Chapter five 5

Thirty minutes later they were done with Zara and discharged her to go home.

Doctor did not prescribe much medicine to her because she has taken the previous ones, and it is still working on her system.

One week later Zara regained herself back to her Normal condition.

The two couples were always baffled with this issue. Mom hardly eats nor Yahya. Yahya always afflicts himself with prayers and Nawafils all night.

Sometimes he felt sick for not sleeping at night.

Zara always becomes sad about what has happened to her family.

She also addict herself into prayers and she never fails her husband at a glance of any action.

She always becomes sad but gets courage words from her friend kamaria.

Because of this issue her husband has been admitted to hospital twice and she doesn't know what to do with this issue.

It was late at night, Yahya and Zara were lying down on their bed. Yahya got up and he was sitting down without not sleeping. Zara tapped where he was lying down. She couldn't feel him. She got up and saw her husband sitting down.

Zara: Babe please what is the matter why are you awake this late hour? "He was quiet". Look sweetheart, tell me what is wrong. That's why I am your partner and I'm also part of your sorrows and worries, so tell me.

Yahya: Zara I want to tell you something? 

Zara: What is the matter sweetheart? 

Yahya: Zara, I know you love me too much and what am going to say now, I want you to take a look at my mom's condition and I now and for the sake of Allah and agree with me. 

Zara: Okay I'm listening to you babe.

Yahya: Zara, I want to marry another wife to add to you. 

Zara: "she got up on the bed and was surprised for her husband saying such A word out of his mouth" You mean you want to marry another wife?

Yahya: Yes, I want to marry another wife.

Zara: Can you please tell me the reason why you want to marry another wife?

Yahya: I want to marry another wife because it may be that she will be the one to open your door for you and Allah knows best. But the main reason is to make our family happy and you have seen since the last two weeks my mom is out of her mood of happiness and it's my duty to make her happy and the ability is for you to make it.

Zara: Zara for the true fact I didn't disagree with your statement but I disagree with you marrying another wife.

Yahya: "he was watching her furiously" look at me babe as I'm telling you that we never have any disagreement with each other and the best thing I am telling you is for you to agree with me.

Zara: The final true fact is I did not agree with you. Look, "she moved closer to him" it's Allah who provides for a child not the decisions of a man. Remember Allah said 'they plan and Allah is the best of the planners'. So this doesn't mean that if I am not able to give birth you should marry another wife and add to me.

And I disagree with you. I hate this, I hate that !!! "talking loudly".

Yahya:Hey! Look at me I have never said something or I never do something and hurt your feelings and what I am telling you is going to do it. And remember you don't have to be sitting waiting for Allah's blessings. God help those who help themselves and I can't see the issue and mute like a death blind person. I'm a man not a woman!! "Referring to her angrily". I'm the one who marry you and because of me that you are here and remember one thing, as you are saying I shouldn't marry another woman, if that woman was to be you and she said I shouldn't marry another woman and every woman take that decision and said their husbands shouldn't marry second wife, and your sister didn't get a man or you didn't get a man to marry, and a married man said he wants to marry you. And that's the only opportunity left for you. Now there are only two conditions it's either you marry him or you become a public property, I mean a prostitution.

Will you marry him or will you become a public property am asking you?

Zara: I will marry him.

Yahya: So now, maybe there's a woman who has only these two conditions and the best is that Allah will make her marry to a married man rather than to become public property. And if the whole world agree to marry as the Sunna of prophet Muhammad (SWS) stated, there will no more prostitution and there will no more be married fornication to the married men and women.

Zara: "she got up and sat on the bed" so you mean you are serious? Okay you make a good idea in your talk but take this my words if only you really love me. What if you marry a woman who will come to the marital home and cause satanic living in the house, is it not better to be with only  your one wife than to marry a devilish woman who will even cause you into devoice and not being in peace of mind? And that is my last statement I have for you and if you will listen then Alhamdulillah and if you will not listen then it's your own cup of tea.

Yahya: "He got up and stood". How dear you telling me not to marry. Look, now life is going on and no one holds onto his or her life and I can die at any time or you can die at any time. And if you die remember the best property in Allah's sight is your children and now you don't have some who will be your successor to pray and remember about you? Look at me whether you like it or not as I have said I will marry another wife I will do that and nobody can stop me. "He quickly got up and went out to the guest room".

Zara: Babe look please listen to me! "He  was not minding her. She followed him and went there. He noticed she was coming. He quickly entered the room and locked it. She came and pulled the gate and it was locked. She knocked it hard but it turned to death ears." Sweetheart, please listen to me. I am sorry for that and you have to listen to me. "he turned on the TV and started making noise so that he would not hear her talking. She went back to the room and she was lying on her bed crying".

Zara: Oh Allah why me and what a problem have I caused. I befooled myself by giving myself to that devilish boy. And it may be that that's the cause of not giving birth now. And I need peace now, Allah. "She cried for a long period till sleeping overtook him."  

It was early in the morning that she woke up and hesitantly went and checked out the room to see whether he was around or not. He walked till he reached the gate of the room she did Taslim but no one responded. She opened the door and found no one. She went into her room and started crying silently. 

Some few minutes later she realized that she haven't prayed Fajr prayers. 

She got up and took the ablution can and went inside the bathroom and saw that someone had already bathed in the bathroom. 

There she realized that her husband has already gone to work. 

She was surprised about the action of her husband. 

She performed her ablution and went for the prayers. 

After the prayers she made supplications to Almighty Allah seeking forgiveness for what she has caused. 

Some few minutes later, she took her phone and called him. When she called him, he hung up the call. 

She called him ten times but the 11th time, it was off. 

She called him many times but it was all in vain. 

Zara pov…. Yaa rabb I know you are the one who let this happen to us and I pray to you to make it a harmonious living for us and don't let us turn away from you when any of your calamities befall on us. Now I don't know what to do. The best is for me to meet him in his work place and what if he is still angry at me. But I have to go because it is my fault. 

"She got up and had her bath and prepared herself to live." 

But as I am going, wouldn't they think negatively about me? No they wouldn't… m Yes… but let me think what I will do for them not think negatively about me. Yeah, let me wear my niqab so that it will be better for me. 

"She finished dressing up and went inside her in-laws' room. 

Zara: salamu Alaikum. 

Ma'am: walaikum Salam. Wow, look at the way you dress nicely. 

Zara: Thank you ma'am. I am going to greet my friend Kamaria because when I was sick she was always here and now that her pregnancy has weakened her she can't come and I want to go and greet her and see how her condition is. 

Ma'am: There is no problem because she was doing well a lot. You can go but take care of yourself and make sure that you come home early before your husband comes. 

Zara: Ooowh ma'am "while smiling" I will not do that. I may come before they will call for Zuhr prayers. 

Ma'am: Well, no problem, I wish you a safe journey, my daughter. 

Zara: Thank you Ma'am. Salamu Alaikum. 

Ma'am:Walaikum Salam. "she got up and left the room and went out. 

Zara pov. Now that I told her I am going to greet my friend Kamaria, she granted me to go and if I go to my husband's office and Kamaria also comes to look for me and am not around, what will be the case now? Yeah I know what to do now. I have to go to her now before going to my husband's work. "she hurriedly went to her friend's house. As her friend saw her, she got up from the chair she was sitting on and came and embraced her". 

Zara: Salamu Alaikum. My dear, how are you doing? I have missed you too much and am really sorry for not visiting you. 

Kamaria: walaikum Salam. I also miss you too much and I know your condition. That's why I didn't always hurry to disturb you. But by the way, how is your family and how is your husband? 

Zara: Oh Alhamdulillah. We thank Allah and we are all fine too. 

Wow you are just getting due to deliver and may you deliver with ease and peace. 

Kamaria: Inshallah. Am going to give birth to a baby boy for you. "she smiled". 

Zara: For me I want a baby girl because I like them most and I can't wait to see her. 

Kamaria: You don't worry I will give birth to the baby that you want, sister. But sister, I didn't offer you anything. Let me get up and get you something to eat. 

Zara: No you don't worry I have already eaten. As I was about to come I took my breakfast and am still okay till now. I want to even go to the market to buy something sister. So I Will not keep long and I will be the right back sister. 

Kamaria: Oh just like that you are going? Okay no problem but I want to see you come back early because if these our husband's if they are from work and they come and didn't meet you in the house it is like you have poured petrol into water. Don't keep long if not if he comes from work and you are not there they will start thinking negatively against you please.

Zara: Oh you know already how they are and I won't make such a mistake. So don't worry, I will be back soon. Salamu Alaikum. 

Kamaria: Walaikum Salam. Safe journey my dear. "she hugged her and left. She was walking fast. On her way she saw a tricycle and called it to stop. It stopped and took her. When they reached the entrance of their office she got out from the tricycle and paid him. She went closer to the gate and Taslim and it was the security man that responded. 

Zara: Please uncle I'm looking for Yahya the manager of this Bank. 

Security man : Oh Hajiah, he is in the office. Let me call one of his subordinates and tell him that someone is after him. 

Zara: Okay uncle that you. "He went and called one of his subordinates and told him to tell the manager that someone is after him." 

Yahya pov.. 

"someone did Taslim and he knew if will be one of his boys" 

Yahya:Walaikum Salam. Come in. "He went to him". 

Boy: Sir please the security man said I should come and tell you that someone is after you. 

Yahya: "in a surprised look". Who is that? 

Boy: I don't know who that is. 

Yahya: Okay tell him to let the person come in. "he did taslim and went out and told the security man that he should allow the person to come in. Zara went there and she did taslim." 

Zara: Salamu Alaikum 

Yahya: "he was surprised to hear the voice of his wife." Walaikum Salam. come in. "She opened the door and entered. She moved closer to him and she was about to kneel down but Yahya held onto her arms." What are you doing like Zara? "with a sympathetic voice. There, tears started coming out from her eyes." Please stop crying and where we are now. I don't want such a thing to happen please. 

Zara: Please am really sorry for what I have caused you." he let her have a seat behind him". Please and I have heard you and I have agreed with you. Please forgive me for hurting you and am regretting for doing this to you please. "He was quiet without not saying anything. He heard someone doing Taslim at his door". 

Yahya: walaikum Salam. Come in. " One of his boy's came in holding files in his hands".

Boy: Sir, please this is the files and I have finished recording the transactions.

Yahya: Okay well done Jazakallahu khaira. "He turned to go". Wait, this is my wife and I am sorry for not introducing my wife 5o you people. Her name is Zara."while smiling".

Boy: Mashallah sir we are also grateful for seeing you having a wife. Hajiah Salamu Alaikum.

Zara: Walaikum salm. "He noticed That her voice was in a mood of sadness. He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong but he stopped because he can't interfere with what doesn't concern him."

Boy: Wish you people a peaceful and harmonious living in your home.

Yahya: "he smiled" thank you very much jazakallahu khaira. "The boy left them only in the room. Zara," he held onto her hands" am also sorry for hurting you. "He hugged her and kissed her forehead".

Zara: Thank you very much for forgiving me and am also sorry for the hurt that I hurt you. He tried to kneel down to beg him but he held onto her".

Yahya: Please look I have forgiven you and don't do this again please because we don't fight it was a disagreement.

Zara: Thank you very much sweetheart and happy. May Allah bless you. " She moved closer to him and hugged him. Because she was wearing a Niqab, Yahya couldn't see her very well."

Yahya: Am also happy for you. But you go to the house I will come home early today. So don't worry babe. I want you to prepare my favorite food for me today because it seems I am starving now and I won't buy any food unless your's. Take care of yourself. May Allah go with you. Salamu Alaikum.

Zara: Walaikum salam. I love you sweetie. " She left the office. As she was going one of Yahya's boy's called her and she stopped".

Boy: Hajiah please let me take you with my car and send you home.

Zara:Oh you stop. I want to go somewhere before going to the house so don't worry about me. But by the way, thank you for your care. Jazakallahu khaira. "She went to the security man and gave him #100. The security man thanked her and she walked away."