Let's run before he returns with that rusty cauldron!

Kimarya was starting to really like Dara. She learned Dara is a fierce fighter that rushes in your face with a straightforward attitude and who cherishes friendship. Kimarya also learned that her Ancestral Guardian Spirit was the deadly nightmare panther, a brilliant choice that had a powerful constitution and one of the better growth potentials on this day.

As Dara led the way, they arrived at the projectile weapon section after a few minutes of walking where Kimarya saw many weapons like composite bows, short bows, longbows, crossbows, dart blower, and throwing knives.

Kimarya was imagining a crossbow, so she browsed through that area till she saw an interesting one that Dara also noticed and said, "That looks pretty strong, says here that it's called Sinful Tundra, a repeating crossbow."

Kimarya walked closer to the crossbow, noticing it was mostly black and some brown, with a rectangular section on the top for the bolts. There were ancient looking blue runes on the underside.

Kimarya decided at once that she had to have this crossbow. She even felt a sort of resonance with it. Kimarya placed one paper over the bow and after a flash of grey light, the crossbow was free from its invisible constraints where Kimarya could finally hold it in her hands. She felt a strange power flowing inside of the bow as she held it before putting it away into her bag of holding.

Leerum was farther back looking at a Bow this whole time, but he also paid enough attention to notice that Dara and I looked at him. He said, "This is called Freezing Bow of the Wolves, and it also has two elements: Ice and Wind!" After Leerum said that, Dara was about to say something, but he quickly put his paper onto the bow, releasing it and putting it away.

Dara shook her head before looking back at Kimarya, where she said," Guess it's my turn. I'd follow the trend and get a bow or whatever, but I'd never use it, plus I have bad accuracy." She gave a mischievous smile before saying, "I enjoy being up close where the sweat and blood dance where I can get up close and personal looking my enemy in the eye before stomping them into the ground, hehehe." She once again led the way, till they saw short swords, long swords, scimitars, maces, bludgeons, and mauls.

Dara stopped and reached toward a large half-wooden half-metal bludgeon before muttering "This is perfect!". Kimarya thought she could even see stars in her eyes. She could only chuckle and walk closer and to clearly see its name.

It's called Haughty Thunder Bludgeon of the Tiger!

A weapon of two elements being metal and electricity. It had incredible hardness and weight from the metal elemental aspect and extreme speed of electricity. No wonder Dara was so excited, it was an incredible and oppressive combination for combat that rightfully earned the tiger in its name.

Dara quickly pressed her paper slip to the top of it to release and claim ownership of this incredible weapon.

Kimarya felt there was already a good connection within their small group, so she felt it was her turn to get a second weapon or item. Apparently, it was something everyone else implicitly understood by the expectant looks both Dara and Leerum had when looking at her. So Kimarya asked, "Is there a miscellaneous section we can choose from? I sort of feel I could choose a non-combat item. Maybe later I could get a shielding item as well."

Leerum and Dara both had an odd reaction before Leerum responded, "I've been here before. There are some useful items for Crafters and random kinds of items used to build complex formations."

Kimarya was intrigued by the understanding she inferred from the word formation that Leerum mentioned before asking in her head, "Sunny, what formations is he referring to?"

As Leerum led the way, Sunny answered **Sunny** "By formations, you can consider it as a magical script of power. These scripts/designs are derived from their understanding of natural phenomena in the universe mimicking effects like fire, electricity, pressure, etc. It's basically natural laws that were derived through generations that have power and effect change when written. It's very similar to programming. The universe and reality is a computer, and it is those experiencing it that are creating micro versions of the world onto items or space. They are built using the powers of the profound ways or cultivation and are powered in three ways: either unique and powerful ingredients used to create the item that accumulates energy on their own and from their environment, could be powered with the energy contained within energy jades and even from the energy from cultivators themselves!

These formations can do things like shielding the sect for as long as they have energy jades or are powered by cultivators that can hopefully overpower and defend against attacks. They can protect from unauthorized access, attacks, and natural calamities. Usually entire cities, sects, towns, monasteries, and homes.

Formations can do attacks, they can cause effects on environments like allowing concentration and empowering cultivation comprehension to better help cultivators. Their functions and applications are limitless!

Kimarya's eyes were shining. This was almost exactly like programming, something she did professionally and had a grand passion with in her previous life! She thought to herself, "I wonder what amazing things I could create in the future!"

As they walked through many sections of weapons, they saw an elder carrying a large, old and rusty cauldron that, for some odd reason, caught Kimarya's attention. Her eyes made contact with the Elder's eyes who then stopped and asked, "Yes? Can I help you with something, little one?"

Kimarya drew on some confidence and said, "That Cauldron, could I perhaps get it?".

The elder blinked at the surprising question before responding, "This is an ancient cauldron that no longer works, so it's going to be stored in the back to be used later as scraps. It is ancient, but it was created with excellent material that we could reuse to make new items."

She responded, "I want it, please. Can I trade it for this paper that I received?" Leerum and Dara were both shocked and implored her to not do that. They explained that there are cauldrons of much higher quality up ahead and on not wasting this opportunity on trash. The elder was shocked and also told her to reconsider.

Kimarya hesitated after seeing everyone's reactions, but when she looked back at the cauldron, the feeling she initially had only grown even stronger.

Sasquatch suddenly said, "You wouldn't be making a mistake to get that old item. This great one feels it's not as simple as it appears."

Kimarya decided and said more firmly, "I need this cauldron, please allow me to take it.".

The Elder shook his head as if to say no as he thought about how precious the metal was, but seeing how determined Kimarya was and the slip of paper he conceded.

"Very well, but just so you don't feel that this old uncle is cheating you out of this very special paper slip, you can have some basic crafting supplies, the rest of the discarded and faulty items this old one was going to recycle as well since you appear to be an aspiring crafter." Chuckled the elder. "Although they were going to be recycled, you might be able to use some for a while as you grow in your studies without fear of expensive failures in this arduous path. The materials they are made of are not too bad. I'll be right back, please be patient."

After twenty minutes of being questioned by Dara and Leerum, as well as rejecting the crazy suggestion from the daring Dara, who said, "That we could run before the elder returns with the rusty old cauldron." Leerum quickly covered her mouth, saying, "Don't be rude, Dara!".

A minute later they heard the footsteps of the elder, who had a ring of holding in his hand. Kimarya walked over with the paper slip and put it in the elder's hand, who handed the ring to her.

Kimarya accepted the ring, even though she wasn't yet able to check its contents due to not yet cultivating. She also thought it would be too rude to have Leerum check in front of the Elder.

Kimarya thanked the Elder before turning to leave but was stopped by the Elder. "Everyone has less than 10 minutes to finish choosing items. I'm sorry for my delay taking 20 of your minutes, but I suggest hurrying up. There is a very special announcement coming, so the time limit will be enforced."

Kimarya said, "Sorry, I took up so much of your time, Leerum and Dara. I think the best thing to do is split up so we have enough time to make such an important decision…"

Dara was about to retort but was interrupted by Leerum, "She's right Dara, we can meet up later, but we really don't have enough time. I'll take my leave first and see you guys outside in 10 minutes."

Leerum quickly left while Dara hesitated for a moment before heading off in a different direction as she waved goodbye to Kimarya.

Kimarya turned to the Elder before describing a certain weapon she had in mind, hoping something similar exists in the storage. The Elder smiled and nodded before leading the way.

Kimarya and the Elder, after 5 minutes of walking, reached their destination and Kimarya smiled and said, "This is it, and it's better than I hoped!".

The elder shook his head and said, "The youth sure are different these days, good luck little one!" and left.

Kimarya only smiled and put her paper against the item before quickly stowing it away absolutely pleased with her decision.