76. The End Of The Beginning


Another punch landed right between Rebekah's eyes. The impact was strong enough to make her drop to her knees.

But even as she was on her knees, Sam didn't stop his assault. He threw another straight hook aimed at her face.

Rebekah tilted her head and dodged the incoming blow. But that wasn't all.

As soon as his fist missed the mark, Sam grabbed her head from behind and pushed his right knee forward. 


His knee landed at Rebekah's chin, making her fall to her back.

Sam was not going to stop even now. He mounted her, pinned her down, and started throwing punches at her.




One after another, Sam kept hitting Rebekah, who was defenselessly lying down there and taking his endless assault. 

All the while she had only one thought in her head, 'Am I losing in the battle of strength?'