Leerum Epsum

Kimarya laughed as all the exhaustion suddenly set in. The odd substance around her that made up the giant Sasquatch form began swirling around her gently before disappearing.

She turned to the boy that seemed to come to his senses; she dropped her smile and coldly asked.

"Who are you and why did you try to share your hyena problem with me?"

The boy, still trying to calm down and return his breathing to normal, answered "Leerum Epsum."

"I'm sorry about the whole hyena thing. I couldn't kill it safely enough, so I tried to find a better way to kill it, or at least seek out a more favorable environment. I was doing that till I saw you running. I admit that it was a little shameful of me to force my problem onto you to help me kill it. But I made such a big effort trying to make it into my Ancestral spirit Guardian and felt too pressured."

Kimarya huffed, still upset before Leerum continued in a distressed voice, "I never would have imagined you had such awful luck to be targeted by a Murder Crow! Not even if I had ten more guts, would I dare run to you. Not even if I knew you had a Demonic Ape as an Ancestral Spirit Guardian."

Kimarya heard an indignant snort in her head. "How dare he confuse me, this great and magnanimous lord as a pitiful Demonic Ape," grumbled Sasquatch after hearing what Leerum said.

She asked him "What's a Demonic Ape?"

Leerum, thinking that Kimarya recklessly got a creature she couldn't identify said,"It's a Grade 5 Spirit Beast, its species reproduce fast and are incredibly powerful and annoying due to reaching this level of strength immediately after becoming adults. The only downside is that their potential is so abysmal that the best possible scenario is only transcending up to a grade 1 creature which is not terrible strength. In fact its incredible strength, but after reaching a certain level of attainments in cultivation, you lose the advantage of its strength and it could even lower your innate potential. Many people looking to reach incredible heights of power too quickly pick these as Ancestral Spirit Guardian forms, but lose out in the long ru-" Leerum lowered his voice and averted his gaze awkwardly after accidentally saying that.

"Ok, I understand." Responded Kimarya, thinking about the response Sasquatch gave, as she was thinking herself lucky and asking in her head, "Sunny, do you have more information on this Spirit Beast grading system?"

**Sunny** Yes, I do. The Spirit Beast system is essentially like this:

(First stage) Animal Grade (1,2) ----> (Second stage)Beast Grade (1,2,3,4,5)

For example, the Hyena from earlier is a Grade 2 Beast and this Hairy Intruder is a Demonic Ape, a Grade 5 Beast.

Kimarya heard a sarcastic tone at the end of Sunny's assessment before feeling the anger and indignation of Sasquatch rumbling over before it loudly interjected, "You dare call this great sir a Demonic Ape?!? I am an Existence that transcends all of your mortal understanding! I've witnessed events and things you could never imagine!!"

Sunny coldly interrupted with more information.

(Third stage) Creature Grade (1,2,3,4,5) -------> (Fourth stage) Broken Existence Grade (1,2,3,4,5)

Alignment evolution:

-Chaotic Existence

-Neutral Existence

-Lawful Existence

(Fifth stage)??????

Leerum looked at the quiet Kimarya who was seemingly in a daze as he thought that he upset her with his unfiltered response before asking, "What's your name?"

Kimarya ignored the still upset and grumbling Sasquatch and paused Sunny's prompts as she looked back at Leerum before hesitatingly answering, "My name is Draeneoy Stormblood, but please call me Kimarya."

Leerum was about to continue before he choked on his next breath and in an unsettled tone quickly asked "That family—So you're a chosen....wait...You're that Draeneoy?!? The supreme warrior body and holy daughter of the Stormblood family?!? You can't be her! She-" He stopped himself from continuing as Kimarya fiercely glared at him.

Leerum again realized he was being extremely rude and also said too much and fell to his knees kowtowing "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking. I didn't want to say that. Please punish me for my transgression!"

Kimarya felt a headache coming in as she grabbed Leerum trying getting to get him to stop kowtowing and stand, but to her great alarm noticed she couldn't make him budge a single inch. Before finally yelling, "Stop that, I know you didn't mean it, let's just get back to the village before another Murder Crow or something comes and really does kill us"

Leerum stiffened after hearing this and got up saying "Thank you Holy daugh-I mean Kimarya."

Kimarya awkwardly smiled before following Sunny's instructions to make it back to the village with Leerum in tow, a journey made easier thanks to the increasing light from the rising sun.

After traveling a day and a half before finally bumping into a guard station letting them know the location of the slain Murder Crow and Hyena as Kimarya and Leerum received medical treatment and were lead to their own personal waiting rooms to wait for the conclusion of the trial.

After waiting a few days, she heard knocking, only to be surprised by an awkward Leerum at her door with an odd bag in his hands.

"I wanted to give you these for saving me as well as compensation for taking the Murder Crow's core... I'm sure you know how important it is for stabilizing and completing the Ancestral guardian forms," he said as he handed her the pouch.

He continued, saying, "This is a spatial pouch, the only one in my family. Inside of it is everything usable of the Murder Crow except the core... I desperately needed it to finish my Ancestral Spirit guardian form. But without a Murder Crow as an ancestral spirit guardian, the core wouldn't help you, even if you found another one. Its benefits would be less.. but please know that it's flesh is considered a cultivation treasure. It is a creature that has absorbed and amassed an incredible amount of natural energies, so it will greatly help in your cultivation. Its feathers could be used as weapons and even as a resource to build a formidable cloak with great defensive strength."

**Sunny** Spatial pouches are incredibly valuable, like the name suggests, they are a lot bigger inside than the outside. They are built with using a fantastical technique and special ingredients.

Kimarya was shocked and held onto the spatial pouch before replying, "I'll give you the pouch back when I'm done with all of it. I can't accept it, it's too special to give it away!"

Leerum shook his head before saying, "Thank you for your assistance, Hol-Kimarya!" Then he immediately sprinted away.

Kimarya, with an amused smile, closed the door. After a few days alone, she and Sunny digested and comprehended more and more of Draeneoy's knowledge and had a more complete understanding of this world and cultivation that is so important to everyone.

They learned that cultivation is the sacred process of power that improves health, increases longevity, known as the very path to power! This is done through the cultivation and comprehension of natural ambient energies known as Qi as you advance on your own path in building your Dao foundation.

The Dao is the path in your heart, your set of principles, your hopes, your goals, your emotions and everything that makes up who you are. There are no wrong paths in the advancement of your Dao. This is what makes up the base and foundation of your cultivation. The growth of your comprehension of the Dao is what allows your cultivation to grow. Comprehension of the natural laws else you risk Qi deviation. A correct balance of these two, plus your innate talents, determines how fast you can have cultivation breakthroughs and to how far you can go.

When finding out someone attainment, better known as cultivation base, there are distinct impressions given by one's aura.

The cultivation levels she was aware of so far are as follows: