The Mafia Festival

17 Years Later

"Dad, it's okay. Liam is going with me" Amelia Russi patted her dad's back as he cried.

"I don't like him," Abramo grumbled in an aggressive tone.

He doesn't like the thought of the Mafia king's second son going with her daughter to the same high school.

But what can he do? Her daughter is his best friend even though all the Russi men were against it.

"Amelia babe let's go," Liam King said in a cool tone. It's not like he has never seen this before.

He is the second son of the Mafia king. The King family is the most powerful mafia in the world. They are known for their aggressive methods of torturing their enemies, they are merciless.

But luckily Amelia is not aware of that.

She has been lied to, her whole life. She is not aware that her oldest brother, Alvise, is the future Mafia king.

She doesn't know that her mother was a Russian assassin and that her family is the Italian mafia.

She just thinks that her family has a lot of businesses and that's why they are rich.

She doesn't know that her best friend is the most terrifying person in the world.

Amelia nodded and hugged her brothers one by one.

Liam took her hand and dragged her inside the limo.

"Liam, are you excited?" exclaimed Amelia and her best friend chuckled at her energy.

"Yes, baby girl. I am excited" Liam smiled at her.

He has always loved Amelia. But he doesn't want to let her know that yet.

He knows that Amelia liked him too but is too shy to confess that to him.

Liam and Amelia met when they were children. Liam remembers that day as clear as water. The day he claimed Amelia as hers.

The day he declared his queen. The day is celebrated as a festival in the mafia world.

A Few Years Back

Finally, the birthday of the Mafia prince has arrived.

All the mafia families have prepared for the day. The beautiful mansion of the King's was decorated beautifully. Thousands of bodyguards were walking here and there, ready to attack whoever seemed suspicious. The mansion was heavily guarded.

Of course, it would be after all it was The King's youngest son's birthday.

The Antonov family wasn't coming as they had to deal with some business. Well, the main reason was that they don't like the kings.

The Russi family hasn't introduced Amelia to the Antonov, they are going too soon.

Little Amelia was wearing a cute black ball dress with a little bun on her hair and a pair of cute summer boots.

The dress was shiny black in colour with a crown. It was cut from the front till the thighs and long from the back.

The Russi men were proud to see that their baby looked so cute. But they were protective too. They didn't like the idea of any boy coming near her.

Four limos came to a stop in front of the King's mansion and out came the Russi family. Amelia jumped out of the limo and saw the mansion wide- eye.

"WOW!!!" Amelia squealed as she watched the mansion like a child sequel after they decorate a Christmas tree.

The Russi family was not shocked though, every year the King's mansion is decorated beautifully. This time was no different.

Irena held Amelia as they made their way towards the entrance, their head high as they walked with confidence, gaining everyone's attention.

The inside of the mansion was decorated as beautifully as ever. The lights were golden in colour with soft music. Two long tables were placed on each side of the hall. The hall was decorated with shiny golden and white balloons. There were balloons on the floor too. The two tables were filled with all types of food, sweets and wines. Everyone chatted with each other, catching up and often complaining about their lives.

A big birthday cake was placed at the centre of the hall. It was covered with white cardboard.

"Amelia, remember to hold one of your brother's hands, ok?" Abramo whispered to Amelia. She nodded absentmindedly. She'd never seen such lavish decorations.

The Russi family entered the hall and each and every person turned to them.

Whispers and gasps were heard throughout the hall. Of course, there would be whispers and gasps. No one knows who the little girl was but they had theories. Multiple of them.

The Russi family had lost a baby girl a few years ago and they became more ruthless after that.

Now that they had seen her, the colour of her unique eyes just confirmed that she is the little princess of the Russi.

Abramo tightened his grip on Amelia's hand.

He doesn't want anyone to look at her baby in the wrong way. Though in this birthday party everyone is equal and no one is going to make a fuss here, well, of course, they won't, it's the king's son's birthday


But still, the Russi family is protective of her.

Noticing Amelia's gaze, Ivan, Amelia's brother, took Amelia's hand and smiled at her.

"Do you want some sweets, Amelia?"

Amelia nodded quickly.

He took her to the chocolate table. The Russi family made their way towards their friends and started talking to each other. Amelia and Ivan were having brownies at the table when a voice came from behind.


Ivan turned towards the voice while Amelia was still stuffing her mouth. A grin formed on Ivan's face when he saw his friend,

"Hey Sam, how are you, bro?" Ivan asked. They did a quick hug and Sam turned towards the girl who was now having candies.

Sam chuckled, "And who is she ?"

Ivan turned and looked at Amelia, he chuckled as he saw chocolate on her face. He picked her up.

"Noooo" Amelia whined. Sam looked at Ivan pointedly. Clearly this girl hadn't been taught like most of them.

"She is my baby sister" I van said while cleaning Amelia's face. Sam's eyes widened. He pursued his lips.

"You .....mean......she" Ivan nodded silently.

Sam knew that Ivan had a baby sister who was kidnapped. He knew their story. His father used to work for the Russi.

Sam and Ivan met two years ago. When Sam's father retired. Sam then took his father's place as the assistant of the Russi's commander.

While Ivan and Sam were busy talking Amelia pouted, Ivan noticed that and asked, "Baby, why are you so pouty, hmm?"

Amelia's cheek turned red. "I wanwt to go to the washroom."

Ivan laughed at her cute voice and took her hand, "Alright then, come."

Ivan tried to find his mother but couldn't so he took Amelia and stood outside, "Baby, can you go to the washroom alone?"

Amelia smiled and nodded. She goes inside.