
"Thank you for the food!" Ayia said as she put down her chopsticks..

"Gochiso sama deshita!" Theo chimed in with a smile.

The two of them had just finished eating the ramen they made as they talked to each other.

It was a lovely dinner where they got to know each other better and had a lot of fun.

The two of them felt their hearts warm up as they finished eating and looked at each other.

Even though it was just a simple dinner, the two of them felt it was the perfect dinner date.

"Don't worry about the dishes. Sylph will take care of that." Theo said as he sipped his wine.

"Okay, Sylph is awesome." Ayia nodded as she observed the drones taking the dishes from the table.

"What do you want to do now? We can go outside and enjoy the night or we can go to the cinema room and watch something while we eat something sweet." Theo suggested.

It was still early in the night, so they still had time to do a lot of things.