I don't want to be anyone

"And 1....2....3" the camera man cried out before taking the shot of the two who was under the lightning.

Taking shots she remembered her friend Tory, she hasn't heard or have spoken to her for a while now. Should she go for a visit or invite her to come over? Well, that would be Tory's decision to make.

Eric watched as she took shots and as she holds onto some man. She's really good at acting as a model. He'd take pictures of her when she shoot alone.

Edward then came to stand next to him. "I see you guys have become close. Is she your girlfriend now?" He asked. Eric turned to see who was speaking.

Girlfriend? No, he hasn't even thought of making her his girlfriend. He only wanted to be a person she can trust and lean on. He wanted to always comfort her when she's depressed. She's surrounded by many now but later in the day she becomes so alone and he wants to be the person she'd call on for help even if it's going to be hard because she doesn't give in so easily.

"She's a friend" he replied simply.

"Do you like Lucy?" Edward asked, his gaze not on the man standing beside him but could feel Eric's gaze on him and when he didn't receive an answer he averted his gaze to him and their grey gazes met. He smiled jerking Eric back to the room. "I admire your eyes" Eric said.

"Thank you.... We've got same eyes anyway so same here"

Eric flashed a smile. "I do like Lucy as a friend not the way you think it is"

"Really?" Edward asked in disbelief.

"Yes why?"

"The way you look at her and takes pictures... I thought that way" Edward explained. The truth is he's not at all interested in Lucy, he just wants to be like a brother to her for some reason because they are connected to each other.

"She's just a friend, does looking and taking pictures means another thing?" Eric asked, does he actually feel something else than what he wanted to feel? He sighed inside of him. She's rude to him and pushes him away whenever he wants to be with her and he still looks out for her. Does that mean....? He isn't sure.

"No...." Edward shook his head. "I hope you can make her happy 'cause she deserves happiness"

Eric narrowed his gaze at him. "Huh Who's she to you?" He asked, could he be a friend from childhood like Daniel and Michael is to him.

"I told you, she's my friend" Edward replied watching the lady they were talking about.

"You sound like you've known each other for a long time"

Edward laughed. "I met her weeks ago.... We just became friends. Well, she doesn't take me as a friend but I do"

Same case here with Eric, why doesn't she wants friends? Had she been betrayed before? If she had he wanted to mend her broken heart. Eric thought.

"Sometimes I can see it in her eyes that she's in so much pain" Edward said, his expression changing

Eric nodded thoughtfully, he also sees pain in her eyes and sometimes she wants to cry and let it out but she replaces it with a smile, a hurting smile.

Lucy needs someone who could be like a parent to her, someone who would love her so dearly and would never leave her. Eric wants to be that person in her life but what if he leaves her when she has finally trusted him? What if he hurts her when she finally lean on him? No... No! He squelched those thoughts. He wouldn't and won't want to do that.

"So do you like her?"Eric asked.


"I mean..."

"No Eric... No, she's like a sister to me" Edward cleared his assumptions and he nodded his head. The conversation about Lucy ended, and the topic changed to another.

Evening came too soon, Eric took Lucy back to her workplace. When they got there. Daniel wasn't home yet, she went to drop her bag in her locker before going to the kitchen to see Eric.

"What are you doing here?" She asked walking past him to the sink while Sofia and Natasha watched as they cleaned the table.

"I wanted to see you" he said. "Thank you for today, it's really fun watching you shoot" he appreciated and she smiled.

"It's nothing. Are you leaving?"she asked.

"Yes... You don't want me to?" He hoped.

She smiled. "I meant, aren't you going to wait for your friend?"

"Oh, should I?

"It's your choice to make"

"Okay, I'd take you home afterwards" he said and when she didn't reply he walked out the kitchen.

When dinner was served, Daniel had arrived a while ago and was now having dinner with his friend. When the maid served the food he called for Lucy's attention and when she arrived, she stood by his right, beside Eric who was sitting and eating quietly but what he heard shocked him. Daniel requested that Lucy sits on his lap and feed him like she was does. At first Eric thought she wouldn't but when she did something in his heart moved changing his mood, he didn't feel like eating anymore but he forced himself. He kept stealing glances at the two of them as she fed Daniel and the look on his face was filled with desire for her. Daniel just kept staring at her like he wanted to eat her up.

Lucy continued to feed her boss and when her gaze met with Eric's. The look on his face made her heart had a strange feeling. She looked away and continued.

When dinner was over and Eric left, she went to get her bag and greeted her boss before leaving. She walked out and met Eric walking down the estate to his car. Coming to his friends house didn't need him a driver.

"Eric!" She called out not knowing why she called him. He turned around and she went closer to him. "You said you'd take me home" she said.

"Oh, I forgot" he said and gestured for her to come along with him but she didn't move so he turned to her again. "huh?"

"Are you okay?" She asked, the look on his face earlier, she didn't understand but she felt something about it.

"Yes....yes I am" he said but his face had a different answer.

"Will you tell me?" She asked, her tone intimidating causing him to say something that sounded so absurd.

"You sat on Daniel's lap" he said and sounded like a jealous child. She fought the urge to laugh so she sneezed instead. "Let's just go Lucy.... I wanna have some sleep" he said.

"Sitting on his lap is really nothing Eric" she told him and he stared at her for a while, he said something to her from inside of him. She felt it but didn't hear it. He turned around and went to his car. He opened the car door and settled down on the driver's seat. He was about closing the door when Lucy stopped him and they stared at each other before she turned and sat on his laps.

Eric was stunned and astounded by her actions, he didn't expect her to do that. When he recovered, he recalled that she'd sat on his laps once. It really was nothing to her but to him, it was something.

"I told you it's nothing, I can sit on anyone's lap" she said after settling on his laps.

"I don't want to be anyone to you" he didn't know he said that out but when she heard him, her heart stopped beating and when it started to beat again she swallowed. Her face was burning, she was speechless so she attempted to stand up but he pulled her by the hair gently. "You love tying up your hair" he said.

"I don't know why, I feel comfortable with my hair tied" she replied and then her elbow hit the steering wheel. When she turned to it, she felt like driving. After she was fired from being a designated driver she hasn't drove a car since then. She wanted to drive again just for once.

"Eric... can I drive your car?" She asked.