Why is Sasquatch this lame?

"I'm going to make it!"

**Sunny** It's too easy! Think of a better way, fast!

Kimarya stopped suddenly. At that moment, she heard shrill whistling noises and saw two sharp two-foot-long black pole like objects impale the ground where she would have been if she didn't stop then and there. She immediately felt a cold sensation on the back of her neck. This feeling reached all the way down her spine before she dived behind the nearest tree on her right. The unnervingly shrill whistling noise was quickly followed by the sound of the tree on her back being stabbed into by more dark objects.

She got up and dashed between and around trees as she made a slightly longer but safer route, using as many obstacles as possible against that flying beast; she was within 5 meters of the gorge and the long dark and sharp objects kept reaching closer and closer to their mark.

Four meters away from the gorge before it nicked her left thigh, causing a stinging gash that wasn't particularly deep. Something not able to slow her down just yet, but it still increased the pressure on her and the wounds still started bubbling out in scarlet blood. She considered stopping and faking moves, but she felt it would not work. She had a feeling it really would just land on top of her and feed.

So she just lowered her head and ran even faster, making sure to not run in a straight line.

She got within 2 meters of the gorge before she noticed the ranged attacks were less and less frequent till they seemingly stopped, but by that time she had over 10 cuts all over her body. Some small, others way bigger. All she could smell was the scent of her blood. If anyone saw her at this moment, they would think she fell in a vat of red paint. Hardly any spot on her body was without scarlet red.

Just then, she heard the Murder Crow's horrifying call above her. Her head grew fuzzy and heavy as fear and panic started building up right away. Kimarya felt like she was running through water as the pressure built up inside of her head, every moment becoming heavier and heavier till she felt her knees and neck could not bear the weight.

She heard Sunny's voice yelling something to her, but it sounded so far away that she couldn't understand. She could only look up as she saw the Murder Crow hovering. Its massive wingspan blotting the sky and making the winds go wild and its ephemeral azure eyes where its head should be as it took its time to land. Its piercingly blue eyes focusing and looking into hers. She felt such pressure outside of her as well as a within. Fear, terror and a panic was rising to its peak inside of her waiting for the first vicious peck to finally come bursting out in a dreadful scream of pure and absolute fear originating from both her, her instincts and Sunny.

She saw some movement in her peripheral vision before a body suddenly tackled her hard into the ground. She fully expected to hear and feel the tearing of her flesh, but saw it was a young boy. This boy seemed to be 13 years old. He had long black hair with patches of brown in random places. Earrings on the top part of his left ear, he seemed in panic yet with alert and weary eyes as he glanced at Kimarya before looking back at a gigantic shadow pushing between trees. This new creature was running on all fours, wolf like appearance with very long and mangy hair on its back. Round ears and an all black snout. It was a gigantic hyena thundering out of the brush. This hyena, after ambling out, immediately raised its head.

It was roughly 7 feet tall when it had its head raised and with a body over 10 feet long. It advanced at a slow pace, making a very threatening low growling noise that seemed to shake the very air. So strong she could feel it in her lungs, like when the bass from a large speaker is so strong it shakes your innards. That low-frequency sound reverberating through their body and organs followed by fierce grunting. This hyena looked at its prey and the newfound presence next to it. The hyena had several nasty cuts on its front legs and sides, but it still powerfully stalked closer to its prey.

It continued to do so before its low growl suddenly became shrill, whining as it realized the Murder Crow hovering unfazed in the sky. Its eyes widened before it immediately turned tail and bolted at a speed that didn't match its lumbering body and dove right back into the brush. It was almost gone before a massive body crashed on top of it. The Murder Crow.

You could hear the hyena's muffled and miserable yelping as its head was brutally smashed into the ground by that massive force. They watched, unable to look away; it was like a macabre like art. The Murder Crow's head went up, beak pointing down. The world seemed to stop for a moment before its beak fell furiously towards the soft spot of the hyena's neck. It slammed down like an evil meteor into its bulging artery in that neck. Blood burst out like an unending stream soaking the crow.

Its scream intensified for a several seconds before it got halted by a second peck of that beak at the base of its skull. It was like an evil hammer slamming through rotten wood. The Murder Crow turned around, brandishing its massive wing in their direction. It threw six black glinting feathers at the two of them. Their inexperience made them unable to make use of the Crow's distraction to escape while the crow butchered the gigantic hyena. They were even less capable of blocking or dodging this fearsome attack.

The boy stepped forward with a serious expression. Knowing fully well that he didn't have the ability to dodge,the air around him started vibrating as a massive shape formed around him. A fearsome snout materialized first, followed by two burly front paws that frantically swiped at the feathers that flew towards them like furious black stars.

It blocked four of them before the remaining two pierced deeply into the not yet fully formed body with shining yellow eyes, amazingly it looked just like the hyena!

The remaining two feathers crushed through the hyena form, making the boy fall backwards. Dark blood started to escape from his mouth and nose from the backlash of the defeat of his Ancestral Spirit Guardian form!

It was after the Hyena's death that he finally unlocked the last barrier in the conquering of its essence and could materialize its form as his very own Ancestral Spirit Guardian.

The Murder Crow was already in the air once more as it rapidly closed in on its two remaining prey. They would both make impressive additions to its cacophony of death.

The boy got up, took something out of his pouch and, with a ferocious expression, swallowed it. The surrounding wind picked up and vibrated much harder than before as he made several rushed hand signs.

He was trying to do another forceful Ancestral Guardian spirit transformation! He wanted to do the same thing he did to the hyena to the Murder Crow!

A booming sound came from his body, and the crow's eyes dimmed and grew unfocused. This change only lasted a measly second before being shaken off by that vicious bird.

The boy's face immediately showed his alarm, panic, and disappointment. Knowing that what he did should have stunned it for a minute! Long enough to attack it like he did to the Bestial Hyena.

His original plan before all of this was to use this second pill to take more of the essence of the Bestial Hyena and finish it off before he changed his mind as he saw the escaping Kimarya and tried to drag his troubles to her and get her help to not waste that precious second pill.

Unfortunately, he didn't see that she was being hunted. Not only that, but it was a freaking Murder Crow! Although it's young, if he knew what it was, he would have run the other way and taken his chances with the Hyena. At least then he'd have a chance of winning!

Everyone knows that it's certain death if you encounter the Murder Crow. Its intelligence and strength make it into something you essentially can't make into an Ancestral Guardian Spirit. It's simply too devilishly strong!

He muttered, "What awful luck!" as the Murder Crow came upon them.

Kimarya finally escaped completely out of the lull of its genuine attack that incapacitated its prey. She knew that the gorge was her only chance. An unlikely ticket to save herself was just a meter behind her. She could jump in as the Murder Crow took down that kid in front of her. Her fist clenched before she ran forward when suddenly she felt some incredible pressure building in her head. Is the crow using its incapacitating call of death again?? It can't be, its beak is closed!

She released a pained scream that was followed by a brilliant light shinning from her eyes.

She blacked out, all she could see was darkness till she heard a gruff voice, as if unused to speech.

"Good Job kid, you actually got this far before this great one had to save you, huhuhuhu.

Kimarya knew it was in her head and in shock replied: "Who the hell are you?!?"

**Sunny** Detected foreign entity

Initiating all expulsive and offensive measures.


Kimarya heard Sunny scream. It was the first time she heard her scream. She felt a terrible buzzing in her head and was petrified with terror as she realized whatever that voice in her head was, it completely overwhelmed Sunny, her powerful enhanced subconscious.

The voice sounded out again, "Don't worry, huhuhuhu, yours truly is the good guy, call me... Satan.....".

"Just kidding! Everything is perfectly fine, Sunny is fine, just wanted to make a cool introduction. Isn't that right, Sunny?"

**Sunny** All systems seem to be uncompromised, we're fine, but we have a putrid intruder in your head, Kimarya. THIS IS UNNACCEPTABLE!

Kimarya could hear the indignation in Sunny's voice, especially as she ignored and didn't respond to it and only cleared the situation up.

**Sunny** It, for some unknown reason, has as much authority in this body as we do Kimarya. It's certainly not Draeneoy.

Foreign entity, leave immediately!

"Can't do that, Bud. The only reason you even reincarnated together is because of me, so let's all calm down. Let your great one handle this!"

"First, I'm not Satan. I am known as Sasquatch or big foot. You may be asking yourself why this great one did such a thing? I did it, one, because I could tell you were a big fan. Two, you were dying and, three, other reasons... but yeah I chose you, Kimaryachu to make my escape, huhuhuhu."

Kimarya interrupted, "That was incredibly lame. Now I definitely know you're harmless and not Satan. Where is the Murder Crow and that other kid? Are you really a Sasquatch? Why are you in my head? What did you escape and why with me?" asked the agitated but no longer as scared Kimarya.

It questioningly asked "Lame? I thought it would be cute, anyway. You and that boy are really about to get shredded by that nasty bird, but I took you into this separate space outside of the hold of time to chat! So for a short while you're safe, safe enough to dare call this great sir lame! Relax as I explain some things to you, before dealing with that interesting bird."