
It continued, "I am Sasquatch, there's only ever been one, me! Why aren't you more excited or even scared after finding out this noble one's glorious identity?"

Kimarya responded in a frustrated voice, "A 13 foot tall evil bird has literally been chasing me! I don't have the ability to have any other emotion besides petrified right now!"

Her eyes suddenly gleamed with passion for a second before she forcefully suppressed it and kept a blank face as she quickly added "Also, in the stories and myths they have always mentioned a massive zone spanning the US, Canada and even in the east around Tibet of many sightings and many reports have even come in at similar times across the world, so unless you can be in multiple places at the same time, there are more Sasquatches!"

Sasquatch responded cheerfully and with an arrogant tone, saying, "Grand point, kid. I'll explain that part later, but currently, you and I have no more time to talk! The short explanation is that I used your soul and Sunny's bizarre existence to escape your world after some crude knitting to hide my grand and majestic existence from that damned bastard's pitiful awareness. I finally tricked that old fogey and got out!!!"

Everything went dark…

Kimarya suddenly heard a popping noise snapping her to attention. She was back in her body, furthermore, she saw a massive claw opening up in a grabbing motion only a few feet from her right shoulder. It was from a distance that would be impossible to dodge, a space that could be traversed in less than a second for that monster.

She was sure that if it connected, it would crumble her shoulder like flimsy paper.

She heard a loud derisive snort in her head and she suddenly felt strangely calm. A gaseous substance started swirling around her incredibly fast, much faster than the claws of the Crow. This substance then instantly formed into a massive humanoid figure with Kimarya floating in its middle.

Its long and burly arms masterfully grabbing onto the Murder Crow's claw before its other arm pulled back and hands formed a fist. It's just formed muscles under its skin, tensing up like steel cables full of power before bringing a ferocious fist strike at the Murder Crow.

It was a strike that was too close and too sudden for the alarmed crow to dodge. BOOM! It was hit dead on its chest before immediately rocketing backward, smashing through two trees before finally stopping.

Kimarya breathed out a sigh of relief, believing that fierce strike killed the Crow, but it quickly stood back up in an unstable fashion. She saw intense burning anger in its piercing eyes after being wounded in surprise by its prey.

It launched itself almost 20 feet into the air, its wings spreading, trying to catch onto the air before crashing down to the earth. One of its wings broke from her earlier punch and crashing through two massive trees. Its wing was bent at an awful angle. Its eyes fiercely glinted as its fury reached a new peak before it hopped forward, crossing almost a distance of three meters in a single bound.

It raised up its one good wing and madly swung it in her direction; it unleashed two dozen of its fearsome feathers, making all its previous attacks seem like child's play. Because they were, it was always playing with her! Never actually having gone full out in trying to kill her. The air was right away consumed with an awful mass of whistling noises as the dozens of feathers flew like long and darkly glinting shadows at her.

Kimarya, in her giant humanoid form, picked up the kid behind her, then dived to the side and narrowly dodged most of the deadly feathers.

Most of them.

Kimarya noticed one penetrated the area of the giant humanoid form right in front of her face. An inch closer would have taken her left eye out!

Her giant humanoid form straightened up with fierce domineering airs, the razor-sharp feathers were squeezed out from all the areas they punctured.

Her form's long arm reached down to the ground and grasped the very air, as if grabbing a rock or an object. The Murder Crow noticed as well as its eyes glowed brighter with viciousness and wariness, but it saw that there were no rocks or objects underneath those fingers.

Its fierce eyes narrowed as if indignant and humiliated by its prey making a fool of it. The Murder Crow opened its vicious maw and unleashed its most terrifying call yet! Human screams seemed to rise from all around Kimarya, each more pitiful than the last, all forming a web that tried to crush her consciousness into a cage of madness.

As the call sounded out, all the shadows grew longer. They stretched towards Kimarya. Weird motes of light started appearing. She could almost make out aggrieved faces whenever she got a clear look at any one of them.

As the dreadful cacophony sounded out, a dreadful flame coalesced in front of its opened maw, it pointed it right at her!

This flame started giving her a weird sense of lethality and crisis. She knew she should absolutely not let that fire touch her. She felt the hand of her transformed state gripping the air, pulling back as if ready to throw a large rock. The crow continued to glare, apparently still furious and not falling for the trick that was apparently being played on it.

The giant humanoid body, in its full 13 feet, got into a stance as if to throw something, before suddenly making a perfect pitching pose.

Kimarya couldn't help feeling embarrassed, darkly muttering to herself "What the hell is Sasquatch doing at a time like-" She didn't finish talking as her surprise pushed all thoughts out of her head as the giant humanoid pitched the air, the whole body felt as if a large weight was suddenly displaced. The dirt at her feet caved in just a little.

"Wait, did it actually throw something? I didn't see a rock?!"

The air started screaming as a blurry shape was flying at the crow whose eyes opened wide, who awkwardly used its good wing to smack at the air. Amazingly a large greyish rock fully appeared and smashed this wing!


The Murder Crow's body shuddered in clear pain at the heavy impact and noise that sounded out from the rock, hitting its strong muscles on its wings as well as making it step back to regain its balance.

Kimarya, in the gigantic humanoid form, didn't want to be an observer anymore as she tried to gain control. She faced resistance that only after the shortest of moments let her take control.

"I have an idea. Let's do that rock thing again, but multiple times, how do I do it?"

Sasquatch's voice answered, "You can't, but I can get around that, just say 'rock' and grip down near the ground where I can gather the earth element to make it, then you can lift it up and throw it."

"Got it!" Kimarya leaned down, grasping at the air before muttering rock. Suddenly, she felt something like a mass of very dense water slowly swirling around and between her fingers. She gripped it and its still translucent form turned hard and heavier by the second as she raised it over her head; the giant hairy humanoid moved per Kimarya's will into a throwing position before letting loose fiercely and the large rock twice the size of her head shot out like an invisible cannonball.

It flew straight, right at the amalgamation of all the emotions of terror, anger, and anguish, condensed into a vicious flame that was almost ready to be shot out. Every second it grew, the stronger the feeling of deadly crisis grew within Kimarya's heart. This was her target!

She hoped that she could interfere with the crow's life-threatening attack, but very soon it was made clear that it wouldn't be easy as the rock volleying at her target was smashed away by the crow's good wing.

**Sunny** You have to stop its attack before it fires it, else it's very unlikely we could dodge or defend from that attack. It's radiating a ferocious flame-like energy!

"Knew that would not work. Let's try this instead!" yelled Kimarya.

The giant humanoid sasquatch reached down, grasped at the air, and pulled back in an extremely domineering fashion before fiercely throwing forward!

The Murder Crow was prepared and swung out its wing at the time frame it calculated for it to successfully block this attack, just like with the previous projectiles, but hit nothing. Its eyes opening wide before turning into slits as it realized I deceived it.

Its attack started glowing at a faster rate than before, its call more disturbing. The strange boy was rolling around amid a heavy panic attack, unable to even gather enough sense to run away.

Kimarya's form reached down low once more and grasped air before immediately throwing again. The crow swung its wing, not daring to risk being hit. Kimarya repeated this action again, but this time as she grasped down, she whispered rock.

The earth elementals danced and converged onto her palm as she pulled back into the pitching pose and lightly flicked the unhardened mass into the air before following through on her fake pitch as that energy floated up in the air.

The Crow cawed angrily and swung its wing again. It seemed to be very careful. Not a second after that fake pitch, she leaned down and grabbed at the air before throwing another fake pitch. The Crow flinched, swinging out, expecting an actual stone, and its eyes started shining in fury.

Kimarya didn't lean down this time, she just snatched upwards and squeezed the amorphous energy into a tiny stone before throwing it furiously. The crow was in mid-swing and couldn't pull back its good wing in time; it tried with its broken wing but it did not cooperate. Before the rock smashed against the amalgamation of fire in front of its beak!

The rock exploded against the flame and the whole construct grew unstable. The Murder Crow stopped its cacophony attack in its attempt to fully focus on stopping its out-of-control fire attack, but Kimarya wouldn't give it the chance as she took a long step forward, reached down low to the ground, and actually picked up an actual rock before screaming "Rock!".

Maybe it was the urgency in her voice or something but the elemental earth energies rushed towards her hand and into the rock in her palm that was half the size of her head, the energy coalesced into the rock as it blinked between visible and not before growing dark like a shadow.

All of this happened in barely a moment after her last attack landed, and not even 2 seconds passed before she rose, pulled her arm back, gave an embarrassed smile as she pulled into a pitcher's pose in honor of Sasquatch and threw this attack with all of her might.

This rock made no noise as it barreled towards the crow. The Murder Crow saw all of this and felt grave danger from this attack before giving up on reigning in its attack and in its last-ditch effort prematurely unleashed it. The evil flame flew at an astounding speed while instantly growing twice its size with no hint of stopping its mad growth before Kimarya's attack punctured right through its middle. This flame attack started collapsing within itself right away.

Kimarya's attack, losing no momentum after puncturing through the Crow's attack homed in on the crow who unfurled both its broken and healthy wing and used them to block in front of its head and chest before the attack went straight through both wings and even its chest continuing right through its heart!

**Sunny** Success, you did it, Kimarya! That hairy creature, too...

Kimarya laughed while the odd substance around her that made up the giant Sasquatch form swirled around her gently before disappearing.

She turned to the boy that seemed to come to reason; she dropped her smile and glaring at him asked.

"Who are you and why did you try to share that hyena problem with me?"