88. Winds Of War

"Arhhhhhaa! Nooohhhaaa!" 

Agonizing screams of a girl filled up the abandoned house while Sam simply stood there with an expressionless face.

It was actually Sam's clone, and he just started the transformation process for Kiara as per Sam's orders.

"Can't believe it. We're actually going with it." The clone muttered to himself underneath his breath.

Although he wasn't comfortable seeing Kiara in pain like that, he didn't dare to raise his discomfort against his original.

Clones made by Sam will always be loyal to him. That's how they were programmed. They'll have a similar personality to his but would be leaning more towards the submissive side.

And, of course, they would also always be weaker than the original. Since Sam created them, he could destroy them with a single thought.

They couldn't even resist since their abilities stem from him.