
Lucy stood by the road, barefooted and tired, she called a cab but then realized she didn't have any money on her and she needed to get home. What's she going to do?

She has stopped the cab for a while and when she thought of an idea, she took a glance at the driver realizing it was an old man.

She couldn't give her body to an old man, she waved for him to go. She accepted her fate that she had to use her barefooted leg home.


Just when she was about to take a step she heard someone call her name and turned around to see Eric. Eric?! She frowned and when he stood right in front of her she glared at him. Doesn't he understands that she don't need him anymore?

She gave him a 'i'm listening look' but to her surprise, he knelt in front of her and took her leg.

"Put this on" he said looking up at her. She was touched. She lifted her leg and then he put on the flat shoes for her. She smiled when she's not. Looks like her face shows that smiley face when she is but didn't want to show it.

No words like thank you came from her mouth but in her mind she thanked him because her feet were so cold until he brought those warm shoes. Her gaze followed him as he stood up on his feet again.

"I'm sorry, it's because of me you were in that condition. Sorry again" he apologized but she only stared at him, searching for why he is being kind to her. What does he want in return? She squinted her eyes and when he noticed she looked away.

"Here... Your purse" he handed the purse to her and she proudly collected it. What was in it anyway? Just her phone, Small mirror and her lipstick. She turned away from him.

"Lucy" he called again and she gave him a 'what again' look. He went close to her to take her hands but she averted it.

"The doctor explained how your sickness is and also how it's getting worse. Let me help you. I can pay..."

"What do you want in return then?" She asked simply, knowing that the rule is 'give and take' and she follows that rule. She give and makes sure she takes in return. She doesn't do things for free only to children.

Like she had expected, the doctor would have told him her greatest weakness and she cursed him for that. She looked him in the eyes searching for an answer but his expression was unreadable. She eventually looked away with a quiet sigh. What a life to live. She said silently.

"Nothing just..."

She narrowed her gaze at his this time. Nothing? Stop kidding me. She felt lazy to say it out.

"I don't need your help. I can take care of myself" she said, expecting him to try convince her again so she could yell at him once he does.

"Lucy please... Just take the surgery and everything will be fine. I don't want anything in return believe me" he pleaded as if he's the one suffering from the cancer.

She waited for him to finish his statement before powering up.

"Don't you get it? or what type of I don't need your help do you understand? Leave me alone, leave my life. It my life not yours so I make the decision. Got that?!" She yelled at him causing her head to ache.

Eric was shocked and at the same time unhappy. His heart broke just by hearing her words. He didn't mean any harm, he just wanted to help. He stared at her, his heartbreak expression showing on his face and also visible to Lucy. She looked away when she couldn't bare to look at him.

"I'm sorry" he apologized again looking down at his pocket and brought out his wallet and then outstretched his hands offering her some cash.

"What's that for?" She asked eyeing the money in his hand. She felt the urge to grab but her ego was always in the way.

"For your service as my girlfriend for a night and cheering me, letting me know I could do it. So accept this as my thank you. It was our deal anyway" he forced a smile.

Now she felt bad but immediately trashed that feeling. "What about the hospital bills, who paid that?"

"I did. Just... Just take this as the remaining change" he said and with that she collected the money and tossed it in her purse.

A cab parked in front of them because of his calling. "I guess this is good bye" he said and went to open the car door.

She climbed in without glancing at him. He shut the door closed and went his way. She still didn't look at him until the car engine made some noise. She looked through the window and saw his back as he walked away.

* * *

Lucy got home stressed, tired, disappointed and sad but to her own perspective she is okay. She locked her door, looking around her small apartment. She's thankful to Eric that now she would be able to pay for the rent because he gave her a lot of money.

After hanging her bag, she threw herself down to her bed. Thinking of how long that day was and eventually fell asleep. 'Eric, thank you' she said before closing her eyes.

"Little brother" Her singsong voice frightened him. Eric gasped, everywhere was dark, he thought no one was in his house but turns out his sister decided to sleep over. He looked for the switch and turned on the light.

"Why in darkness?" He asked, his voice, cold.

She stood up from the couch she was sleeping on and went to stand in front of her brother. He looked at her and waited for her to speak.

"What's going on? You just disappeared from the party. Most of my female friends were planning to meet you and you were nowhere to be found" she confronted him. Eric quietly sighed frustrated.

"I just had things to do" he replied.

"Things to do? With your girlfriend?" She was teasing him but he wasn't teased. She was right, it was his girlfriend but his one night girlfriend. He corrected her from inside his head.

"Sis, I need to rest" he said changing the topic and he looked at the way to his room.

"Blushing!" She smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't sleep on the couch and go to your room" he told her and went up to his room.

He took a shower and went to lie on his bed. He closed his eyes only to recall Lucy's scolding face even when she's always smiling. Her scolding face was frightening. He wondered why she is so short tempered. Always getting mad at him. Suddenly he smiled. Why?

Thinking of her sickness he frowned again. Then he stood up and went to look at himself in the full length mirror. He is handsome and attractive then why does he irritated her so much? Lucy...

He called her name in his head feeling sleepy but was uncomfortable on his clothes. He took them off and slept with only his boxer on.

It's Monday! Finally, she'd go out there and go look for a job.

With the money Eric gave to her, she spent them wisely after paying her rent, she bought some food items, good shampoos for her hair so it wouldn't fall off more and a good body lotion to keep her skin glowing. She also bought some clothes and the remaining for emergencies.

Staring at her mirror after dressing she combed her hair and tied it into a ponytail but found it not beautiful then to two braids. Too childish.

After trying two more hairstyle, she decided to leave her hair down. Now it was ruffled. She combed it again and then checked herself in her new clothes. She was wearing a short black skirt with a white shirt and her black heels. "Now it's time to find a job" she told her reflection before locking the door and headed out.

By the road side, she looked for so many board or a notice informing those looking for a job, she found some but wasn't capable or her educational level was too low.

The day was over and she got no job yet. She will keep on looking until she finds one.

Lucy took a shower and went to sit on the only couch she had browsing online in search for a job and after trying many she was later texted that she should come for an interview the next day. She smiled because she knew the pay was huge. "I hope I get hired" she prayed and with that she went to lay on her bed chatting with someone she meet online Two weeks ago. She finds him so intriguing and sometimes he makes her to forget her life problem.

Being the CEO for the first time was so much hard and busy. Eric was busy the whole day but wasn't ready to go home and rest, so he decided to meet up with Daniel, his father's friend's son and also a business partner and also a childhood friend. Well they were three but the last one was out of the country for business.

Daniel invited him to the bar he was supposed to meet him that Friday but ended up saving Lucy.

All Eric could think of was seeing her again once he arrives at the bar.