87. Choose Your Fate

"Mmmmh! Anhhh!" A silver-haired girl was tied to a chair. She was trying to scream, but the gag prevented any sound escape.

"Calm down, Kiara," in front of her was a figure standing in the shadows. "I won't kill you. Not right now, at least." 

The figure slowly stepped out from the shadow area and revealed himself. It was Sam, of course. 

His eyes were glowing white, indicating that he was using White Walker's ability constantly to keep Kiara's ability suppressed.

"That's not to say I won't hurt you." 

"Mhhhh! Nnhhhh!" The girl tried her best to shout for help, but her screams were muffled.

Rolling his eyes at the apparent stupidity to express his disappointment, Sam spoke again. "It's no use. No one will be coming to save you." 

As soon as he said that, Sam switched on the T.V. in the room. The dark room was instantly brightened up by the light that came from its screen.

[Academy City was hit by a criminal attack?]