Destination Chosen

Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City.

While Ayia, Shizuka, Arthur, and the rest of the crew started the Sunday with the initial preparations of music video production, Theo woke up early as usual to do his morning workout.

Although it was Sunday and consequently Aurora could sleep more because of the absence of classes on this day, she still woke up before the sun rose through the skies.

She was determined to work out with her brother every day to compensate for the lack of the time that the two of them would spend together this month because the two of them were too busy.

Aurora had her first year's final exams to study, which were particularly difficult because Yukihime High School was too exigent.

And Theo had a music album to launch and an animation studio to guide.

Theo woke up feeling refreshed, after the call he had with Ayia last night a lot of the things were made clear to him.