Dara Voidspire

The elders around Leerum and the Vertuold Augury stone all nodded their heads and gave praise to this youngster, especially considering he was not a child of noble birth. Very few have been able to defeat a young Murder Crow and the growth potential of this member of the younger generation could be said to be unmatched.

Leerum smiled and bowed to the Elders before walking off the stage, something that made several of them nod in approval, while Shamaner only smiled in an unreadable way.

After Leerum a few others went up with different talent ranging in 3-5 stars, of those only two others having five stars and amazing Ancestral Guardian Spirits. Last up was another well-known member of the younger generation, Zeal SwordTooth, who had 6 stars of talent and the dreadful Winged Vampire Kangaroo variant that was just as shocking as Leerum's and Alastair's results.

The testing ended as a high elder walked up and told all the participants to get their share of resources based on their results at the auxiliary treasury and that Shamaner had made his decision and will contact those he had picked.

Kimarya followed the crowd to the auxiliary treasury before being approached by a quiet and awkward Leerum. He started saying "Hey…" before Kimarya interrupted him. "Save it. The less attention I get, the better. Just don't let it become a habit or I'll consider it a serious offense against me. Oh, and now you owe me another favor!". She smiled while narrowing her eyes.

Leerum involuntarily gulped at her threat. He wasn't sure why someone who had yet to cultivate could be so intimidating. He nodded his head in agreement and started talking to Kimarya. "Right now we're going to pick up some resources, which is 300 exemplary grade energy Jades and 20 blessed grade energy jades! We can also choose two exemplary items!"

Kimarya muttered in her head, "Sunny?"

**Sunny** Based on the information we have, there are 7 levels of energy Jades, which function as both the currency of this world and energy resource that contain massive amounts of natural energy that are also used as power sources.

The seven energy jade grades are:

Exemplary Grade

Blessed Grade

Sacred Grade

Holy Grade

Celestial Grade

Divine Grade

Immortal Grade

Energy Jades are naturally occurring precious stones containing dense amounts of natural energies, typically found deep underground or in special areas containing a high concentration of energy for many years for them to grow.

Kimarya smiled and internally thanked Sunny, who she felt gave a smug smile toward Sasquatch who immediately started to grumble and bicker with Sunny as Kimarya tuned them out and paid attention to Leerum who was moving her through the small crowd of other kids who had just taken the test.

Kimarya was excited as well to see what kind of items the treasury would have and if they would help her initiation in cultivation, so allowed herself to be led by Leerum.

When they got there, they could see that everyone was there. Though most of the attention was focused on Alastair and Zeal. Some of it was drawn towards Leerum and Kimarya when they arrived.

Alastair only gave an arrogant smile at Leerum, as if to mock this commoner from a lowly family in decline that dares try to climb up on a pedestal that he was born to reign on. Zeal gave a quick glance at Leerum and Kimarya before ignoring them, and even Alastair.

Alastair seemed to be the crowd's favorite, as he wasn't cold to those that approached to fawn over him, unlike Zeal, but also from a prestigious and noble family called the Salpan. Zeal was from a very ancient and powerful family line known as the SwordTooth clan, so even with his haughty arrogance that puts no one in his sights, many people still crowded around him although a greater distance than those around Alastair.

Some of the other kids on the outskirts went over to say hello to Leerum and establish good ties with him. He came from an ancient but vastly deteriorating family that lost its qualifications and the great honor for their younger generation to qualify as chosen for several generations already.

Leerum was much more humble than Zeal and more approachable than Alastair, so he got along well with several. Kimarya herself was approached by one or two people. One girl named Dara Voidspire approached Kimarya.

She seemed to be around 13 years old, like everyone; she had long hair that went past her shoulders; she wore several gemstones and gave the impression of a comfortable yet quirky and cheerful person.

As they arrived at the treasury, Kimarya was genuinely excited to choose. As they walked in one by one, they were handed a choice of small spatial bag or ring with ingredients and other special items. Alistair peered into his bag before he gave his to a lackey smugly, saying it's not something that can reach his eyes. Zeal didn't even glance at or accept the spatial bag offered to him as if nothing offered was even worth his consideration.

Soon it was Kimarya's turn and considering she already had the spatial bag Leerum gave to her, she decided to receive a ring instead of another bag and slipped it onto her left pointer finger. For many of those that finished the trial, this was their first spatial item and were very excited even before considering the rewards within.

After everyone else received either a bag or ring, they met an elder who managed the treasury, who handed each three glowing slips of papers with runes drawn on them and explained that they are necessary for them to be able to remove weapons and or items from a rack. They explained that everyone must place the paper on the item to be able to remove it and that it only worked for items on the first four floors. Obviously, they could only get one item per slip of paper..

As everyone split off into a few different groups, a large one centered around Alistair headed in one direction and another group of three, two girls and one boy made their way into a side row, naturally Kimarya was one of the girls, the other Dara and the boy being Leerum who cheerfully chatted with Dara.

It seemed the two knew grew up as good friends. Luckily, Leerum didn't allow Kimarya to be excluded from their conversation as he pointed out weapons excitedly and their properties. It seemed like Leerum was a weapons fanatic, and Dara as well. Kimarya saw that the floors of the treasury were truly massive to the point that they never bumped into more people, choosing items as they browsed through.

Leerum looked over and asked Kimarya, "what kind of weapons are you thinking of choosing?"

Kimarya stopped to think. I've never held a weapon in my life besides a stun gun or a toy at laser tag.

Kimarya responded to Leerum asking, "are there any of those that fire projectiles..like a bow or crossbow?".

Leerum stopped to think for a second before he was playfully knocked on the head by Dara who giggled as she said "Idiot, why are you thinking so long? Of course, there are, a sign up ahead even says projectile weapons." She turned to Kimarya and said, "Come, follow your big sister!"

Leerum quietly followed behind the two, muttering to himself, wondering why she seemed so unfamiliar to something so well known?

Kimarya was starting to really like Dara. She learned that Dara is a serious and in-your-face fighter that easily rushes into combat. With a straightforward attitude to match, who also cherishes friendship. Kimarya also learned that her Ancestral Guardian Spirit was the deadly nightmare panther, a great choice that had a very powerful constitution as well as one of the better growth potentials seen today.