75. Attacker

"You know what?" Angie voiced her shock.

"You know who the spy is?" Leaning forward with a wide opened mouth, Micheal voiced his shock too.

"Yes, in fact, I even have proof." Raising his index finger, Sam stated. "I'll give you a hint. It's a 'she', and she is from your class."

"What?" As if a bombshell had been dropped on him, Micheal widened his eyes. "My class? Are you sure, brother? Who is it?" 

"But before that, why haven't you informed the authorities in your Academy?" Angie broke in with one of her perfectly valid questions. 

"Yes, your class. Yes, I'm sure. No, I can't tell you." After answering all of Micheal's questions, Sam turned to Angie and faced her. "I haven't told them because it's not the right moment yet." 

"Why can't you tell me-" cutting off Micheal's question, Angie spoke.

"What do you mean it's not the right time? There are people who could be in danger!"