What are you doing?

"I don't want to answer that question" he said to Eric. He touched his shoulder in a comforting way and when he looked at Eric, he offered an assuring smile that everything would be okay.

When Daniel arrived from work, he invited his sweet friends over, they accepted the invite. He also informed Lucy to make more than enough for his friends. Just when his friends arrived, she took her bag in attempt to head home. Michael entered the house and met Lucy.

Daniel was notified his friends had arrived and that dinner was served so he left his room and while descending the stairs he spotted Lucy walking out of the corridor that led to the kitchen, she wasn't aware of his eyes on her.

"Hi Lucy!" Michael waved at her wanting to flirt but she averted it and waved back. While Daniel was on the stairs, he didn't want Lucy to leave without him talking to her so he noticed her hair was tied as she walked past the stairs, he rushed down the stairs and to her before pulling the rubber band off her hair, it wasn't necessary but he wanted to tease her even though she wasn't going to respond the way he wanted.

Lucy was shocked and when she turned around, her green hair that was dyed slapped her face softly and he shocked her more by pushing her to the wall before caging her.

Her eyes was widened and her heart almost jumped out of her throat but when she met his gaze she recovered slowly and smirked in a seductive way. He expected that.

"What are you doing?" She asked, he smiled and leaned closer to her, his nose almost and ready to touch hers.

"Just wanted to say good night to my princess" his said huskily.

"This's too much for a good night" she whispered and he scanned her face before looking at her lips. He wanted to but resisted.

"Not for you Lucy" he uttered and she narrowed her gaze.

"Alright... Good night" she slowly and gently pushed him off which wouldn't be so easy if he wasn't approving of it. "....boss" she finished and gave him a sexy grin before leaving his sight.

Daniel stared at her still smiling while Micheal's jaw dropped, Daniel also wanted to show his friend that the lady named Lucy was his. He turned to Michael and winked at him before going to sit on the table.

"I see it now... but I'm broken" Micheal said sounding really broken but it was a pretence. Daniel knew that.

He sat by Daniel's left, he was sitting at the head of the table, he's the oldest anyway.

"Wait... Where's Eric?" Daniel asked pacing his gaze around the house but couldn't sight him.

"He's on his way.. so tell me about Lucy" he requested.

"I don't want to" Daniel concluded.

Eric walked out of the glass door which was opened by two maids only to see how close his friends were to each other, he has taken Lucy to be his friend knowing she wouldn't. If he wasn't having a good view of the two, he'd assumed that they were kissing.

After a while, they parted and Lucy walked past him like he was invisible, maybe she didn't see him.

Somehow, he was disheartened by what he saw so he went after Lucy not knowing why.

Outside Daniel's house was Lucy walking to the gate, she lifted her hands to tie her hair again but...

"Don't do that" he yelled and ran to her, taking her hand. She was surprised when she turned to see Eric.

"Mister.... it's you" she sounded as if she was expecting someone else.

Staring at Lucy, he wanted to try the same thing Daniel did to her earlier to see her reaction or... He didn't even know. He found himself pushing her to the wall that was attached to the gate.

Lucy was totally surprised, what's he doing? He placed his opened palm on the surface of the wall and then leaned closer to her by lowering his hand, his elbow now resting on the wall. Lucy stared at him the same way she stared at Daniel and she asked the same question.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know" he shrugged, his voice sounding so attractive and pleasing to her ears. He tried in being and looking like a mature man for once. The side of her lips curved into a seductive smile as she gripped his collar and pulled him closer.

She looked at him the same way she did at the hotel the first time they met. His nose touching hers. She asked. "What's wrong with you Mister?"

Slowly his hand that was rested on the wall fell.

Eric swallowed hard with his heart starting to beat more fast than it usually does.

"Aren't you going to talk? Huh?" She asked again grasping his collars tighter.

Gosh! He got himself into this, he wasn't like Daniel who's brave in front of this woman.

"You know, I remember the first time I was this close to you...you pushed me away. What happened? What changed?" She asked pulling him so slow. Eric lowered his gaze and replied. "You were someone I didn't know then"

Lucy smiled. "So I was a stranger then" her voice was just so compelling and sounded low.

He swallowed and stole a glance at her. "You are a friend to me now" he managed to say. She was doing something to him that made his body feel like it's being awaken by something.

Lucy pulled him closer, making her lips teased him and slightly brushed on his. The breath from her mouth was sending some feelings through his body and was messing with his mind. He didn't want to push her off him and also wanted her off. He didn't even know what he wanted that moment. He was feeling really sensitive.

"Look at me Eric" she ordered as he slowly moved his grey gaze to her. "Next time be careful when you wanna make a move on me. You might lose in the end" she smirked against his lips and pushed him off gently.

When she was away from him, he was finally released from that heat that was forming between them. He now felt the chilling breeze and tried not to breathe in too much because she was still staring at him. It was like he could breathe at all and his face felt hot. Wait, has it turned red?

He turned to Lucy. "Guess this is good night Mister... Take care" she said with a sexy grin and the take care sounded not like the take care he thinks it is.

"Good night too" he said after trying to swallow the lump in his throat but couldn't so he spoke.

With her back facing him, she waved at him without turning.

Eric swallowed at last and took in a deep breath staring at the direction she just went through. He touched his heart and could feel it thumping so fast. Lucy....

He finally recovered and went back inside, he was happy that she also sees him as a man. Her lips teasing his earlier made him want to slowly press his on hers. For the first time he imagined kissing Lucy.

The next day when she got nothing to do, as always she left her workplace and strolled the street, she received a call from Edward, he pleaded with her that he needed a model for the day. She agreed and turned to head to him but then she received another call and this time from Eric. He told her he's less busy at wanted to spend time with her but she declined to spend time with him and hung up but he called back. She cut the call but he called and called until she became frustrated and picked up. She yelled at him on the call and he apologized so sincerely before hanging up.

She arrived at the photo shop and was as always welcomed warmly but she was disturbed, she wished Eric never called. He sounded hurt when she scolded him and she felt not at ease.

Wait.... When did she starts to feel this way towards that man? She was confused and at the same time disturbed even when she convinced herself she shouldn't care and isn't really a big deal.

In the end she excused herself and sent her location to him before dialing his number. His phone rang for too long that she thought he wasn't going to pick up but he eventually did.

"I've sent you my location.... You can come over. Don't be late" she said.

"Aren't you busy?" He asked with a low sad tone.... Why does he behaves this way and makes her feel bad?

"I am but you can join me"

"Really?" He sounded like an excited child and she found herself smiling.

"Yes" she replied. "Check your messages I sent you my location and I'd be waiting for you" she said and with a thank you from him, she hung up

Now she felt really relieved and her heart less heavy, she played with her phone as she waited for him outside the building.

It took him a long time before he arrived and when he did, he went to her and smirked like he had been longing to see her. If she accepted, he'd hug her so tight.

"Are you doing all this to be my friend?" She asked when he was standing in front of her.

"I don't know because I consider you to be my friend" he said, she wasn't smiling but her face was.

"Let's see if you earn the badge of becoming my friend" she uttered before taking him in.