Music Video's Production Process

Auburn Way Street, Elffire City.

The production crew for the Moonlight's music video could be seen working with focused eyes.

And a song could be heard being played on the back.

Arthur played the song that would be the base for the music video.

He wanted everyone to get connected to the song and think of ways to adapt the script perfectly to the song being played.

Each member had a task to do, and they worked without having distracting thoughts.

To understand what each one of them was doing, we have to understand what producing a video or film means.

When someone makes a film or music video, it is needed to follow an organized process. 

It's best to think of filmmaking as three distinct stages:

First, it is the planning and getting ready to film (development and pre-production).

Second, it is filming (production).

Third, it is editing and adjusting the takes (post-production).