Chapter three 3

She gave him a deep kiss."

Salamu Alaikum my sweetheart

Yahya. Walaikum salam my baby I love you.

Zara imagining in her mind ... Wow that's great, look at the way I just felt him.

So did he feel the way I feel? No, I don't think so. Maybe he feels. Or maybe he hides his feelings.

But today I will make sure that he finds me as his wife.

I will decorate this room like Jannah.

I will dress like ever.

"Zara went and greeted her in-law and started cleaning the whole house. Her in-law told her to go and sit but she insisted on cleaning up the house. She cleans the whole house and arranges all the cooking utensils in an orderly manner.

She went inside their room and started cleaning the room and changed all the bed sheets and dressed up the whole room with white sheets. She took fragrance perfumes and sprayed the whole room. She turns on the lights of the room so that the room is bright and clear. She cooked jollof rice with a sweet spicy aroma."

It was Magrib time Jamilu came inside the house. She presented Jamilu his own .

Zara. Bra Jamilu please where is Bra Yahya?

Jamilu. As we were on the way home he decided to branch out and greet his friend Abdul Rauf. But he will be back soon

Zara. Ok, have your food. I will go and pray to Maghrib waiting for him.

It was after Ishai's prayer time that Yahya came back to the house.

He walked inside his mother's room and greeted her. And came back to the house as he was entering inside his room, he noticed something strange. The whole house was nicely clean, he then proceeded to his room and noticed the fragrance of the room .

He didn't see his wife, he went inside the room and saw her quietly sitting on the bed.

Yahya. Salamu Alaikum. Baby am back.

Zara. Walaikum salam "she was quiet and she didn't want to mind him again."

Yahya. Zara please talk to your babe naa! "She was still quiet. Yahya moved closer to her and held onto her hands. He watched her face and she was more beautiful than ever. He stared at her face..."

Babe please I know I have hurt you but am sorry. When we were on our way home I decided to go and greet my friend Abdul Rauf. So we were talking and it was time for Ishai prayers. He told me to pray there before I will come, so I decided to pray there in order to save time. "She smiled a little bit" .

Zara. But at least bae just called me and told me. Look, you make me mad at you now. Ok I heard you but next time just call me.

Yahya. Ok thank you. I love you too much "he took her hands and kissed it"

Zara. I love you more. Let me go and bring you your food baby. "She got up and was going Yahya stare at her glamorously".

Yahya imagining in his mind..... ah why or did she do something to me today? Naa it can't be so and I don't think so. But look at the way she is beautiful even more than her wedding day. How come no... she's mine so let me mute my feelings no matter what, she will still come for me one-day.

She brought the food and placed it on a mini table in front of him. She then went for water and came back. She opened the food and the aroma of the food was around the whole room.

Yahya. Wow ! What is this baby, are you sure you are the one who really cooked this food or you buy it in any KFC shop? "She smiled at him"

Zara. Oh am I not your wife? And what are some of the roles of a wife in a house? Oh yeah, am I the one who cooked it or is it now nice. "He did Bismillah and tasted the food.."

Yahya. Have you gone for cooking practice? Because I never see this kind of jollof rice.

Zara. You eat the food and quench your hunger baby.

Yahya. Ok let's eat.

Zara. Oh I have already eaten mine so you eat. When I cooked the food I was hungry waiting for you to come so that we could eat but I have no option but to eat.

Yahya. Ok but you know I can't get the taste of the food unless you feed me.

Zara. Oh why you can eat it by yourself or are you still a child? "While smiling".

Yahya. Ok well if you say so. "He started eating the food till he was satisfied. So he decided to pack the bowls by himself out of the room she noticed and stopped him not to...".

Zara" . Why are you doing that? What is the essence of you marrying a woman? Please I don't want you to be doing that please. I don't want you to starve with me please.

Yahya. For a marrying a woman doesn't mean we should slave them for everything. Even our prophet Muhammad (SWS) used to help his wife's in house chores. So this doesn't mean I should let you alone to be doing everything. Even cooking is also a responsibility of a man. So don't worry, let me do it.

Zara. Please, let me do it because even though I know you can help me but now that I am new here, and if you are to do it they may comment by saying I am controlling you. Which I'm not. "Yahya agreed and gave it to her. She went and washed the bowls and came back".

The two couples went and performed ablution and prayed two Nawafils and went and Laid down. Zara placed her head on Yahya's chest.

Yahya could inhale her body spicy.

Yahya imagines in his mind.... Today the way I wish I could make love with you and you are quite like this. What will I do now? Maybe she's not in her mood. Naa she must be in her mood. Let me touch Play with her. No, if I play with her and she's not in the mood, what will I do?

Zara imagines .... Ah why is he quiet and not even caressing at me or am I not looking good for him. No it can't be so. Or because I took the bowls and washed them myself , that is why he doesn't want to mind me. No it can't be so, because he has agreed with me to wash it.

But why?

Let me play with him and see maybe he may also interact with me. But what if he's not in his mood? "Zara started to experience something strange in her abdomen".

Oh Allah don't let it be that I am going to experience my menstrual period now.

Zara started to feel the pain in her entire body. She was making herself uncomfortable on the bed.

Yahya. Oh what is wrong with you bae? "he got up fast and sat" Is something wrong?

Zara. Ooh my stomach. I felt an abdominal pain.

Yahya. Do you mean you want to experience menstruation?

Zara. I think so but it is now ok. Let me come. I want to visit the bathroom.

Yahya imagines....oh Allah so could it be that she's going to have her menstrual now?

Oh Allah then if so don't let her be hurt with it.

"She went and removed her pad and went inside the bathroom to protect herself before coming back."

Zara. Oh am sorry baby. I think I am not purified now. "She started feeling the pain again" Ah my stomach "she was about to kneel down but Yahya ran and held her and brought her on the bed."

Yahya pov. Are you feeling more pain like that?

Zara. Ye....s.. mmmmh.

"Yahya placed his hand on Zara's navel and recited the following Dua."


Place your hand at the affected area.

Say Bismillah (بسم الله) three times.

Recite the below mentioned Dua (7) seven.

اعوظ بالله وقدرته من شر ما اجد واحاذر

(a'uzu billahi wa qudratihi min Sharri maa Sajid was uhaazir)

Meaning: I seek protection from Allah and His might against the evil of what I feel and fear.

A few minutes later Zara fell asleep. Yahya took her and placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Yahya laid down staring at her.

Yahya imagines.... Yaa Allah please I beg you with your majesty don't let this menstrual hurt her. Because I don't want to see a person in a suffering mood.

He kissed her forehead and also laid down.

It was 4:00 am Yahya woke up and saw that he was late.

He quickly got up and performed ablution and did two Nawafils prayers.

After that, he supplicates to Almighty Allah

for protection and sustenance in their family.

After that, he took the Qur'an and started reciting until the call for the dawn prayers. He got up and went for prayers.

Zara woke up and found that his husband was not on the bed.

She cleaned the place and went and took her bath.

A few minutes later, Yahya came back to the. Zara went to him and hugged him.

Zara. Salamu Alaikum. Baby, I miss you and I wish you could have been with me always.

Yahya. Walaikum salam. I also miss you. And how is your body now baby?

Zara. Oh Alhamdulillah. Am now ok

Yahya. Mashallah then we thank Allah... I'm.."he got a message on his phone. When he checked it was a message from their school."

Yahya . This message is from our school, that all final year students should be in school next week to undertake their final exams.

Zara. Oh, bae so am I going to miss you like that?

Yahya. I will soon be back. I'm just for you so don't worry about anything concerning me please. " Zara went closer to him and hugged him and said.."

Zara. Please babe I don't want to miss you even one hour. I want you to always be with me. "she held him tightly to the extent that she didn't want to let go of him."

Yahya. Listen to me, Zara. From now on I am for you and you can demand me anytime you want me.

And look, don't let me go to school and you will be thinking of me too much. Because it may cause you illness, please.

But something I want to ask and see is whether you still have interest in the school or you will no longer go to school?

Zara. But I insist on trading.

That's what I may prospect on.

A few days before Yahya went to school the two of the couples went to visit Zara's Parents.

They were happy to see their daughter in the hand of marriage. They prayed there to Almighty Allah to bless their marriage and bless their offspring

Yahya told them he will go and accomplish his final year exams by the grace of Allah.

Yahya decided the issue of Zara's education with them but Zara's opinion was still negative.

All of them agreed with her on what she decided for herself. After that, they returned home.

Two days before Yahya will go to school Zara's menstrual period has ended.

On that day her husband was happy.

Because there was no more pain in her

A day before Yahya will depart for school, Zara was sad and she seemed ill.

Yahya tries to find any issue behind her sickness but only to see that she will miss him.

Yahya. Please don't fall sick because I am going to school. Look, I am for you, and don't let this worry you. But remember that I promise to love you and as am going to school am going for the help of all of us.

