was.

Lucy held two dresses. One long, white, thigh slit and off-shoulder which would review much of her burst side. The other was almost the same but red and short, it was also thigh slit but didn't review much of her burst side.

Eric wasn't liking the dress, he didn't know why but didn't want people to see much of her body. He shook his head. "You don't like it?" She asked her tone sounding frightening. Aww, he had to say Yes or choose one.

He later chose the short one because it wasn't so exposing. She smiled. "Good choice" she handed it to the lady standing close to them.

Now it was time to choose the shoes and other things she needed to wear to look like a hotspot girlfriend.