chapter four 4

Just feel free in this house. The house is for you. And as far my mom is there then nothing to be worried about please. (he held onto her hand) Babe please look at me. Why do you worry so much about me? Give trust to Allah and pray for me. I will be back to you inshallah. "Tears started dropping from her eyes. She moved closer to him and hugged him and started crying. Tears also started to drop from Yahya's eyes. He used his hand and wiped up her tears."

Please babe you want to hurt me like that. And if you don't want to hurt me, stop crying please. "Zara watched him in a sympathetic mood and said...

Zara. sorry please I don't want to hurt you and I can't be there to miss you these days. I want to always be with you. Nobody ever makes me happy like being with you and I can't wake up without seeing you on my side of the bed. I. I .. just can't..."she started crying again" .

Yahya told her to sit on the bed. Both of them sat on the bed. Yahya tries to change her mood to another level, but it seems to be to no avail. They were still discussing the issue, and they called for Azan for Ishai prayers.

They both got up and performed ablution.

Yahya went to the mosque to pray, but Zara stayed with Jamilu and Mom to pray in the praying room.

After the prayers, Yahya came back to the house and entered the room Zara rushed to him and hugged him.

Yahya kissed on her forehead.

Yahya. Babe, I love you and I will always love you. "Yahya decided to bring a topic so that she may forget her worries".

Babe come and let me show you something great and enjoyable. "Zara followed him and they went and sat on the bed. Yahya removed a toffee from his pocket".

Close your eyes. "She closed her eyes. Yahya removed the scar of the toffee".

Open your mouth. "She opened her mouth and he put the toffee inside her mouth". Do you taste something?

Zara. Something sweet. "she opened her eyes and laughed at him". So this is something enjoyable you talked about?

"She was laughing and threw a pillow on yahya. He also threw the pillow on her. They started playing with each other.

She laid on Yahya and pulled his beards".

Yahya. Aaashh... "he started to feel something strange on his body. He held onto her and started kissing her. They both felt each other and could imagine what may happen now.

He started touching her breast. She squeezed him on her hand and was breathing heavily.

He removed her shirt. And drag out her pants. She was preventing him from removing her pants but he was more energetic than her.

He also removed his shirt and trouser leaving his boxer pant.

He started caressing her body out of control.

He held onto her hands firmly for her not to push him away.

She could also feel his heaviness on her body.

They started kissing each other more and more.

He finally removed his under pant. There he achieved his treasure since he was born.

It was not stable at first but they gradually won their ambition.

Even though she has ever done it before. But it wasn't easy for her.

She was exhausted and unable to walk.

Yahya went and prepared hot water for bathing. He came and held onto her hand and send her to the bathroom. They bathed and cleaned themselves. They came and laid down on the bed.

She was quietly lying down without uttering a word. She turns her face from looking into his eyes.

Yahya was staring at her for sometime before she slept. Yahya got up from the bed and performed two Nawafils of prayers after that he came and lay down on the bed with her. Yahya couldn't sleep early. After some few hours later he slept.

He woke up in the morning around 4:20 am. He got up and performed ablution and prayed two rakats of Nawafils. After that he then went and woke up his wife, and kissed her forehead.

She was still weak but she used courage and walked to perform the ablution.

Yahya went to the Masjid to pray but she stayed with Jamilu and Mom and prayed with them.

After a few minutes Yahya came back to the house and entered inside his mother's room. He did Taslim and she responded back to him.

Yahya. Mom, I don't know what I will do now to Zara in other to ease her. She's still sad and whenever I talk about going to school she's crying.

Mom. My son, it's not her fault. I like sometimes the way she behaves and if you have this kind of woman in your life, you are blessed. What I wanted to tell you is that, if you go to school you can have us visit like twice a month and now that you are going to write your final exams you will be busy with your studies.

Yahya. Mom, that's my problem. Because if we go to school,I will not be able to go out.

But if Allah wills I may get a way out.

I have to go and prepare now, mom. If not, I may be late.

Mom. Ok my dear son you can go now.

"Yahya went inside his room. He saw that his wife had already prepared breakfast. She was smiling and was beautiful too. She came and hugged him. Yahya gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled at him. Yahya was surprised at her smile. Yahya then gave him a kiss she held onto Yahya so tight.

He pushed her a little and said...

Yahya. Babe you let me have breakfast before. "Both of them went and were having breakfast".

Babe, I am happy to see you smiling this morning. And I really love to see you in this happiness everyday. "She smiles at him" .

Zara. You enjoy your breakfast and feel comfortable. "Yahya was staring at her for a while till she realized that he was staring at her". Why are you watching me like that? Oh babe is something wrong? "He quickly took off his eyes and pretended to take the breakfast."

Yahya imagines.... Allah really knows best. But I think because I made love with her yesternight that is why she is happy like that. Oh I really want to stay with her today and fulfill her love for her. But she will miss me too much. I don't want her to think about me too much and I don't want something to hurt her. But as far as my mom is there everything shall be well inshallah. "she interrupted him from his imaginations".

Zara. Why are you so quiet like that? Or the tea is not palatable to you or you are satisfied? "He held onto her hand for quite a while and said....".

Yahya. Zara, I am blessed to have you and from today onwards I promise to never do something to hurt you. I will not let someone hurt you without a reason. "she smiled, and moved closer to him and held onto his waist and laid her head on his chest. Yahya took his hand and stroked her head. She held onto Yahya's waist strongly and said.....".

Zara. Sweetheart, I promise to you to always make you happy and you will always be proud of me wherever you go. But the only thing which is my problem is, I am afraid to lose you. "she spoke in a low tone" .

Yahya. Everything is in the hands of Allah. And He knows best. And I am also afraid to lose you in any matter. "Zara kissed him, Zara felt his body so spicy and she was stroking him. Yahya could feel her. He touched her and they were all aroused. He carried her to the bed ..."

They went and took their bath. Yahya was prepared for school. There they hear Jamilu's Taslim. They all responded to him.

Jamilu. My brother, I'm here in order to give you some of the purchase of the goods. This is the money and it's mounted about #5,000. But I was going to invest back into the business so that I may not have a shortage of things.

Yahya. That's a good idea but I want you to manage the business well till I come back. You take the money back and invest it in the business.

Jamilu. Ok thank you. I wish you good luck my dear brother. "Jamilu went and embraced him for a while. Zara smiled at them". Salamu Alaikum, may Allah go with you Yahya.

Yahya. Walaikum salam and may he make a sustenance in business. "Jamilu went out and left them. Zara helped him to bring out his books from the house. Both of them went out to his mom's room and greeted her. Yahya told her he is going now. She embraced him and said...".

Mom. My son good luck and I wish you a safe journey from Allah and may He go with you. "she left him and kissed his fingers". My son, take care of yourself and learn hard in order to fulfill your dreams. Salamu Alaikum my dear.

Yahya. Walaikum salam. "Zara took his bag in order to accompany him on the way. As they were about to step out from the house, they saw Abdul Rauf and his father standing with a car. They went to them....".

Yahya. Salamu Alaikum.

They replied. Walaikum salam.

Abdul Rauf's father. My son told me that you too are going to the school. That's why I came here in other to pick both of you to the school. "Yahya smiled"

Abdul Rauf. Oh Amarya "referring to Zara" let me have this bag. " He kept the bag inside the car.

Zara embraced her husband and tears started coming out from her eyes. Yahya wiped off the tears".

Yahya. I will see you soon my dear. "Zara did Taslim and they all responded. Yahya went inside the car, she also realized that tears were coming from his eyes. She waved him and he also waved her back. Abdul Rauf's father started driving".

Zara went to the house with sadness and she baffled herself.

She went inside her room and sat down for a while till sleeping overtook her.

≈≈as she was sleeping,she dreamt that her husband has had an accident and there was stain of blood on her body and an ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital≈≈

She woke up and started panicking and breathing heavily...she took her phone and called and called him but his number could not be reached... She called him many times but it couldn't be reached. Tears started coming out from her eyes. She went and took an Ablution can and performed Ablution. She performed two Nawafils and made her request to Allah to let her husband reach school safely.

She started crying there for a while till sleeping overtook her.

∞∞ she dreams that she has seen the husband in white clothes with two people following him to the house. She ran and embraced him and said, I thought you were hurt...∞∞. She worked up and saw that it was a dream, so she decided to call him. But for this time it went but he didn't answer.

She started supplicating to Allah that her husband should be safe.

She called again and he answered this time.

Zara. Salamu Alaikum "she started crying on the call" A ... Al..hamdulillah. What happened to you, my husband?

Husb replied. Walaikum salam. Please stop crying. I don't want you to be hurt and am really sorry. Our car got spoiled on the way and where we are there was no network connection. But now we are on our way. "she was quiet for a while" .

Zara. Alhamdulillah I hear your voice and you are fine too. I really just want to see you now babe.

Yahya. Babe you will soon see me. And inshallah you will see me. "they were not able to hear each other well because of network problems". Babe I can't hear you well so you exercise patients and let me reach in the school you will hear from me. I love you sweetheart. Salamu Alaikum.

Zara. I love you too. Walaikum salam. "She did one Nawafil and prayed to Allah for her husband not to get involved in that accident".

It was time for Asr prayers, she went and prayed with Jamilu and mom in the praying room, after that she went to the kitchen to prepare a meal.

She finished cooking the meal. She served Jamilu his own and presented mom with her own. She sat with her in her room.

Mom. Please if something is worrying you in this house, don't hide it.

From now on I am your mother and don't feel shy to hide anything from me. Hope you hear me? Even as your husband is not there with you, you can come to me so that we can be chatting.

Zara. Mom I have heard, thank you. But I am praying that Yahya should come back home early because I can't really can't do away with him for a day. And I pray that he should come home safely.

Mom. My daughter, don't worry he will come back soon. Allah will provide a way to succeed in his exams.

And don't let his stay in the school hurt even though I know how love is when there is a distance barrier but this one we only need his success and ambition in the school. You can go because they are calling for prayers so that you can perform ablution to meet us in the praying room.

Zara. Thank you very much jazakallahu khaira."She got up and left the room and went to her room. She took her phone and saw her husband's missed call. She was happy to see the missed call. She dialled his number and it went but he didn't answer. Jamilu came inside and told her it's time for prayers.

She put the phone on the table and went for prayers. After they were done with the prayer she came back and there was a call ongoing on the phone. She checked the number and I was her husband. She quickly ran and answered the call."

Zara. Salamu Alaikum my sweetheart.

He replied. Walaikum salam my babe. Am really sorry for not answering your call. I was praying by that time, so please forgive me babe please.

Zara. Oh sweetheart I can't do such a thing to you. So you don't worry there is no problem. By the way, how was your journey? And how is Abdul Rauf?

He replied. Oh Alhamdulillah. We thank Allah for getting school safely. He's fine by Allah's grace.

Baby I miss you too much and I wish to just see you for just one second.

Zar. I really wish it more than you do and I just want to hug you. I miss your hug and I wish you could have been around to kiss my forehead.

He replied. Ok prove to me to see that you really miss.

Zara. I really prove it to Allah and He is the only one who knows what is in my heart. Babe, look I have cooked food and I wish you could have been here to enjoy your meal.

He replied. Hmmm I wish it too and am praying that I should come and meet you home with great happiness. The day that I will be seeing you I don't know what to do. That day I will kill you with enjoyment.

Zara. Babe please have you call your mom?

He replied. Not yet

Zara. You call her before, after you are done you can call me. And don't worry about my privacy staying here. I'm fine and I will wait for you to come back home safely with the grace of Allah. But hope I didn't hurt your feelings?

He replied. No you didn't hurt me babe. That's a good idea and let me call her. After Ishai prayers I will call you back.

I love you babe, take care of yourself. Salamu Alaikum

Zara. Walaikum salam. I love you too.

"She hung up the call and went inside and started taking her meal. She started to think about her husband.

As she was eating, tears started coming out from her eyes. She wiped out the tears".

Zara imagines.... Oh Allah, today I am alone eating and there is no my husband behind me to have this meal. I miss his voice. But Allah you know best never let him down and let him come home with success and tranquility. Make a way for him and let us have successful siblings who will worship you the way you want but not the way they want and guide them away the whisperings of Shaytan (Satan).

And I pray to you not to let him down and whatever you bestow on us pour us your patience so that we can follow your path.

She was crying seriously till the extent that her voice started to change. She took the food and sent it inside the kitchen.

After that she came and took Al-Qur'an and started reciting. A few minutes later, Jamilu came inside and told her it was time for Ishai prayers. She quickly got up and wiped up her face in other for him not to notice what was happening.

After they were done with the Isha prayers Zara came inside and she was sitting down calmly.

She decided to watch TV in other to prevent too much thinking.

She was watching zee world Channel.

Some few minutes later she got a call from her husband she hesitantly went and answered the call